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Pakistan's Army Chief Calls Kashmir its 'Jugular Vein'


Jun 24, 2012
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Pakistan's Army Chief Calls Kashmir its 'Jugular Vein'


Islamabad: Terming Kashmir as the "jugular vein" of Pakistan, the country's Army Chief Gen Raheel Sharif on Wednesday said the issue should be resolved in accordance with the wishes and aspirations of Kashmiris and in line with United Nations Security Council (UNSC) resolutions for lasting peace in the region.

Addressing the main ceremony to mark the 'Youm-e-Shuhada' (Martyrs' Day) at GHQ Rawalpindi, Gen Sharif said Kashmir was an internationally recognised dispute.

"Matchless sacrifices offered by Kashmiris will not go in vain," he said.

The resolution of the Kashmir issue is "indispensable" for lasting peace in the region, he said.

"Pakistan Army is in favour of peace but is always ready to respond to any aggression in befitting manner," he said.

Pakistan has often described Kashmir as the "jugular vein" but this is the first time Gen Sharif has used the term or spoken about Kashmir since taking over late last year.

Talking about domestic issues, he said that Pakistan Army believes in strengthening of democracy, supremacy of constitution and rule of law.

The army chief lauded the media and said: "We believe in freedom of media and responsible journalism".

His comments came amid a controversy surrounding the attack on leading Geo TV anchor Hamid Mir and subsequent move by the Defence Ministry seeking cancellation of the broadcasting licence of the channel.

Sharif said Pakistan Army supports every effort for elimination of terrorism and restoration of peace in the country.

He said armed forces of Pakistan are capable enough to foil the nefarious designs of the enemy and remain alert round the clock for defence of the motherland.

Nobody should doubt the capabilities of Pakistan Army as it will come to the expectations of the nation, he said.

Sharif asked anti-state elements to unconditionally accept Pakistan's Constitution and join the national mainstream otherwise the military "with the support of people will take them to task".

The ceremony was attended by a large number of dignitaries, including Defence Minister Khawaja Asif and former Army Chief Ashfaq Pervez Kayani.

Link - Pakistan's Army Chief Calls Kashmir its 'Jugular Vein' | NDTV.com
lol..and I think the prevalent idea was the Pakistanis want Kashmir for Kashmiris and not for themselves, up to such an extent that they named Pak-Administered-Kashmir as Azad Kashmir(well, then they kept it for themselves).The general could not have made it more clear.
That Mirwaiz should listen to this as well before bouncing up and down like a ping-pong ball.
Really? :woot: If Kashmir is Pakistan's jugular vein then Balochistan is India's jugular vein. :P

But seriously, Raheel knows full well that jugular vein or not, Kashmir will always remain with India till the Sun turns into a red giant or well after the stars in the universe start winking out! This bluster was for the civilian dispensation seeing that the reputation of the Army was being tarnished and at a low ebb at present.

So the best way to get back to the glory days of yore is to invoke the 'K' word which works like magic! The sheeple just lap it up like there's no tomorrow!! :azn:
lol..and I think the prevalent idea was the Pakistanis want Kashmir for Kashmiris and not for themselves, up to such an extent that they named Pak-Administered-Kashmir as Azad Kashmir(well, then they kept it for themselves).The general could not have made it more clear.
That Mirwaiz should listen to this as well before bouncing up and down like a ping-pong ball.

The words 'Jugular veins' translate into rivers of Kashmir, the Muslim majority of Kashmir is just an excuse, the main obsession is with the water resource of Chenab-Jhelum-Indus river system.
The words 'Jugular veins' translate into rivers of Kashmir, the Muslim majority of Kashmir is just an excuse, the main obsession is with the water resource of Chenab-Jhelum-Indus river system.
Thats quite obvious...concren for Kashmiri muslims, thats just crcodile's tears.

Our army chief should make a statement about Lahore in the same way...

Our army chief doesn't make political statements like that..He simply does the job that has been assigned to him.
Mine won all WARS....your just $ucks....That is why...who cares about what raheel sharif thinks?...
Funny how I was not even talking about ur army, and still u moron u had to dig deep into ur unstable mind to pull out a retarded gem. Now I dont want to indulge into a debate with someone who cant think better then a 2 year old kid. In fact that toddler can make better judgement then u. Now go suck on ur feeder.
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it is a jugular vein of Pakistan and its an issue of supporting the aspirations of a people who have been abused by foreign occupiers...its our duty to support the cause, its a noble one

Our army chief should make a statement about Lahore in the same way...

except the people of Lahore are among the most nationalistic in the whole country....good like finding Kashmiri masses who DONT support independence from india's iron-fisted yet artificial grasp of iOk
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