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Pakistanis be ready, time of action is here and now.

If you were paying any attention, they have plans ready to conduct missile strikes at Karachi, Bahawalpur etc.
The Indian/Israeli plan to attack Pakistan using Oman's territory is well publicised by now.
If you strike hard and take out their capabilities, less chances of strikes. If we destroyed their command and control in that sector of Kashmir, take out their Chief and downed/destroyed 10+ jets, the effect would have been more telling and had better deterrence value.

Yeah, that is the point everyone is missing. The Chinooks were there but they never arrived at Abbotabad, they were in Kala Dacca. No Chinook used to carry the seals. Pakistani media was there very soon after first raid they were reporting it live.
Watch program of Fariah Idress what an eye witness neighbor said, he was on his roof watching the whole drama.
I can bet my bottom dollar you would not find that clip on the internet now.
Secondly, the excuse made by PAF that the helicopters were "stealth" doesn't stand on its feet, no one said that Chinooks were and could be stealth.
Qs, where was PAF for hours!!
That's why I always curse Kiyani the traitor.
What other things maybe but one thing is confirmed those Chinooks were stealth.
Are our neighbours mistaking them selves for US again?

Why the fck are they discussing obl raid? ?
Does india have Chinook or stealth or balls? ?

It will be okay to show a bit of intelligence and not a lack of it---.

The posts are not to show that the helicopter 'must' be shot down---but to show that the Pakistani Air Chief and pakistani commander in chief were in cohoots with the US for taking out OBL---.

The mods get upset at me for using the term 'stupid' and 'fools' & want me to be 'nice & polite' to the posters---.

They don't realize that Pakistan is a nation who does not understand when spoken nicely---.
And how we could shot down these hellos, they using latest ECM/EW gears, and if we shot down these hellos than what will be the consequence for this act, might be USA put the hardest sanctions and also might be attaked Pakistan as a result, look at the bigger picture you old man @MastanKhan

Told you guys that this Air Chief is a COWARD---.

Paf is an extremely deceitful organization---. They knew that after 27th feb---indians would be retaliating---.

The Paf have intentionally kept their number of aircraft lower over the years even though there were multiple opportunities to buy aircraft---so that Pak Army does not start a war---.

Paf knows if their aircraft numbers were higher---they would have to fight a war for the Pak army---.
The PAF did exactly what the state ordered it to, spank the enemy, humiliate it but do not push it into a corner from where the enemy would have no other option left but war, it is plain and simple.... we did not want a war, with Pakistan surrounded on 3 sides.

The end game in Afghanistan is in sight, the situation would be very different with the Afghan side secured. The first priority of any general worth a cent is to secure his flanks before committing his forces.

No sane strategist fights a war surrounded. Learn something from the sunnah of our Prophet(pbuh), he showed the kuffar their place by effective defence yet he waited patiently and did not attack Makkah until he was sure of victory.

Imran's successful diplomacy which has highlighted Pakistan's strategic importance, now recognised world over by major countries. Especially Trump disclosing that Modi requested his mediation on Kashmir, has shaken Modi and his gang to the core.

They are realising that their false personas and carefully crafted Indian’s narrative is demolished by Imran within few months.

Modi is no way near Imran's personal sophistication and charm. He stands no chance against Pakistan’s PM Imran Khan on the world stage. First sign of it were shown during the conference when Imran was welcomed by Putin with warmth, while Modi cut a sulking furlong figure, standing on the side lines.

Seeing the writings on the wall if he allows Imran time and space to work on Pakistan’s foreign policy to enhance Pakistan’s image worldwide. Modi is panicking, thus, has restored to barbarism on grand scale.

Anyone with little sense should have understood it, that India would re-act violently when cornered. That's why some sane people on this forum like @MastanKhan and I have raised our concerns that Pakistani army should have made example of Indian's when they carried out incursion in to Pakistan on 26th Feb and Pakistani response on 27th Feb.

We should have hit India hard and destroyed their intruding jets rather than showing restrain. The excuse that by the time the Indian jets were already crossed the LOC was ill thought. So was the danger of war. War is upon us if we like it or not.

We should have also killed Bipin when we had the chance to do so. India is not going to learn any lessons if we keep showing restrain.

Modi and his team has come to power on the back of some promises and deep dark agendas.

The Muslims of India are also learning that appeasing these Hindu criminals is never going to work. They have to stand up and be counted. Otherwise Indian Muslims are going to learn the worst lesson of the history.

If you give evil a chance you live to regret it. Pakistan should be ready to nuke Indian soldiers if they overstep in Kashmir. I think and hope that Pakistan's military does not restrain itself from using battlefield miniaturised nukes i.e. Nasr.

Kashmiri Muslim's genocide is a horror story Pakistanis cannot and should not tolerate at any cost.
Besides Indian economy is really in doldrums . A big recession is on the cards and done deal . When they fall they would fall hard.

It will be okay to show a bit of intelligence and not a lack of it---.

The posts are not to show that the helicopter 'must' be shot down---but to show that the Pakistani Air Chief and pakistani commander in chief were in cohoots with the US for taking out OBL---.

The mods get upset at me for using the term 'stupid' and 'fools' & want me to be 'nice & polite' to the posters---.
The post I replied to contained the question " where was the PAF". Perhaps you could use your superior intelligence to tell us what the PAF was supposed to do if not shoot down any intruding aircraft.
What I do notice about this forum is that some posters, usually those that have a large post count think of themselves as somehow being more equal than the rest. Their insistence on their view being the correct one, and a failure to consider other views as relevant or worth consideration and become abusive as a result is very much a Pakistani condition, a condition that in my opinion, is designed to assert superior knowledge and intelligence rather than demonstrate it through explanation and clarification. If that makes you a better person then you are welcome to it.
I'll just say that you have gone down in my estimation for your presumption and hubris, but carry on calling people who are not even quoting you, stupid and fools if it makes you feel better.
You sad little man.
"Suffered insults" due to Trump's remarks? Some Pakistani members suddenly started taking Trump seriously.

It wasn't long ago that Trump was calling Pakistan names and liars. One fruitful meeting with IK and they go 180. Pakistan better deliver on Afghanistan or Trump will do another 180 on Pakistan.
The post I replied to contained the question " where was the PAF". Perhaps you could use your superior intelligence to tell us what the PAF was supposed to do if not shoot down any intruding aircraft.
What I do notice about this forum is that some posters, usually those that have a large post count think of themselves as somehow being more equal than the rest. Their insistence on their view being the correct one, and a failure to consider other views as relevant or worth consideration and become abusive as a result is very much a Pakistani condition, a condition that in my opinion, is designed to assert superior knowledge and intelligence rather than demonstrate it through explanation and clarification. If that makes you a better person then you are welcome to it.
I'll just say that you have gone down in my estimation for your presumption and hubris, but carry on calling people who are not even quoting you, stupid and fools if it makes you feel better.
You sad little man.


What do you mean intruding aircraft---?

Would israeli air force be only shooting down intruding syrian aircraft---? They would decimate whatever is in the air---. Inside their border---flying close to the border or few miles inside of its border---.

This is a BVR world---targets 40-50 miles away can strike as viciously as a Rattler---.

This is modern day BVR warfare---any aircraft that was in the arena and on target lock should have been taken out---.

As reports have come out---there were multiple targets locked by Paf pilots and they were asking permission to shoot them down---and the permission did not come in time---.

Supposedly it came about 15-16 seconds too late---.

Which means that Paf air command had his head up his---when they were planning for the strike---all possibilities of engagement were not covered---.

Secondly---the Air Marshall on the scene---flying supposedly back seat of the F16---did not have the BALLZ to instantly approve to take the enemy out---.

The order did come to take the enemy aircraft out---but it came late---. Paf generals should have been prepared for it ahead of time...

As for the post count---

The problem with new comers is that they start with the newest post and put their input without looking at the previous discussion---.

Atypical pakistani---when entering a discussion room don't want to be bothered to see where the discussion is standing---.

If you want to challenge something---establish your bonafides first---. I am surprised that you have not been taught that basic simple thing---.

Let e repeat it---the supposed permission came in 15 seconds to late---by that time the enemy had run away---which means---there preparation was incomplete---all contingencies were not covered---all the what ifs were not gone over and questions asked or answers given prior to the event---.

The enemy was in a PANIC MODE---all its senses were in a shock mode---the skies belonged to the Paf at that time and the Paf knew about it---.

There were no hidden traps---no hidden assets anywhere---the enemy was on the run---totally confused---.

It was the 1965 battle again---General Akhtar scenario one more time---.
It wasn't long ago that Trump was calling Pakistan names and liars. One fruitful meeting with IK and they go 180. Pakistan better deliver on Afghanistan or Trump will do another 180 on Pakistan.
The american also will do the same don't sent terrorists from Afghanistan to Pakistan, tali dono hath se bajte hai aik hath se nahi @cloud4000 :crazy::crazy::crazy:


What do you mean intruding aircraft---?

Would israeli air force be only shooting down intruding syrian aircraft---? They would decimate whatever is in the air---. Inside their border---flying close to the border or few miles inside of its border---.

This is a BVR world---targets 40-50 miles away can strike as viciously as a Rattler---.

This is modern day BVR warfare---any aircraft that was in the arena and on target lock should have been taken out---.

As reports have come out---there were multiple targets locked by Paf pilots and they were asking permission to shoot them down---and the permission did not come in time---.

Supposedly it came about 15-16 seconds too late---.

Which means that Paf air command had his head up his---when they were planning for the strike---all possibilities of engagement were not covered---.

Secondly---the Air Marshall on the scene---flying supposedly back seat of the F16---did not have the BALLZ to instantly approve to take the enemy out---.

The order did come to take the enemy aircraft out---but it came late---. Paf generals should have been prepared for it ahead of time...

As for the post count---

The problem with new comers is that they start with the newest post and put their input without looking at the previous discussion---.

Atypical pakistani---when entering a discussion room don't want to be bothered to see where the discussion is standing---.

If you want to challenge something---establish your bonafides first---. I am surprised that you have not been taught that basic simple thing---.

Let e repeat it---the supposed permission came in 15 seconds to late---by that time the enemy had run away---which means---there preparation was incomplete---all contingencies were not covered---all the what ifs were not gone over and questions asked or answers given prior to the event---.

The enemy was in a PANIC MODE---all its senses were in a shock mode---the skies belonged to the Paf at that time and the Paf knew about it---.

There were no hidden traps---no hidden assets anywhere---the enemy was on the run---totally confused---.

It was the 1965 battle again---General Akhtar scenario one more time---.
Why you have a ego that you always right, and all of us is always wrong you have not defense degree, you're just common men who thinks insulting of other members is your right, your post reported for your insultin other members @MastanKhan

Told you guys that this Air Chief is a COWARD---.

Paf is an extremely deceitful organization---. They knew that after 27th feb---indians would be retaliating---.

The Paf have intentionally kept their number of aircraft lower over the years even though there were multiple opportunities to buy aircraft---so that Pak Army does not start a war---.

Paf knows if their aircraft numbers were higher---they would have to fight a war for the Pak army---.
Oh shut up..you sit in america and talk of cowardice....we are here facing the enemy. Dont get drunk and talk shyte

1/2 the american seal team stayed behind because of the destroyed helicopter---waiting for the chinook to come pick them up---. It took 45 minutes for the chopper to arrive---.

Then it took 1 1/2 hours of time for the chinook with those 1/2 of the seal team to fly out of pakistan's air space---.


2 or 10 in the same go---does not change the type of retaliation---.
Pakistan allowed the operation. It's a well known fact. How else did the get out from Abbotabad?
Pak military was fully involved and there is no OBL...where is the proof aside from waffle
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