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Pakistani Territorial Army


Jul 23, 2010
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These ideas have come to fruition - good for future quick deployment in national emergencies.

Chief of Army Staff, General Ashfaq Parvez Kayani visited Sialkot Garrison, today.
COAS was briefed about the progress of validation process of the concept of Territorial Forces. This concept is aimed at improving the mobilization and administration of second line forces and reserves in the event of war or a national emergency. It is part of the ongoing restructuring of the Army, initiated on directives of the COAS, with a view to improve the Army’s operational effectiveness as well as economy and efficiency of administration.
During interaction with the local youth, recruited as Territorial Force, COAS lauded the sacrifices of people of Sialkot during previous wars. He termed people's support to the Army vital for handling any crisis situation.
Earlier, on arrival, COAS was received by Commander Gujranwala Corps, Lieutenant General Muzzammil Hussain.

Welcome to ISPR
The US's got the National Guard, with some police units trained for special purposes.
Turkiye's got their units.

Are Civil Defense classes still required for College/University students, Are they optional electives etc?
i think all the para-military's may be subordinated under one command. its a good move but i hope they have clear cut operational lines between the territorial army & the PA. one could be that in times of natural disasters it will be the duty of the territorial army to provide relief to the affectees. the PA could provide air-logistics only.
Regional Police force needs to be retrained, and re-armed , with improvement in Infrastructure and command center.

Army should be limited to missions against , India or Terrorist. As the Army's response is always Leathal.

Regional Police force however has to have mandate to protect civilians and infrastructure and minimize damage

However , having a Reserve Army Force is needed at Youth Level for possible danger from India and Terrorism there should be induction into reserve force , with assitance on Getting Educated to get half a million Youth into Army (Reserve status)

When I was in school they used to have army military training credits however this should be expanded to Military University for reserves

Cadets who pass with Honors in University should have option
The exams should be administred in Military schools under video survelance

1- Join Pakistan New Police Force , Heads of City Police 50% on
call on Army in war time.(Government Salary)
2 -Join Pakistan Police Force , Office Jobs (Government Salary)
3- Advance consideration for "Government Jobs"

Police force needs a over haul

a) Complete 100% overhaul of tracking of cases , with IT software
b) Digitized finger prints , case information tracking linked to Pakistan Secret services
c) Rehire of "Military trained Cadets" with good moral into Head of police force
d) Advance weapons for Police Force , Usage of Bullet - bomb proof vehicles
Aren't rangers meant for that purpose ? aren't they like the US national guards always thought they were.... :what:
did we not have NCC back in 90s? in colleges youth was given the training of a Cadet, they were to work in case of war.
Aren't rangers meant for that purpose ? aren't they like the US national guards always thought they were.... :what:

I don't think so. Pakistan's rangers are a paramilitary force, and not a military reserve force.

Pakistan's rangers work full time as rangers, that is their only job. But members of a military reserve force, like India's territorial army or USA's national guard or military reserves (ROTC etc), hold a civilian job full time during peacetime, and fight as soldiers during wartime (or during national emergencies, natural disasters etc). Pakistan military has a reserve force too, I'm not sure what it is called.

So during the Iraq war for instance, many national guard units were sent in there to fight alongside the regular units. (Pakistan's Rangers wouldn't be sent to fight a war, at most they would give light support to the army within Pakistan, or hold defensive positions on the border - akin to India's BSF.)

Basically, military reserves are a way of having a huge trained manpower at minimal cost. Since they are gainfully employed during peacetime, they contribute to the economy of the country, and only need to be minimally trained. India has only one reserve force, called the territorial army, and they serve both the function of the US national guards as well as their ROTC.

So although the size of the Indian army is about 1.3 million (the so called active or standing force), it also has an equal number of reserve force. So during wartime, the effective size of the army would be twice what it appears during peacetime, ie, about 2.6 million or so.

All countries maintain a reserve force in addition to the standing or active forces, that is an excellent way to conserve money, and to keep sustaining a war for longer periods. A large reserve force is absolutely essential for a prolonged war.

Pakistan's rangers are more like India's CRPF or BSF. A paramilitary force, not a military reserve force.
i think all the para-military's may be subordinated under one command. its a good move but i hope they have clear cut operational lines between the territorial army & the PA. one could be that in times of natural disasters it will be the duty of the territorial army to provide relief to the affectees. the PA could provide air-logistics only.

An idea certainly worth looking at...but then you would have to train the para-military force for heliborne rescue ops as well!

In the end, even if only the army does the rescue ops, it isn't the infrantry or anything that is really bearing the burden, but the Aviation corps...they have the problem because of number of helis.

New AW's for MoI and FWO do go some way in alleviating that burden.
rangers main responsibility is border security but they are now being used for internal security also as the police has failed in this job/area.
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