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Pakistanis see US as bigger threat than India, Taliban: Poll


Sep 25, 2009
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Times of India:

ISLAMABAD: A majority of Pakistanis see the United States as a greater threat to their country than traditional arch-rival India or the dreaded

According to Gallup Pakistan's poll, 59% of more than 2,700 people surveyed across the country consider the US a threat. "Eighteen percent believe India is the threat while 11% say the Taliban are a threat," said Gallup Pakistan chairman Ijaz Shafi Gillani. He said the survey findings show that some of the most vocal anti-Taliban groups were equally opposed to the US. Some Pakistanis believe that if the US is committed to eradicating militancy, it should try to solve the Kashmir issue to help Islamabad move its troops from the eastern border with India to fight the Taliban in the northwest.

The poll group said Pakistanis were suspicious that Washington was working to control Islamabad's strategic assets. "Earlier, anti-Americanism was confined to supporters of right-wing groups. But over the years, young, educated Pakistanis, left activists, people you'd normally expect to be pro-American modernists have turned against America," said columnist Sohail Qalandar
Yes India not actually real threat for pakistan because INDIA dont have gutz to start any kind of boom boom strike (ground, Air, Sea) side because of N-Weapons on both sides. Problem is US. India doing all kind of stuff like interference etc from Afghanistan (on the back of US/Israel) thats it. When will US leave Afghanistan u will see what will happen with Indians conslat just hold on! wait for American quit!

Indian doing everything (back support of Israel) thats it. State of the Art weapon deals etc never happend if Pro Israeli lobby not active in US govt. Also lots of Indian admitted this BAD DAYS also coming towards India. Because If India go for US weapons/Deals thn in future US will also use India on the name of past weapons Deals (so called friendship).

So US is real threat for SouthAsians.
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Yes India not actually real thread for pakistan because INDIA dont have gutz to start any kind of boom boom strike (ground, Air, Sea) side because of N-Weapons on both sides. Problem is US. India doing all kind of stuff like interference etc from Afghanistan (on the back of US/Israel) thats it. When will US leave Afghanistan u will see what will happen with Indians conslat just hold on! wait for American quit!

Sure they are parasites w/o US and Israel they are nothing.
Yes, this is the case. Here and there, you find people talking that US is the real threat. That is the perception of the general public.
Yes India not actually real threat for pakistan because INDIA dont have gutz to start any kind of boom boom strike (ground, Air, Sea) side because of N-Weapons on both sides. Problem is US. India doing all kind of stuff like interference etc from Afghanistan (on the back of US/Israel) thats it. When will US leave Afghanistan u will see what will happen with Indians conslat just hold on! wait for American quit!

Guts??...This is wired. So you mean war ("boom boom strike") is a definition of the guts!! So India don't have it coz it can't attack Pakistan. China don't have it coz it can't attack India (no offence to Chinese friends). And Pakistan also don't have guts as it can't attack Afghanistan. So who actually is having this. USA is doing it and it is called rogue. And yes they all are nuclear states.

As for the Indian hand is concerned in Afghanistan, I am not suggesting India is all clean. But it is your weaker diplomacy there is no evidence as of now in public. And I fail to understand what would happen to Indian consulates In Afghanistan. If they are safe in Pakistan itselff, what can be done to them there. Or it is again lack of guts.:chilli:

Indian doing everything (back support of Israel) thats it. State of the Art weapon deals etc never happend if Pro Israeli lobby not active in US govt. Also lots of Indian admitted this BAD DAYS also coming towards India. Because If India go for Russian or European thn US also start critism on anything over India and If India go for US thn in Future US will also use India on the name of past weapons Deals etc.

So US is the real threat for SouthAsians.

No proof is given reegarding Indian so-called hand. And yes india is doing business with Russia.:) Again Indian diplomacy.
I would like to invite US members here to address the rising anti-American sentiments in Pakistan. Why is it that most of us think US as a bigger threat than India, Taliban. Surely, not all of us are rightists, not all of us are uneducated.
I understand that it is very easy to point fingers at others but discounting all other things there is some measure of truth in this article.
First of all this is Time of India. Thread should start from the source and not from the source taken.
I would like to invite US members here to address the rising anti-American sentiments in Pakistan. Why is it that most of us think US as a bigger threat than India, Taliban. Surely, not all of us are rightists, not all of us are uneducated.
I understand that it is very easy to point fingers at others but discounting all other things there is some measure of truth in this article.

I think that Pakistanis view the USA as the biggest threat because the USA is the only nation in the world that will call Pakistan to task because of its support for jihadi terrorists who threaten the USA and others. The USA is the only nation that has the courage to strike jihadis in Pakistan. So, Pakistanis, naturally, resent being made to pay for their support for international terrorists. It's not complicated. Pakistan supports international terrorists and the USA is not afraid to ruffle Pakistani feathers to confront this policy. I am only surprised that the Indians are such "chickens" to strike Pakistan in retaliation for all of the Indians Pakistani jihadis have killed. Perhaps the USA should be "giving" drone technology to India, instead of to Pakistan.....
I think that Pakistanis view the USA as the biggest threat because the USA is the only nation in the world that will call Pakistan to task because of its support for jihadi terrorists who threaten the USA and others. The USA is the only nation that has the courage to strike jihadis in Pakistan. So, Pakistanis, naturally, resent being made to pay for their support for international terrorists. It's not complicated. Pakistan supports international terrorists and the USA is not afraid to ruffle Pakistani feathers to confront this policy. I am only surprised that the Indians are such "chickens" to strike Pakistan in retaliation for all of the Indians Pakistani jihadis have killed. Perhaps the USA should be "giving" drone technology to India, instead of to Pakistan.....

Truthseeker I woudnt call Chicken if i were you..Unlike you we are situated with the border with Pakisthan and they clearly stated that they wont mind using nuclear bomb if a war is broke out with India..Dont you think diplomatic pressure is more worth than a nuclear war??and also your country can feel free to bomb anywhere in Pakistan because Pakistan don't have the capability to strike on Us heartland ..If they have an ICBM don't you think your government will think twice to attack Pakistan??

Is that the same reason why you are not attacking North Korea even if they do all kind of provocations??Does that mean US is a chicken??
That's OLD news....

Actually US (probably only country in the world) was causing a huge problems in Afghanistan and Iraq after 9/11 conspiracy, simple answer. The world is in mess now due to aggression of US.

Buddy I think US invasion in Afghanistan makes the world more safer (I couldn't tell that about Iraq) but From the safe havens of Afghanistan Al-Queda was planning and operating terrorist attacks all over the world now you can see that the there is a considerable shortfall in bombings all over the world by Al-Queda..:agree:
I think that Pakistanis view the USA as the biggest threat because the USA is the only nation in the world that will call Pakistan to task because of its support for jihadi terrorists who threaten the USA and others. The USA is the only nation that has the courage to strike jihadis in Pakistan. So, Pakistanis, naturally, resent being made to pay for their support for international terrorists. It's not complicated. Pakistan supports international terrorists and the USA is not afraid to ruffle Pakistani feathers to confront this policy. I am only surprised that the Indians are such "chickens" to strike Pakistan in retaliation for all of the Indians Pakistani jihadis have killed. Perhaps the USA should be "giving" drone technology to India, instead of to Pakistan.....

Please show some respect as you are a guest here enough is enough keep the american ego with u iam actually suprised to expect such comments from you here .. First things fisrt we don't support terrorist! its because of the US we are in this mess now and loosing lives everyday service men and civlian in doing the US's dirty work and paying the price for it. Don't get me wrong i not only love the US since iam a Pakistaniamerican and been in the US all my life its home from me but i don't support most of US's policys around the world since the actions speak for them selves where ever the US has been its been a bloody mess with so many lives lost starting with american soliders . Pakistan is doing more then any other country in the world on wot . Lets get something straight we are hated all over the world why? while so many suffer here at home without jobs, debt,drugs and so many other things back to the topic! the reason pakistani's just like anyother nation that US lands on gets afraid is cuz no wants a outsider in there country ! how would you like it ? anyhow the scare of US making Pakistan another Iraq is wat people are afraid of try to understand the logic behind it is only natural and human to have such scare:coffee:
^^it is only because of the "drone policy" - suggest who agree that US is the biggest threat should visit the US Embassy in Isld and see the "lines" of waiting pakistani applicants vying for a visa / residency in the US!!!
^Don't argument with me, it is because US's old friends was Taliban and Al-Qaeda groups against Soviet Union. Afterward, US made them a new enemy. I don't think you could say world is full of safe today, because you are unable to find Osama Bin Ladin pretty long times. Also You are unable to find WMD in Iraq. BS !!


Ronald Reagan kicking it old school with the Taliban.

Well if I don't discuss with you whats the purpose between me and you coming here?? ;) ..I don't know Al-Qaeda were friends of US may be some experts will share light on it..But you cant deny the cruelties done by the Al-Qaeda and Taliban to the Afghan people and also the terrorist attacks done through out the world..Its not only the US who bleeds due to their terrorist attacks but countries from Africa ,Asia and Europe also suffered from their Cowardly attacks

And also I saw in a documentary,I cant find the link so you don't have to take it as authentic but i am still saying it that Bin laden wanted to wage war against US in Afghanistan ..WTC attack was an invitation for US to come to Afghanistan to fight against Al-Queda..Laden thought he can defeat US in his familiar territory Afghanistan like they did it with Soviet Union..Clearly he underestimated US ability..

Also Taliban is not the only ones who fighted against USSR in Afghanistan..Northern Alliance also fight against them ..and they are the one who is governing Afghanistan..and they are much better than the Taliban who kill innocent ladies and children in the name religion...
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I think that Pakistanis view the USA as the biggest threat because the USA is the only nation in the world that will call Pakistan to task because of its support for jihadi terrorists who threaten the USA and others. The USA is the only nation that has the courage to strike jihadis in Pakistan. So, Pakistanis, naturally, resent being made to pay for their support for international terrorists. It's not complicated. Pakistan supports international terrorists and the USA is not afraid to ruffle Pakistani feathers to confront this policy. I am only surprised that the Indians are such "chickens" to strike Pakistan in retaliation for all of the Indians Pakistani jihadis have killed. Perhaps the USA should be "giving" drone technology to India, instead of to Pakistan.....

First things first. The "jihadis" you despise today are not a creation of Pakistan but are your very own. Cutting the ribbon for the nurturing and exploiting of the extremist industry was done by none other than Washington and supported by the world at large. "Taliban" are made up overwhelmingly of local ordinary Afghanis fighting to rid their land once more of occupier armies as they did in the 1980’s against the Soviets. If US had even a semblance of sympathy for these people, it would have stayed after the Afghan jihad. Evidently, it makes clear that US was pursing is own agenda (as usual), which cost it a little more than 5 billion USD. Sounds me like a good bargain, not to mention the number of lives lost in that war and the ensuing civil war.

The Pakistanis as a nation are sick of being apologists for losing precious lives in terror attacks and 
for being blamed for everything under the sun. Those who are quick to blame the security establishment for breeding these extremists need to sit back and evaluate their charges within a larger perspective.

By levelling the Al Qaeda charge against Pakistan, Clinton has reiterated the deep-seated suspicion and mistrust between Washington and Islamabad. She actually suggested complicity of some Pakistani officials in allowing terrorist sanctuaries inside the country. It implies tacit knowledge and facilitation of allowing these terrorists to plan and carry out terror attacks from within Pakistani territory.

The question is if US is so sure that the Al Qaeda high command is in Pakistan, given Clinton’s public venting of US frustration with Pakistan on the issue, why have they not shared that intelligence with Pakistan? Why are they mum over such a crucial issue that is pivotal to the whole war on terror according to their estimates? Would it not make sense to do that, formulate a joint operation with Pakistani intelligence and move in for the kill? Would it not end this whole costly exercise of the war in Afghanistan and the hype of the Al Qaeda posing a mortal threat to homeland security? Or is it that sharing such vital intelligence with Pakistan’s bad boys —the ISI— would jeopardise the operation and alert the targets? This may make for a tepid plot for a second rate Hollywood movie, but it is just not plausible in reality.

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