Pakistan doesn't have an approach. The awam is stupid and leadership is absent in every segment of society. Everyone is focused on point scoring. Truth is human life is cheap in our country - hence the calls for herd immunity, the negligence of social distancing and on the other hand, the disregard of the economic impact of total lockdown.
We need a pragmatic approach.
1. Total lockdown of all people who are immuno compromised, has respiratory disorders and people who are in close contact with them (designated carers). State to fund loss of earnings for those people.
2. Anyone who can work from home, should work from home. Businesses should be checked to see if they're doing the maximum possible to facilitate that. Give them tax breaks as incentives and tartif free import of IT equipment to help facilitate this.
3. Everyone else back to work - but employers ensure social distancing and provide PPE for staff.
4. No school college etc till the new academic year. When it does open up, facilitate over longer hours and 7 days a week to allow for social distancing. Pay teachers more to cover the costs. Provide free PPE for all staff.
5. Cancel routine non essential hospital appointments and services to ensure health facilities can cope with covid case load in a safe manner.
6. Massive fines and strict enforcement of social distancing in public places. Ram a danda up the colonel ki biwi types.
7. Mandatory masks in public, even if they're homemade.
8. Prohibit all public gatherings of over 20 people. No sports events, concerts, rallies, juloos, etc.
9. Track and trace. Lock down anyone in contact with a case for 2 weeks.
10. Selective lockdown in problem areas. If somewhere has an outbreak, lock it down.
It's much more manageable this way.