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Pakistanis be ready, time of action is here and now.

May 20, 2011
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Imran's successful diplomacy which has highlighted Pakistan's strategic importance, now recognised world over by major countries. Especially Trump disclosing that Modi requested his mediation on Kashmir, has shaken Modi and his gang to the core.

They are realising that their false personas and carefully crafted Indian’s narrative is demolished by Imran within few months.

Modi is no way near Imran's personal sophistication and charm. He stands no chance against Pakistan’s PM Imran Khan on the world stage. First sign of it were shown during the conference when Imran was welcomed by Putin with warmth, while Modi cut a sulking furlong figure, standing on the side lines.

Seeing the writings on the wall if he allows Imran time and space to work on Pakistan’s foreign policy to enhance Pakistan’s image worldwide. Modi is panicking, thus, has restored to barbarism on grand scale.

Anyone with little sense should have understood it, that India would re-act violently when cornered. That's why some sane people on this forum like @MastanKhan and I have raised our concerns that Pakistani army should have made example of Indian's when they carried out incursion in to Pakistan on 26th Feb and Pakistani response on 27th Feb.

We should have hit India hard and destroyed their intruding jets rather than showing restrain. The excuse that by the time the Indian jets were already crossed the LOC was ill thought. So was the danger of war. War is upon us if we like it or not.

We should have also killed Bipin when we had the chance to do so. India is not going to learn any lessons if we keep showing restrain.

Modi and his team has come to power on the back of some promises and deep dark agendas.

The Muslims of India are also learning that appeasing these Hindu criminals is never going to work. They have to stand up and be counted. Otherwise Indian Muslims are going to learn the worst lesson of the history.

If you give evil a chance you live to regret it. Pakistan should be ready to nuke Indian soldiers if they overstep in Kashmir. I think and hope that Pakistan's military does not restrain itself from using battlefield miniaturised nukes i.e. Nasr.

Kashmiri Muslim's genocide is a horror story Pakistanis cannot and should not tolerate at any cost.
Okay couple of things. I don't want to rain down on your parade, but I am seeing this thing happening again and again in this forum. That thing is :

People taking Trump's words seriously.

Please don't do that. This is the same guy who said Covfefe in the middle of the night. Who called for "extreme vetting" of Muslims. The same guy who sitting in his presidential chair has called people of his own team with all sorts of names AND didn't even leave his intelligence team from contempt.

Simply put, his words are NOT to be believed.

If he says "Pakistan is unreliable, bad or whatever". He doesn't know what he is talking about.
If he says "I love Pakistan, its PM". He doesn't know what he is talking about.
If he says "Kashmir belongs to Canada". He does not know what he is talking about.
If he says "India asked me to help them sort out their border problems." He does not know what he is talking about.

Another thing : When he speaks, he speaks by himself. IE there is no deep state that can control him or heck guide him. He is an independent freak.

The only thing which you should READ in any "dealing" with US right now is their actions. So thats what you have.

125 million dollars worth of F-16 goodies. Now take that and interpret as what you wish. Thats the sole truth in this "diplomacy" with trump or any of his underlings. Rest, is BS.
I agree with your post, I have been saying the same thing about 27th Feb.
Pak had the best chance to give India good thumping but they wasted it and
now these mad dogs have regrouped to attack again.

Even though I am a PTI supporter, I was pissed off with Imran Khan when he
relesed Abhinandan. If a Pakistani pilot is shot down in India do you reckon they will
send him back in 2 days?
Okay couple of things. I don't want to rain down on your parade, but I am seeing this thing happening again and again in this forum. That thing is :

People taking Trump's words seriously.

Please don't do that. This is the same guy who said Covfefe in the middle of the night. Who called for "extreme vetting" of Muslims. The same guy who sitting in his presidential chair has called people of his own team with all sorts of names AND didn't even leave his intelligence team from contempt.

Simply put, his words are NOT to be believed.

If he says "Pakistan is unreliable, bad or whatever". He doesn't know what he is talking about.
If he says "I love Pakistan, its PM". He doesn't know what he is talking about.
If he says "Kashmir belongs to Canada". He does not know what he is talking about.
If he says "India asked me to help them sort out their border problems." He does not know what he is talking about.

Another thing : When he speaks, he speaks by himself. IE there is no deep state that can control him or heck guide him. He is an independent freak.

The only thing which you should READ in any "dealing" with US right now is their actions. So thats what you have.

125 million dollars worth of F-16 goodies. Now take that and interpret as what you wish. Thats the sole truth in this "diplomacy" with trump or any of his underlings. Rest, is BS.

No where I have taken Trump's words seriously.
I am only talking about the evil minds of Modi and his henchmen. They off course have suffered insults in India due to Trump's remarks and now they are hell bound to make the mends. That is my point.
I don't think Pakistan should wait for any help from USA , it has to do all on its own. It should not hesitate this time and should strike India hard, even if it has to nuke Indian's troops, Pakistan should not even think twice.
I am only talking about the evil minds of Modi and his henchmen. They off course have suffered insults in India due to Trump's remarks and now they are hell bound to make the mends. That is my point.
You are naive if you think that diplomacy works by "insults" or "honor". The first thing you learn in any election or popular mandate based politics is to hang your honor on the coat hanger before you enter the arena. No, no one works on that. Diplomats? Not the least bit. Especially, these days its fashionable to be misrepresented or insulted by Trump. If anything, Trump has done service to India. Now they will see some favorable statements (mostly worthless but only for optics) from Democrats too.

I don't think Pakistan should wait for any help from USA , it has to do all on its own. It should not hesitate this time and should strike India hard, even if it has to nuke Indian's troops, Pakistan should not even think twice.
I highly doubt *ANY* politician will try this recipe. Its a sure shot way to lose power. No one does that.
No where I have taken Trump's words seriously.
I am only talking about the evil minds of Modi and his henchmen. They off course have suffered insults in India due to Trump's remarks and now they are hell bound to make the mends. That is my point.
I don't think Pakistan should wait for any help from USA , it has to do all on its own. It should not hesitate this time and should strike India hard, even if it has to nuke Indian's troops, Pakistan should not even think twice.

"Suffered insults" due to Trump's remarks? Some Pakistani members suddenly started taking Trump seriously.
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@MastanKhan was right pakistan forces should have kill more and destroy they military installations on 27/28 Feb so these indian think million times before doing any stupid drama again.


Told you guys that this Air Chief is a COWARD---.

Paf is an extremely deceitful organization---. They knew that after 27th feb---indians would be retaliating---.

The Paf have intentionally kept their number of aircraft lower over the years even though there were multiple opportunities to buy aircraft---so that Pak Army does not start a war---.

Paf knows if their aircraft numbers were higher---they would have to fight a war for the Pak army---.
so are there any unofficial updates from personal contacts or knowledge as to whats going on in occupied Kashmir?
They are realising that their false personas and carefully crafted Indian’s narrative is demolished by Imran within few months.

What exactly Imran has done in his rule to demolish Indian narrative?
Why should Pakistan ask Trump to mediate, why do we think Indians would leave Kashmir, when Trump says so?

Told you guys that this Air Chief is a COWARD---.

Paf is an extremely deceitful organization---. They knew that after 27th feb---indians would be retaliating---.

The Paf have intentionally kept their number of aircraft lower over the years even though there were multiple opportunities to buy aircraft---so that Pak Army does not start a war---.

Paf knows if their aircraft numbers were higher---they would have to fight a war for the Pak army---.
I agree that PAF should have done more damage in Feb but the reasons you are giving for their failure to do so seem to me to be incorrect and over emotional. Hindsight is a wonderful thing and we all now know what should have been done. But come on, PAF being deceptive, cowardly and conspiratorial is ridiculous. Careful strategic calculations were made which led to a decision to stand down. They got the calculation wrong. Simple. There's no conspiracy here.
What exactly Imran has done in his rule to demolish Indian narrative?
Why should Pakistan ask Trump to mediate, why do we think Indians would leave Kashmir, when Trump says so?
It's not about Trump, it's the office he is occupying...the whole world heard what he said that day. It was the biggest PR for the Kashmir cause
The Kashmir issue isn't going away just because the Indians are starting a new round of oppression. There is such a thing as a law of unintended consequences. No one, including the Indians knows where this will end up.
The Kashmiris will never be pacified and India will eventually hang itself with it's own rope.

Told you guys that this Air Chief is a COWARD---.

Paf is an extremely deceitful organization---. They knew that after 27th feb---indians would be retaliating---.

The Paf have intentionally kept their number of aircraft lower over the years even though there were multiple opportunities to buy aircraft---so that Pak Army does not start a war---.

Paf knows if their aircraft numbers were higher---they would have to fight a war for the Pak army---.

If India was readying to fire missiles at Pakistan after that tiny skirmish, how do you know for sure they wouldn't have retaliated?
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