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Pakistan’s Financial Crisis Puts China’s Belt and Road on the Spot | Global Research

Why bring this to your forum unless you like it :lol:

Well, Now we can scrap IWT :lol:

Every Pakistani will back your claim. No facts needed to backup such claims :lol:

ha ha ha ........:D:D:D
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Why bring this to your forum unless you like it :lol:

Well, Now we can scrap IWT :lol:

Every Pakistani will back your claim. No facts needed to backup such claims :lol:

what an awful post Rape-istani

ha ha ha ........:D:D:D

ha ha ha ........:D:D:D
Rape-istani cheer leading another indian rape-istani
Chinese are the owners of your CPEC port Gwader for next 40 years

They recently bought your Stock Exchange

They are going to be your major Power Supplier

They are financing your current account deficit

If there is any disease named " China Itch " then the person who beds with China is bound to be infected.:D
Like I said ! :chilli::chilli::chilli::chilli:
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