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Pakistan’s exports to EU countries increase by 15.76%


Feb 2, 2007
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SLAMABAD: Pakistan’s exports to 28-member European countries- European Union (EU) witnessed a growth of 15.76 percent ($333.18 million) under the autonomous trade preferences on 75 products from January to April 2014, documents available with this scribe revealed.
In absolute terms, under Generalised System of Preference (GSP) plus status the export proceeds to EU of the 75 products reached $2446.52 million in January to April 2014 period of 2013 from $2113.34 million over the corresponding period of last year.
The sector wise break up oft exports revealed textile remained the major beneficiary of the GSP plus arrangement. Pakistan’s exports of textiles to EU increased from $1.44 billion during January-April 2013 to $1.74 billion during the same period in 2014.
There has been an increase of $300 million in our exports of textile product to EU during the first four months of 2014 as compared to the same period in 2013.
Pakistan’s exports of textile garments to EU during January-April 2013 amounted to $663.36 million. They increased to $822.77 million during the same period in 2014. Thus textile garments sector registered an increase of $159.41 million in four months.
Pakistan’s exports of home textile products to EU from Pakistan amounted to $542.82 million during the same period in 2014. Hence exports of home textile products registered an increase of $114.27 million.
Pakistan’s exports of intermediary products of textiles like yarn and fabric of all types to EU amounted to $334.13 million during the period January-April 2013. During the same period in 2014 Pakistan’s exports of intermediary goods of textiles to EU amounted to $360.57 million. Hence Pakistan’s exports of intermediary goods of textiles to EU have increased by $326.44 million in four months.
Pakistan’s exports of carpets to EU amounted to $14.71 million during January-April 2013. However during the same period in 2014 it amounted to $15.47 million. Hence exports of carpet also increased by $759,333 in four months’ time.
Pakistan’s exports of leather to EU increased from $185.47 million during January-April 2013 to $199.38 million during the same period in 2014.
Pakistan’s exports of intermediary goods of leather amounted to $48.78 million during January-April 2013. During January-April 2014 it increased to $53.95 million.
Hence there has been increase in export of intermediary goods of leather to EU amounting to $5.17 million in four months.
Pakistan’s exports of footwear to EU amounted to $32.37 million during January to April 2013. Pakistan’s exports of footwear to EU amounted to $37.49 million during the same period in 2014.
Pakistan’s exports of Polyethylene Terephathalate (PET) to EU during January-April 2013 amounted to $5.85 million. Pakistan’s exports to of PET during the same period in 2014 amounted to $13.75 million. Hence there has been an increase of $7.79 million during four months’ time in 2014.

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