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Pakistan's arms not for decoration, can give befitting response to India: Khawaja Asif

Major Shaitan Singh

Dec 7, 2010
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Pakistani Defence Minister Khawaja Asif has said that if forced into war by India, Islamabad will respond in a befitting manner, adding that "our arms are not meant for decoration".

"If need be, we will use them against India," he said.

While speaking at an event in Islamabad on Monday, the defence minister severely criticised a recent series of hostile statements from Indian politicians, Dawn online reported.

"By issuing provocative statements, Indian politicians want to distract Pakistan's attention from the war on terror," he said, adding that India had been "promoting terrorism in Pakistan."

The defence minister said that Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif had placed the recent "threatening statements" from India before UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon in a recent meeting between the two in Tajikistan.

The Senate last week passed a unanimous resolution strongly condemning recent provocative statements made by the top Indian leadership, including the threat of attacks on Pakistani territory.

The resolution had said that Pakistan would never allow its territory to be violated by India under any pretext and Pakistan's armed forces are capable of issuing a befitting response to any such incursion.

Read more at:
Pakistan's arms not for decoration, can give befitting response to India: Khawaja Asif - The Economic Times
Pakistanis still hurting over Myanmar.

Everyone in Pakistan is having massive paranoia attack because of Indian actions, everyone from the janitor to the Prime Minister to the Army has issued statements! :lol:

India must be sensitive to small countries sensitivities! They scare easily!
Pakistanis still hurting over Myanmar.

Everyone in Pakistan is having massive paranoia attack because of Indian actions, everyone from the janitor to the Prime Minister to the Army has issued statements! :lol:

India must be sensitive to small countries sensitivities! They scare easily!
Have some treatment for your stomach...it can cause perfect hallucinations some times..!! :rofl:
1 or 2 hard statements from india and there whole country army talk shows national and provincial assemblies are reacting on it where as after giving these statements india moves on with its ususal work ummm
1 or 2 hard statements from india and there whole country army talk shows national and provincial assemblies are reacting on it where as after giving these statements india moves on with its ususal work ummm
please keep giving as they keep us warm and fuzzy, also if indians don't care why do spout shit at my country time and again, trust me our leadership has more pressing matters at hand...
please keep giving as they keep us warm and fuzzy, also if indians don't care why do spout shit at my country time and again, trust me our leadership has more pressing matters at hand...
u missed the whole logic but u pointed at the main issue and still u cant understand whats happening
umm figure that out :coffee:
Isnt Moody the same dude who used to encourage killing of Muslim's at will during his tenure as CM
why you are interested in India internal affair, Did you seen any Indian PM making statement when you broke Hindu temples and attack Hindu population and kidnapping Hindu gals etc happen in PAK ?

Do you think Muslims burnt the Hindu in train and Hindu remain keep quite and do nothing. ?
why you are interested in India internal affair, Did you seen any Indian PM making statement when you broke Hindu temples and attack Hindu population and kidnapping Hindu gals etc happen in PAK ?

Do you think Muslims burnt the Hindu in train and Hindu remain keep quite and do nothing. ?

Your so called internal affairs hero is leading your country ,our interest level suddenly increases .Your Mass murderer is aggressively challenging opponent normally we tend to ignore such moron but in your case we need to show you that we cant be bullied .

2007 Samjhauta Express bombings remember this .?
Your so called internal affairs hero is leading your country ,our interest level suddenly increases .Your Mass murderer is aggressively challenging opponent normally we tend to ignore such moron but in your case we need to show you that we cant be bullied .

2007 Samjhauta Express bombings remember this .?
2007 was it bombed inside the PAK? Mumbai bomb attack and dawood & his kids in PAK was long before Samjhauta .

All you have Samjhauta attack, that also happened inside India border. if put down the list
Mumbai Bombing by dawood with help of PAK
Gujarat Temple attack
Parliament attack
Mumbai attack

all above is the starting You have only one thing keep harping about that thing only. India do not bully but time have changed for sure that's why all PAK is not worrying.
2007 was it bombed inside the PAK? Mumbai bomb attack and dawood & his kids in PAK was long before Samjhauta .

All you have Samjhauta attack, that also happened inside India border. if put down the list
Mumbai Bombing by dawood with help of PAK
Gujarat Temple attack
Parliament attack
Mumbai attack

all above is the starting You have only one thing keep harping about that thing only. India do not bully but time have changed for sure that's why all PAK is not worrying.
your post is much better now compared to all the garbage I had to delete posted by Indian and Pakistani members.

request to all to please , be civil and avoid rude and street language while expressing your difference of opinion.
difference of opinion is most welcome this is what makes the debate lively but do it without trolling

all above is the starting You have only one thing keep harping about that thing only. India do not bully but time have changed for sure that's why all PAK is not worrying.

Mumbai drama was staged by your own agencies to portray your Image .What about Baluchistan your own assets TTP ,BLA operating inside Pakistan .What about children killing in army school all were directly facilitated by your consulates in Afg .Fact is CPEC route gives you goose bumps at night as you cant see any one prospering in the region .
Pakistanis still hurting over Myanmar.

Everyone in Pakistan is having massive paranoia attack because of Indian actions, everyone from the janitor to the Prime Minister to the Army has issued statements! :lol:

India must be sensitive to small countries sensitivities! They scare easily!

no Pakistan needed an excuse to insult you over and over, keep hearing it now for few months, let the whole world know about the 56inch (they already know about 4.5 inch)
no Pakistan needed an excuse to insult you over and over, keep hearing it now for few months, let the whole world know about the 56inch (they already know about 4.5 inch)
you tasted inches in the IB border fire , when Your Govt. asked US / UN/ China help to stop Indian firing .
Mumbai drama was staged by your own agencies to portray your Image .

are you nuts ?? a constable took bullets in to his chest, sacrificed his life and caught kasab the video is all over internet.. kasab admitted he and the rest 9 were pakistanis and isi trained them. your own media channels confirmed that kasab was a pakistani. those terrorist bastards received instructions from coward bastards sitting in rawalpindi. these calls were traced back by CIA not us. david headley is an other proof to showcase the evil face of pak and its atrocities to the world. evidences like these made pak stand accussed in front of the world, evidences that no one could deny.

What about Baluchistan your own assets TTP ,BLA operating inside Pakistan .What about children killing in army school all were directly facilitated by your consulates in Afg .
Cat calling the kettle black ? apart from rhetoric, do you guys ever produce a single evidence to prove that we are involved in your bombing that happen in your country. your foreign secretary couldn't produce evidence before U.S that we are in terrorism thats happening in pak. Unlike dawood and hafeez saeed, head of BLA and balochistan movement is living in switzerland and still you blame us.. lol..!! TTp is a break away faction of afghan taaliban that your army and isi sponsored.. effectively pak is paying for the atrocities that it committed in afghanistan. krma is a bitch you know.

What about children killing in army school all were directly facilitated by your consulates in Afg .
returning back your words: peshawar school drama was staged by your own agencies to portray your Image. again didn't ttp claim responsibility for it and didn't its spokesperson defended the attack by quoting verse from quran... so go and blame your army for creating afghan taliban and there by felicitating the formation of ttp and your holy book for having those verses...

Fact is CPEC route gives you goose bumps at night as you cant see any one prospering in the region .

goosebumps ?? :lol::lol: the only reason we are concerned abt this project is bcz it passes through Azad Kashmir, which is a disputed area.. change the route and no Indian will give two hoots about this project.
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