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Pakistanis have more confidence in military than in current government


Aug 30, 2010
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United Kingdom

According to a Gallup survey released on Thursday, 77% of Pakistanis surveyed have no confidence in the the government of Prime Minister Raja Pervaiz Ashraf and as many as 88% still trust the military.
The report that was prepared between September and October of 2012, also noted that the support of the Obama administration had gone down to 92% from 73% in May 2011.
The report noted that Obama’s approval ratings began to slip after the infamous US raid on the Abbottabad hideout of Osama Bin Laden and the increased drone attacks in the tribal areas, since that raid.
The report noted that many Pakistanis considered these two American policy initiatives as a violation of Pakistani national sovereignty.
The report further mentioned that due to increasing tensions between Pakistan and the US, 55% of the surveyed Pakistanis said that they believed that interactions between Islam, Muslims and the western world was a major threat to their religion and the country.
The report also clarifies that voting trends tended to be much similar between older and younger Pakistanis. A majority of 53% of the surveyed older Pakistanis, said that they disapproved of the growing interactions between Islam and the Western world and 57% of the young Pakistanis surveyed expressed the same opinion.
However, 39% of the overall surveyed believed that better interactions would be beneficial.

“Nearly half of the Pakistani population (49%) is between the ages of 15 and 29. The largely anti-Western sentiment among these young Pakistanis suggests that, even as this sizable group ages and begins to have a larger role in Pakistani governance, relations between the US and Pakistan may continue to be fraught with challenges,” the report said.

Pakistanis have more confidence in military than in current government: Gallup poll – The Express Tribune
A Sad day for democracy , when the people of a country want military rule rather than civil democracy .
Why don't Pakistan try to set up communist regime? Ask help from China and be as prosper as China is?
A Sad day for democracy , when the people of a country want military rule rather than civil democracy .

Where was this survey done cause i am willing to bet all these questions were asked to Military Men and not average pakistani civilian.

Abbottabad hideout of Osama Bin Laden and the increased drone attacks in the tribal areas, since that raid.

Most Pakistanis were unaware of Osamas where about or believe you me millions of dollars worth of money being offered he would have been dead long before.so claiming pakistani civilian cared what happened to Osama is a complete lie majority supports the drone attacks.

Obama administration had gone down to 92% from 73% in May 2011
A Sad day for democracy , when the people of a country want military rule rather than civil democracy .

well the basic factor of ''democracy'' is that majority is authority.

so majority is with Pak army so if it comes then it will serve the very purpose n definition of democracy.
the turst on military is not because we want a mushrraf on our head but because it is our only institution that works properly with a system(sad to say)
our democratic system is not actually democratic..it is a bunch of rich fudul families ruling us one after another...our leaders still have an imperial mindset and when the get a seat they think they become kings....we are yet to see a government that comes from the people a president who comes from the middle or lower class. this could have been possible if Imran Khan had not gon on a shopping spree of LOTAS.
any way it is no secret that our political system sucks and that is y ppl look up to only power that can and has protected them. the military. it is a highly professional system unlike what the indian films or the Western media depicts. the men of uniform have served us civilians in all times good or bad..without the need for a camera pointed towards them for publicity...so naturally people who are starving who have no jobes and no apperant future for there children will seek the only instution that works for help.
now most of you will say what about the judiciary , well i trusted them but even though they r some what just implementation of there decision is impossible in this corrupt environment.
Where was this survey done cause i am willing to bet all these questions were asked to Military Men and not average pakistani civilian.

Most Pakistanis were unaware of Osamas where about or believe you me millions of dollars worth of money being offered he would have been dead long before.so claiming pakistani civilian cared what happened to Osama is a complete lie majority supports the drone attacks.


maybe no body had ask these questions to u in particular.

But there is a whole lot of world too which can have different opinion from u.
well the basic factor of ''democracy'' is that majority is authority.

so majority is with Pak army so if it comes then it will serve the very purpose n definition of democracy.

Do elaborate how is it that in a country of 185 million people an army of 500K is in a majority .
Thats quite understandable . Who would ever want a government led by Zardari ?
They had no option but to turn towards the military . Hope a sincere and a far much better government arrives in Pakistan after the 13 elections .

However we also have zardari's in our Congressey government :D
A Sad day for democracy , when the people of a country want military rule rather than civil democracy .

Represents utter failure of the government. People would cheer if the military stepped in right now. But just for a while to ensure a transfer to a proper leadership and an end to PMLN and PPP. Cases should be renewed against the political parties known to be corrupt
Represents utter failure of the government. People would cheer if the military stepped in right now. But just for a while to ensure a transfer to a proper leadership and an end to PMLN and PPP. Cases should be renewed against the political parties known to be corrupt

the problem is that the military don't stay for just a while. :)
Do elaborate how is it that in a country of 185 million people an army of 500K is in a majority .

u elaborate that a country with 300 million population.But Its democrats n republicans get the seats in their parliament who r just less the 2% of total population.

U tell me how yr Congress, BJP etc etc get seats in Lok Sabha when they r also collectively less then 1.2% of yr total 1.3 billion population.??

the answer to the above is by public support n their confidence, which is mentioned in the thread for Pak army in my countrymen in majority!!!!

Sorry to say yr question was very stupid.
u elaborate that a country with 300 million population total has its democrats n republicans get the seats in their parliament who r just less the 2% of total population.

U tell me how yr Congress, BJP etc etc get seats in Lok Sabha when they r also collectively less then 1.2% of yr total 1.3 billion population.??

the answer is by public support n their confidence, which is mentioned in the thread for Pak army by my countrymen in majority!!!!

Sorry to say yr question was very stupid.

So army is considered a political party in Pakistan ?
Represents utter failure of the government. People would cheer if the military stepped in right now. But just for a while to ensure a transfer to a proper leadership and an end to PMLN and PPP. Cases should be renewed against the political parties known to be corrupt

true,and when army's rule is brought,people talk about rights.

i think you guys should find a solution within the democratic system,rather than supporting army,every time the national government reaches low.
u elaborate that a country with 300 million population total has its democrats n republicans get the seats in their parliament who r just less the 2% of total population.

U tell me how yr Congress, BJP etc etc get seats in Lok Sabha when they r also collectively less then 1.2% of yr total 1.3 billion population.??

the answer is by public support n their confidence, which is mentioned in the thread for Pak army by my countrymen in majority!!!!

Sorry to say yr question was very stupid.

I know its hard for you to understand but those people were elected. your military was not . polls are a dime a dozen . if your military want to rule tell them to form a party and stand for the elections in a few months.
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