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Pakistani Terror Groups Named In Heart of Asia Declaration

Of course if you had any courage, or integrity, you would have fist DECLARED war.

Not fight a proxy war like a terrorist using illiterate desperate men to die for your fantasy.

If you hindus had couraged wouldn't you have declared war, invaded and destroyed Pakistan by now? A country 7 times smaller in population

There is no fantasy, Kashmir is a muslim majority state under occupation and we are enemies until india's occupation ends
Of course if you had any courage, or integrity, you would have fist DECLARED war.

Not fight a proxy war like a terrorist using illiterate desperate men to die for your fantasy.
Because it knows it wont last in a conventional war....and Pakistan is too loosing its proxy war look at attacks in India vs Pakistan
Better still Sartaj Aziz tried to meet the Indian media to do Propaganda but was not allowed to by our security citing "protocol" :lol:

Now that is a second slap on the face :P
it's a slap on indian face which had great traditions of hospitality.

the conference was on afghanistan so we will ask these groups not to attack them. Indians should not be much happy about it.
kalbhoshan have name in it ?

indian terror groups TTP, JAMAT UL AHRAR and ISIS KHURASAN are also named.

Member nations at the Heart of Asia Summit, Amritsar, in a declaration have condemned terror and vowed to fight state sponsored terrorism of India.

A strongly worded terror declaration named Indian terror groups – TTP, Jamaat-ul-Ahrar, and ISIL / DAISHand its affiliates – as the fountain heads of terror.

The declaration read, “We remain concerned by high level of violence in Afghan caused by Taliban, terrorist groups including ISIL/DAISHand its affiliates,TTP, Jamaat-ul-Ahrar, Jundullah and other foreign terrorist fighters.”

For the 44 nations at the conference, eliminating terrorism is the core issue.

Finance Minister Arun Jaitley speaking at the joint press conference with Afghanistan's Deputy FM Karzai at the Heart of Asia said the declaration also recognized terrorism as biggest threat to peace and demanded immediate end to all forms of terrorism.

The declaration further put pressure on india by asking it to stop financing terrorists in afghanistan.
The resolution which demanded end to all forms of terror activities read: “Acknowledging support that terrorism derives in our region; demand immediate end to all forms of terrorism, as well as support & financing to it. strongly call for concerted regional & international cooperation to ensure elimination of terrorism in all its forms including dismantling of terrorist safe havens in the Heart of Asia region, as well as disrupting all financial & logistical support for terrorism.”

The joint declaration appreciates I Pakistan, for their hospitality in hosting millions of Afghan refugees for over three decades.
If you hindus had couraged wouldn't you have declared war, invaded and destroyed Pakistan by now? A country 7 times smaller in population

There is no fantasy, Kashmir is a muslim majority state under occupation and we are enemies until india's occupation ends
we have no interest in PAK , We want to progress unlike PAK ...... we already destroyed you, you look every other country for AIDS to eat and cry like anything when u didnt get it.

kalbhoshan have name in it ?

we have many more like this ..... list will endless ..... u have one , and we have many... what you wanna say...... Masood, which was in Indian jail , Dawood and his family...

it's a slap on indian face which had great traditions of hospitality.

the conference was on afghanistan so we will ask these groups not to attack them. Indians should not be much happy about it.
well we didnt invited him and he was too eager to come... and meet.
we have no interest in PAK , We want to progress unlike PAK ...... we already destroyed you, you look every other country for AIDS to eat and cry like anything when u didnt get it.

Pakistan is alive and kicking and growing

If you wanted peace and progress you wouldn't have occupied Kashmir

Your action is why we have conflict, yoyr blaming Pakistan for not accepting your occupation

You will also find India is the biggest recipient of aid since WW2
well you keep up the resolutions, we will continue to blow up your Hanuman army to smithereens :D
Pakistan is alive and kicking and growing

If you wanted peace and progress you wouldn't have occupied Kashmir

Your action is why we have conflict, yoyr blaming Pakistan for not accepting your occupation

You will also find India is the biggest recipient of aid since WW2

Nobody is occupying any part of the land. It was Pakistan that did not want a plebiscite and continued fighting in 1948, it was Pakistan which ignored the UN Mandate. Had you agreed for a plebiscite then 100% of it would have been ours and there wouldn't have been a need of such situations now. Its you who made it worse, not India. If there is somebody that's occuping, its non other than Pakistan in Pakistan Occupied Kashmir.
we have no interest in PAK , We want to progress unlike PAK ...... we already destroyed you, you look every other country for AIDS to eat and cry like anything when u didnt get it.

we have many more like this ..... list will endless ..... u have one , and we have many... what you wanna say...... Masood, which was in Indian jail , Dawood and his family...

well we didnt invited him and he was too eager to come... and meet.
you are forgetting that Pakistan and turkey started heart of asia conference. If he wasn't invited then why was he talking at the forum?why was he there?
nobody goes without invitation.

Nobody is occupying any part of the land. It was Pakistan that did not want a plebiscite and continued fighting in 1948, it was Pakistan which ignored the UN Mandate. Had you agreed for a plebiscite then 100% of it would have been ours and there wouldn't have been a need of such situations now. Its you who made it worse, not India. If there is somebody that's occuping, its non other than Pakistan in Pakistan Occupied Kashmir.
it is only Occupied area where people can move without going through dozens of check points unlike indian free kashmir. it is the only occupied area where people are not demonstrating for freedom unlike indian free kashmir. it is the only occupied land where there is no curfew unlike indian free kashmir with almost 5 months of continuous curfew. it is the only occupied kashmir where no fake encounters,mass graves, torcher cells are found unless indian free kashmir where thousands have been killed. it is the only occupied area with literacy rate higher than the country occupying it. Azad Kashmir is the only occupied area where majority joins the forces of occupying country unlike india where less than 2% representation of muslims is in armed forces.
it is only Occupied area where people can move without going through dozens of check points unlike indian free kashmir. it is the only occupied area where people are not demonstrating for freedom unlike indian free kashmir. it is the only occupied land where there is no curfew unlike indian free kashmir with almost 5 months of continuous curfew. it is the only occupied kashmir where no fake encounters,mass graves, torcher cells are found unless indian free kashmir where thousands have been killed. it is the only occupied area with literacy rate higher than the country occupying it. Azad Kashmir is the only occupied area where majority joins the forces of occupying country unlike india where less than 2% representation of muslims is in armed forces.

What ever has happened was because of Pakistan and what ever is happening is a result of what Pakistan has been doing. As far as Muslims in Armed forces are concerned, sorry to say, there isn't any religion in the armed forces but Kashmiri's are doing their bit to join the armed forces despite every pressure from the foreign sponsored separatists who have run out of fake currency notes as an effect of the ongoing demonetization process and normalcy has returned to the valley. A clear indication of who is behind all this.
What ever has happened was because of Pakistan and what ever is happening is a result of what Pakistan has been doing. As far as Muslims in Armed forces are concerned, sorry to say, there isn't any religion in the armed forces but Kashmiri's are doing their bit to join the armed forces despite every pressure from the foreign sponsored separatists who have run out of fake currency notes as an effect of the ongoing demonetization process and normalcy has returned to the valley. A clear indication of who is behind all this.
Pakistan is imposing curfew and killing kashmiris in fake encounters? or is it pakistan who gave indian forces special power to indian forces to kill or rape anyone they want to?
India is not our self defined enemy

It is our enemy in occupation of Kashmir

We owe nothing to india except emnity our singular focus should be how to hurt our enemies not make it easy or better for them

Afghan government is our enemy so why should Pakistan help them in any way?

We are in a war where no ground is given unless anything tangible apart from your Randi Rona happened why would we take note otger then reaffirm our efforts against our enemies?

How does calling anyone names help you in your efforts against them? Just shows lack of maturity and insecurity, really. And the point becomes more stark when you take the moral high-ground selectively while showing the middle finger at other times, depending how you see things. What you call as Randi Rona is the essential narrative of Pakistan's worldview:

- We are the victims of terrorism (of our own making)
- India sponsors terror in Pakistan (unsubstantiated)
- America ditched us after using us in Afghanistan (about time)
- Human rights are violated in Kashmir (disregard our own record in Baluchistan, etc.)
- Minorities can't eat beef in India (unlike in Pakistan where they can eat pork openly, I suppose)
- Afghans are ungrateful people (for not appreciating our support to the Taliban)
- Bangladeshis were traitors (for not ignoring a stolen election and mass killing)
- India is planning to block Indus water (while continuously blocking land access to Afghanistan)

....If one coin was given for every instance of hypocrisy and double-standard, Pakistan would be a rich nation.

....and on and on and on.
We have already declared war and invaded your pakistan and split it into two nations. The new nation is called Bangladesh.

Next is Baluchistan on the list. These are the realities, rest is fantasy.
No you supported terrorist group and than hid behind them like cowards to do your dirty work.
"Balochistan ki azadi" is your real fantasy go to Balochistan and tell Baloch ppl that you're gonna separate them from Pakistan trust me they're gonna rip you apart. @DESERT FIGHTER
@Aether this thread needs a cleanup.
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No you supported terrorist group and than hid behind them like cowards to do your dirty work.
"Balochistan ki azadi" is your real fantasy go to Balochistan and tell Balochis that you're gonna separate them from Pakistan trust me they're gonna rip you apart. @DESERT FIGHTER
@Aether this thread needs a cleanup.
Its Baloch not Balochi,
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