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Pakistan's Intellectual Brain Drain

Secular Revolution


New Recruit

Jun 16, 2011
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The growing trend of the intellectual elites leaving Pakistan to pursue better economic or academic lives abroad had always been around but at no stage up until now this phenomenon had reached the threshold where people are not merely leaving on their own accord but forced out of their homeland due to threats to their lives and those of their loved ones.

Javed Ahmad Ghamdi sahab - a well-known moderate scholar of our times speaks of his plight in the video below.

If this trend continues the only people left in Pakistan would be the feudal lords and their goons and the religious mullah and their terrorist supporters.

For any nation, it is normally 10% of the people that pull the ropes for the reamaining 90% of the population. This 10% is capable of high achievements regardless of where they reside and would be welcome by most western countries in order to benefit their economies. Take the example of Nazi Germany when the leading scientists left for a better life in USA and contributed to many of the scientific and military achievements that came subsequent to this. Hence, if driven to it, there is no doubt that the Pakistani elite will take flight in search for a more stable and peaceful life.

For Pakistan, this trend spells diaster. What are the moderate figures living in Pakistan doing to counter this growing threat? Can it be countered or is consumption of our society by extreme elements inevitable at this stage?

Also those living abroad would particular note that this religious extremism is no longer limited to Pakistan but is on the rise in western countries.

In my opinion, Muslims themselves have become the greatest threat to Islam, its nations and its people.

Are we failing to recognise the "enemy within" ?

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good if he left...we have other important stuff to sort out rather than dicussing why he left,,,must have found a better job whatelse...btw he has this unexplainable deception on his face dont know if only i see it or other people can see it too:undecided:
I am not sure what he has to offer to the world that he be considered as "brain drain" for Pakistan?

but on the other hand disparity in opinions is good for healthy society,

well overwhelming majority might disagree with his views, but No doubt he should not have left, the state should have given him the necessary protection and sense of fearlessness to express... no group should terrorize the other, counter with arguments and end the discussion on a positive note; which should be welfare of the nation.
let the discussion be taken to the "real problem" which is brain drain. no less than 85% of doc after studying from prestigious institutions leave country for a better job/future. most engineers do leave for middle east etc, which is a problem that neither state is offering them jobs nor security...
Another intellectual departed along with the thousands who have already left !
Moderate scholars are need of Pakistan now. It is bad for Pakistan if someone like him leaves the country.
I have heard Ghamdi Sahib on several religious debate on TV. He was quiet all right. His view was neither extreme nor too moderate which is actually encouraged by Islam. Moderation is the best way. It's sad he left Pakistan.

By the way, Where did he go?
Until the US backed failed democracy of Zardari and Company is in place, expect little improvement in anything
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