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Pakistan's Army Chief Key To U.S. Plans In Region


Apr 24, 2007
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Pakistan's Army Chief Key To U.S. Plans In Region

by Jackie Northam


Morning Edition, February 26, 2009 · Within the next few weeks, the Obama administration will unveil its new strategy — and goals — for Pakistan and Afghanistan. One of the central figures in that strategy is Pakistan's army chief of staff, Gen. Ashfaq Kayani, who has been meeting with U.S. officials this week in Washington.

When Kayani became chief of staff just over a year ago, there was a collective sigh of relief both in Pakistan and in the United States. Kayani replaced Gen. Pervez Musharraf, who also served as president. Musharraf stepped down under pressure and in disgrace after eight years of rule.

Kayani was quickly met with high praise from U.S. officials. The chain-smoking, stern-faced general is eloquent, enjoys a round of golf and studied at the U.S. Army Command and General Staff College at Fort Leavenworth, Kan.

"I think the United States went a little overboard in trying to project him as Western-oriented, Western-educated, Western-trained," says Shuja Nawaz of the Atlantic Council. Nawaz, the author of Crossed Sword: Pakistan, Its Army and the Wars Within, is one of few people who have interviewed Kayani. He says that even though the general is seen as liking the United States, Kayani's primary loyalties lie with Pakistan.

"The reality of the situation is, in Pakistan, that the army chief decides what's in the army and the country's national interest, and not necessarily in the interest of partner nations, even if they are such major superpowers as the United States," Nawaz says.

The Most Powerful Man In Pakistan

When Kayani took control of the 600,000-strong army, he essentially became the most powerful man in Pakistan. The army controls foreign policy and much of the economy, and it was the army that decided Pakistan would become a nuclear-armed state.

Kayani also has been head of Pakistan's powerful intelligence agency, the ISI, which has had long links to the Taliban. Pakistani author and journalist Ahmed Rashid says that during that time, Kayani worked closely with senior CIA and Pentagon officials.

"So he knows a great deal of the whole covert war — where all the bodies are buried, as it were, what the extent of the relationship with not just the American military but with the American CIA has been and is right now," he says. As far as the war on terrorism is concerned, Kayani is "very, very much on the ball," Rashid says.

Relations with Pakistan's military, and certainly with its army chief, are critical to U.S. national security concerns because of a resurgence of the Taliban and al-Qaida along Pakistan's border with Afghanistan. The United States has been pushing Pakistan hard to take on the Islamist militants.

Seth Jones of the Rand Corporation says Pakistan has launched offensives in some regions and has coordinated with the United States in dozens of missile strikes from unmanned drones. But, he says, Pakistan is reluctant to take on some militant groups.

"Pakistan is primarily interested, as one might expect, in targeting groups that threaten the Pakistani state. The United States is interested in targeting groups that threaten the Afghan state," Jones says. "There is overlap in some of these areas, but there aren't in others."

Striking A Balance

Jones says that while that has been a common point of friction between the U.S. and Pakistan, there are clear and increasing strategic overlaps between the two countries. That includes allowing the United States to train the paramilitary Frontier Corps in counterinsurgency techniques. The U.S. wants this training broadly extended to Pakistan's regular army. And it may have some leverage when Kayani meets with Pentagon and administration officials this week to ask for helicopters, drones and other equipment, Rashid says.

"Gen. Kayani will be carrying a big shopping list for the Pakistan army that he wants from the Americans," Rashid says. The United States, Rashid says, is likely to say they'll be happy to oblige, "'but we'd like you once again to commit a regular number of troops to be trained in counterinsurgency so that American equipment can be used most effectively.'"

But Kayani has to be careful to be seen in Pakistan — where anti-Americanism is rife — as striking the right balance between helping fight Islamist extremism but not bowing to U.S. pressure, says Anthony Cordesman of the Center for Strategic and International Studies.

"The minute we create the image that any figure is not serving the interests of his own country and his own people, we fatally undercut that person ... and we also undercut our own interests by basically weakening the people we need most," Cordesman says.

Nonetheless, Kayani is being given a warm reception during his trip to the United States, which includes a return visit to Fort Leavenworth, where he studied as a young major. The topic of his thesis was "Strengths and Weaknesses of the Afghan Resistance."
He is the only Hope for Pakistan, Zardari has Done everything he could do, Now the whole Nation is looking Towards Kiyani, Can he stabilize Pakistan without Directly Involving Army in Pakistani Politics.

Can he persuade Americans to Stop Drone attacks on Pakistani Soil. How Much Benefits can he earn from USA for Pakistan's Co-operation on WOT. Can he Bring Apache Helicopters, Drones and the latest Defence Hardware required by the Army.

Let see what he will do for Pakistan but the Main Point will be HOW will do that and what approach he will use to counter every challenge faced by Pakistan and Pakistani Army.
He is the only Hope for Pakistan, Zardari has Done everything he could do

Has he really and honestly? I am some what sceptical on that sort of statement.

Can he persuade Americans to Stop Drone attacks on Pakistani Soil. How Much Benefits can he earn from USA for Pakistan's Co-operation on WOT. Can he Bring Apache Helicopters, Drones and the latest Defence Hardware required by the Army.

I doubt he can stop the drones but he can provide intel to make sure they hit the correct target. This would be beneficial to both Pakistan and the US.
But that also requires a level of trust and real joint commitment by both parties.

As to the latest and greatest hardware, I suspect he will get some but not everything on the list. But asset sharing may be a better way to look at things.

Let see what he will do for Pakistan but the Main Point will be HOW will do that and what approach he will use to counter every challenge faced by Pakistan and Pakistani Army.[/

He is but human so don't put him in a position that he has no chance of attaining. That is being unfair.
He appears to be a man for his country but he also has to deal with the civilian government. Hence he is handicapped.
General Kiyani is the only Key of Hope for pakistan otherwise i Think Zardari has done all that he can do!!!!
Yes with this approach the bell doth toll, and it tolls for you!!

General Kiyani is the only Key of Hope for pakistan otherwise i Think Zardari has done all that he can do!!!!

The key to Pakistan yes is General Kiyani BUT it must also be the GoP when they decide to make some strong initiatives.
The general need the strong backing of the GoP and political parties both nationally and provincial. So far this all seems thin on the ground.

Don’t put the weight on the nation on him unless you are prepared to do something about your government. Like wake it up.
Governments don’t go into hibernation just because they are the government.
"Strengths and Weaknesses of the Afghan Resistance."Kayani's thesis very intersting!:D
He is the only Hope for Pakistan, Zardari has Done everything he could do

Has he really and honestly? I am some what sceptical on that sort of statement.

I doubt he can stop the drones but he can provide intel to make sure they hit the correct target. This would be beneficial to both Pakistan and the US.
But that also requires a level of trust and real joint commitment by both parties.

As to the latest and greatest hardware, I suspect he will get some but not everything on the list. But asset sharing may be a better way to look at things.

He is but human so don't put him in a position that he has no chance of attaining. That is being unfair.
He appears to be a man for his country but he also has to deal with the civilian government. Hence he is handicapped.

As Pakistan has Got a President Like Zaradari, People have lost hope in the Govt of Pakistan but when it comes to National security and Defence of Pakistan, People in Pakistan Look at the Army and as Kiyani is the chief of our Army, People have lot of expectations from him and that's why i said He is the only hope for Pakistan.

Regarding Drone attacks, Pakistan has Offered Co-operation on Intelligence sharing but Americans Prefer Unilateral Actions and that's why the collateral damage has been high and it has also disturbed the relations among two countries. and you are right in saying that "level of trust must be increased and real joint commitment by both parties".

Pakistan has a Right to get the latest Equipment and Defence hardware for the defence of the country, IF USA will give us, what we require then well and Good otherwise we are used to their Tactics and we have other options as well.

Regarding Sharing of assets...Americans have been using Pakistani Bases and Pakistani Assets for their own Purposes but they are very hesitant If Pakistan ask for their assets to be used by the Pakistani Forces, so again Level of Trust and Co-operation must be increased.

He is a Human no doubt about it but he is Facing great challenges and he must be supported by the Pakistani Nation and GoP. He is a Person of Great Caliber and we know he can do the job for Pakistan without compromising Pakistan's National Security OR Friendship with USA.
The reality is Pakistan needs the US aid money and the US needs to put the hurt on the Taliban to make a political solution more viable.

It's in everyone's interest to keep the relationship solid. There will be time for anti-Americanism later once Afghanistan stabilizes/the US loses interest in Afghanistan and subsequently Pakistan.
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