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Pakistanis consume $1.2bn of heroin every year: UN

Heroine are for losers-
and i am sure there are many out there which are forceful addicts- This is a very bad way to ruin some ones life-

Well in Saudia they just behead the drug trafficker- There's always a warning on the ticket or leaflets distributed in any flight en route Saudia- "Death to Drug tafficker"- That strikes fear- even in an innocent passenger like me- We need some kind of strict laws like that in Pakistan-

The traders of death should be beheaded-
bong is nothing but crude hookah only difference is instead of tobacco ganja aka marijuana is used.
bhang is the same marijuana but raw crushed saplings.
marijuana is one of the safest drug ever known to man, its legal in many countries to smoke it, for eg. Canada
though some aftereffects have been noticed like hallucination, loss of memory etc etc caused by EXCESSIVE smoking.

jai bhole nath!
The foreigners themselves are making profit by trading opium. I know foreign forces very easily ridicule Afghans by saying we survive on opium trading while a fact is that export of opium from Afghanistan has ever been so popular since NATO's presence in Afghanistan. During Taliban opium was hardly a discussed topic.

There is just no way that silly farmers are able to overpower all of Nato if Nato ever wanted to stop the drug trade, they would. Americans (perhaps not with USG approval, but Americans nontheless) should be treated as the primary suspect of the thriving drug trade.

This old report cites that Americans are using drug lords as makeshift patrols in exchange for allowing their trade to continue.

Americans Are Deeply Involved In Afghan Drug Trade :: www.uruknet.info :: informazione dal medio oriente :: information from middle east :: [vs-5]

If you’re looking for the chief kingpin in the Afghanistan heroin trade, it’s the United States. The American mission has devolved to a Mafiosi-style arrangement that poisons every military and political alliance entered into by the U.S. and its puppet government in Kabul. It is a gangster occupation, in which U.S.-allied drug dealers are put in charge of the police and border patrol, while their rivals are placed on American hit lists, marked for death or capture. As a result, Afghanistan has been transformed into an opium plantation that supplies 90 percent of the world’s heroin.

The master of Spin Boldak: Undercover with Afghanistan's drug-trafficking border police?By Matthieu Aikins (Harper's Magazine)
Together, these four facts—the intensifying insurgency, the massive deployment of international troops and assistance, the opium, and Razik’s relatively secure territory—go a long way toward explaining why an uneducated thirty-year-old warlord remains firmly entrenched as an ISAF ally and drug trafficker at a crucial border crossing like Spin Boldak.
We used to have such a low rate of drug users in this country but ever since certain people came into power here and some people who used the region for their "strategic" goals, things have worsened magnificently.

One consequence of this opium boom was an epidemic increase in drug addiction among Pakistanis. Whereas in 1980, the total addict population of Pakistan was under 5,000, by 1988, the country had 1.3 million opium addicts.

Guess the reason.

The Golden Crescent Heroin Connection

All of them were involved, all of them, just read the report above.
I am sure many of you might have already read this one, but thought of posting it here for the relevance it has:



Central Asia produces 75% of the world’s opium. According to the UN, the surge in opium production in the region coincided with the disintegration of the Soviet Union, which was “encouraged” by the Reagan Administration and the CIA. It also coincided with the Four Horsemen’s (Exxon Mobil, Chevron Texaco, BP Amoco & Royal Dutch/Shell) Caspian Sea oil boom.

While the US issued humiliating certifications to judge countries on their ability to stop drug traffic, Big Oil produced 90% of the chemicals needed to process cocaine and heroin, which CIA surrogates process and distribute.

As Ecuadorian Presidential Candidate Manuel Salgado put it, “This world order which professes the cult of opulence and the growing economic power of illegal drugs, doesn’t allow for any frontal attack aimed at destroying narco-trafficking because that business, which moves $400 billion annually, is far too important for the leading nations of world power to eliminate. The US...punishes those countries which don’t do enough to fight against drugs, whereas their CIA boys have built paradises of corruption throughout the world with the drug profits.”

The Afghan “paradise of corruption” yielded 4,600 metric tons of opium in 1998. In 1999 the Taliban announced a crack down on opium production in Afghanistan. The move angered the CIA, the Afghan aristocracy and their Turkish Gray Wolves allies, whose smuggling routes mirror those of the Four Horsemen’s Caspian Sea oil pipeline recently opened for business through Turkey.

When the Taliban cracked down on opium production, poppy fields bloomed to the north where CIA/ISI-sponsored Islamists were fighting in Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Chechnya, Dagestan, Armenia and Azerbaijan. Asia Times writer Pepe Escobar termed the entire region “Drugistan”.

Pakistani writer Ahmed Rashid says the Saudis- fulfilling their usual “paymaster” role - funded the northward shift in poppy production. It was part of a larger operation run by Western intelligence agencies to encircle Russia, seize oilfields and destabilize the entire Central Asia region using Islamic fundamentalists and heroin proceeds.

In 1991 Air America/Iran-Contra super spook Richard Secord showed up in Baku, Azerbaijan under the cover of MEGA Oil. Secord did military training, sold Israeli arms, passed “brown bags filled with cash” and shipped in over 2,000 Islamist fighters from Afghanistan with help from CIA-favorite Gulbuddin Hekmatyar.

Afghan heroin began flooding into Baku. Russian economist Alexandre Datskevitch said of 184 heroin labs that police discovered in Moscow in 1991, “Every one of them was run by Azeris, who use the proceeds to buy arms for Azerbaijan’s war against Armenia in Nagorno-Karabakh”

Secord’s Islamists helped. Osama bin Laden set up an NGO in Baku as a base for attacking the Russians in Chechnya and Dagestan.

In 1994 35,000 Chechen fighters were trained at Amir Muawia camp in Afghanistan’s Khost Province. Now-deceased Chechen commander Shamil Basayev graduated from Amir Muawia and was sent to advanced guerrilla tactics camp at Markazi-i-Dawar, Pakistan. There he met with Pakistani ISI officials. ISI has historically excelled at carrying out the CIA’s dirty laundry.

The Chechen Islamists took over a big chunk of the Golden Crescent heroin trade, working with Chechen crime families affiliated with the Russian Alfa Group that did business with Halliburton. They (Chechens) also had ties to the Albanian heroin labs being run by the Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA). A Russian FSB report stated that the Chechens began buying real estate in Kosovo in 1997, just prior to the US-led partition of Kosovo from Yugoslavia.

Saudi-born Chechen commander Emir al-Khattab set up guerrilla camps to train KLA Albanian rebels. The camps were funded by the heroin trade, prostitution rings and counterfeiting. Recruits were invited by Basayev and funded by the House of Saud’s Muslim Brotherhood Islamic Relief Organization.

In February 2002 sent 200 military advisers and attack helicopters to Georgia to “root our terrorism”. On September 20, 2002, Russian Foreign Minister Igor Ivanov stated that the al Qaeda-trained Chechen rebels targeting his country were being given safe-haven by the government of Georgia. The Four Horsemen’s strategic Baku-Tblisi-Ceyhan pipeline was set to open through the Georgian capital Tblisi. The US deployment was a smokescreen for pipeline protection.

In October 2003 Georgian President Eduard Schevardnadze was forced to step down despite the fact that he had been elected to serve until 2005. IMF darling Mikheil Saakashvili was installed to complete the banker coup which was dubbed the Rose Revolution. According to The Guardian, Rose Revolution funders included the U.S. State Department, USAID, National Democratic Institute for International Affairs, International Republican Institute, Bilderberg Group, the NGO Freedom House, George Soros's Open Society Institute and National Endowment for Democracy (NED).

When Gulbuddin Hekmatyar ceded Kabul to the Taliban in 1995, Taliban training camps in Pakistan and Afghanistan were taken over by Jamiat-ul-Ulema-e-Islam (JUI) who, with help from Saudi Wahhabist clerics, recruited and trained Islamic fundamentalist volunteers to fight wars of destabilization throughout the Balkans and Central Asia.

Financed by Golden Crescent heroin, these terrorists shipped out to fight with Chechen rebels, the Kosovo Liberation Army, the Bosnian Muslim Army, the National Liberation Army (Albanian separatists fighting the government of Macedonia) and Chinese East Turkistan Uighur rebels fighting against Beijing.

Out of these same camps came Lakshar e-Taiba and Jamiash-i-Mohammed, who in December 2001 attacked India’s Parliament in New Delhi, killing fourteen legislators and provoking the Indians into a massive military deployment along the Pakistani border.

In the early 1990’s the CIA had helped Afghan mujahadeen veterans get passports to immigrate to the US. The Al-Kifah Refugee Center in Brooklyn, where many Afghans landed, turned into a CIA recruiting base for wars in Yugoslavia and Central Asia.

Among those who frequented the center were El Sayyid Nosair, who assassinated far-right Israeli Rabbi Meir Kahane; and Sheik Omar Abdel Rahman, a fundamentalist Egyptian cleric linked to the assassination of Egyptian President Anwar Sadat. The CIA brought the sheik to Brooklyn as a recruiting tool. His son was killed in December 2001 - a key al Qaeda leader fighting the US in Afghanistan.

The CIA arranged for Egyptian al Qaeda leaders to flea to Albania in 1997, where they helped train and fight with the Kosovo Liberation Army. Bin Laden’s #2 man Ayman al-Zawahiri heads Egyptian Islamic Jihad. Al-Zawahiri’s sidekick Ali Mohammed came to the US in 1984. He trained terrorists in Brooklyn and Jersey City on weekends. His regular job was to instruct US Special Forces at Fort Bragg. In 1998 he helped bomb the US Embassies in Africa.

According to British MP Michael Meacher, in an article for The Guardian, M16 recruited up to 200 British Muslims to fight in Afghanistan and Yugoslavia. Meacher says a Dehli-based foundation describes Omar Saeed Sheikh, the man who beheaded US journalist Daniel Pearl in 2002, as a British agent. He says it was Sheikh who - at the behest of ISI General Mahmood Ahmed - wired $100,000 to Mohammed Atta just prior to 911, a fact confirmed by Dennis Lomel, director of FBI’s financial crimes unit.

According to Mossad intelligence reports, as of July 1, 2001, 120,000 metric tons of opium was warehoused in Afghanistan awaiting shipment. Two months later the US was bombing Afghanistan. Opium shipments resumed.

The US paid several Afghan warlords $200,000 each and gave them satellite phones to lead a surrogate army Northern Alliance-led ground assault on the Taliban. Over $7 million was spent buying off these opium-trafficking warlords, including Uzbek butcher Rashid Dostum.
Since Taliban will again come to power in near future , i hope that they'll ban opium .
Jun 28, 2011

Dubai police chief: 'Pay Afghan farmers to stop growing drugs'

Dubai Police and Saudi Arabia's drug-enforcement agency may join forces to curb the narcotics trade by paying Afghan farmers to stop growing opium poppies.

Officials have already met Afghan authorities to discuss setting up the programme, which Dubai's police chief would like to expand to other parts of Asia if it is successful.

"We need to locate and identify narcotics farms in the Asian countries that are known sources, and find out who works in them and who operates them," Lt Gen Dahi Khalfan Tamim said yesterday.

"We then have to document these facts and set up a programme to contact the countries that are concerned to help to facilitate offering alternatives to the farmers for us to be able to end the global drug flow."

In 2009 two-thirds of the world's opium poppies were cultivated in Afghanistan, according to the United Nations, and in 2007 materials from Afghanistan were used to produce 92 per cent of the world's opiate narcotics.

To end narcotics farming, governments must be willing to negotiate with farmers by offering them an alternative that will compensate them financially, the police chief said.

"We have to set a mechanism where farmers revert from growing contraband drugs and never return to it, as well as internationally track down its financiers and traffickers."

He called on other Arab and GCC anti-drugs agencies to join then in helping Afghan authorities to limit the trade at the source. He did not say when the programme might begin full operation or what the next step might be.

"Afghanistan is a major source of narcotics, and things in the country are currently very complicated. But setting up meetings with officials and establishing associations to combat the trade is an endeavour we seek to fulfil," Gen Tamim said. "I would be honoured to be involved with such an initiative."

He said the Government was making great strides in fighting drugs within its own borders. The Ministry of Interior is setting up a federal anti-drugs administration to oversee and co-ordinate the work of drug-enforcement authorities in the seven emirates.

"The anti-narcotics department at the Ministry of Interior is currently restructuring itself to become a general administration," he said. "This will unify the efforts of anti-narcotics departments across the country."

The moves came amid an unprecedented situation in the region, Gen Tamim said. "The current security state of Arab countries, with the civil unrest and revolutions, has turned the immediate concern of security bodies in the Arab world away from combatting the drugs trade.

"Drug dealers at this period have intensified their activities because security bodies around the Arab world are dealing with other matters and are stretched."

That has meant additional opportunities to smuggle drugs and weapons through affected countries, so anti-narcotics police in the region must remain vigilant and dedicated to the cause.

He said 2011 would be the most important year for fighting the drugs trade. "Public security has become compromised and presented a breeding ground for crime and drugs."

Gen Taim was speaking at the seventh annual Hemaya anti-narcotics research conference in Dubai, organised by Dubai Police, the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime and the Arab League Ministers of Interior Council.

Dubai police chief: 'Pay Afghan farmers to stop growing drugs' - The National


More money ticking into the accounts of the politicians and warlords and tribal leaders
social devolution in pakistan...well sorry but its not a phenomenon in pakistan!!! it is the same across all of south asia! INCLUDING INDIA!

& as for legalizing drugs

Marijuana bill officially introduced to Congress by Ron Paul, Barney Frank - latimes.com

US can do it and you won't complain

Drugs are always legal, with prescription.

Secondly, it is not as if the US is going to sell Marijuana filled cigarettes in grocery stores. This bill clearly states that it is up to the respective states to enact their own laws regarding the use of Marijuana.

And about India's devolution, when Bhang/Cannabis has been in use for eons, and the society did not devolve, then nothing is going to happen now. You can relax.

Finally, try to read the links you post.

And well, I say it's fun :drag:
We give Afghanistan wheat,rice and other edible items on local rates,which no other country can and get heroin instead of this.
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