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Pakistani tactical nukes, very very successfull.

Great scientists and planners of Pakistan beating the big and bigs

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Jul 31, 2013
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What ever the people outside the Pakistani borders say, Pak tactical nukes have successfuly halted all direct aggressions. It reverted the decades of enemy planing and expenditure. It is a miraculous development by our great scientists and war planners. Not only india but others also could not do any surgical or anti nuke installations strike. More over enemy secret agencies prime crop the TTP could not do any thing as was planed against the soverignity of Pakistan.
Salute to ISI, salute to Pak army, salute to our great silent scientists.
now look at the anti Pakistan version of it;

Pakistan Clarifies Conditions for Tactical Nuclear Weapon Use Against India
Pakistan’s foreign secretary notes that Islamabad is ready to use low-yield nukes against India’s “Cold Start” doctrine.


By Ankit Panda
October 20, 2015
On Monday, a top Pakistani official confirmed what had long been suspected by the arms control community: Pakistan will use low-yield nuclear weapons in responding to hypothetical Indian incursions into its territory. According to Pakistani Foreign Secretary Aizaz Chaudhary, Pakistan is formalizing it’s plans to use these low-yield nuclear bombs to forestall the advance of Indian troops under New Delhi’s “Cold Start” doctrine. Chaudhary’s statement marks the first time Pakistani officials have acknowledged their intent to use low-yield, or so-called “tactical,” nuclear weapons in a potential future conflict with India. India does not currently operate or plan to develop tactical nuclear weapons.

Pakistan’s research and development efforts into tactical nuclear weapons have been an open secret for some time. Khalid Kidwai, the longest serving head of Pakistan’s Strategic Plans Division, the branch of the armed forces tasked with securing and maintaining the country’s nuclear arsenal, had called earlier this year for short-range nuclear weapons. Though observers often distinguish between long-range, high-yield “strategic” nuclear weapons and short-range, low-yield “tactical” nuclear weapons, no formal distinction exists between the two types of weapons. In the eyes of the international community, even the use of a low-yield nuclear weapon in wartime would mark a significant escalation and increase the risk of all-out nuclear war between India and Pakistan. Pakistani experts, including Kidwai, have denied that Pakistan’s plans to operationalize short-range nuclear weapons would realistically increase the risk of nuclear war in South Asia.

Independent experts generally regard Pakistan’s deployment of short-range, low-yield nuclear weapons as problematic and risky. Jeffrey D. McCausland, writing for the Stimson Center, notes that “the belief held by some Pakistani military leaders that the development, production, and induction of tactical nuclear weapons would cancel Indian conventional advantages while facilitate ‘sub-conventional’ warfare is both dangerous and problematic.” Notably, tactical nuclear weapons lower the threshold for nuclear weapon use by Pakistan considerably. Chaudhary’s offered rational for Pakistan’s “tactical” weapons refers to India’s so-called “Cold Start” doctrine, which is as of yet not an official part of Indian military doctrine. Under Cold Start, Indian conventional forces would conduct coordinated offensive operations into Pakistan and conduct limited warfare; Cold Start emphasizes speedy and lithe offensive operations. From the Pakistani perspective, battlefield use of tactical nuclear weapons would stop Indian forces dead in their tracks. Unsaid in Chaudhary’s remarks on Pakistan’s tactical weapons is the notion that Pakistan would essentially resort to nuclear weapon use on its own territory to slow down an Indian advance.

As a final thought, I find it notable that Chaudhary chose a press conference briefing the media on Pakistani Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif’s upcoming state visit to the United States to acknowledge Pakistan’s plans to deploy low-yield nuclear weapons. In recent weeks, following two separate reports by the Washington Post‘s David Ignatius and the New York Times‘ David Sanger, rumors that the United States is planning on offering Islamabad a “nuclear deal” have abounded. A U.S.-Pakistan deal would grant Pakistan access to civilian nuclear technology and access to global nuclear commerce in exchange for a freeze in the growth of Islamabad’s nuclear arsenal. There are a range of reasons why this would be a questionable move for the United States (Dhruva Jaishankar catalogues many of them over at Foreign Policy).

Chaudhary clarified that no nuclear deal would come out of Sharif’s visit to Washington this week, but the Pakistani prime minister may well end up discussing the issue with Obama. Washington is understandably highly sensitive to the possibility of nuclear weapon use in South Asia and has historically worked with Pakistan to ensure that its nuclear arsenal remains out of the hands of terrorists. While U.S. intelligence has been aware of Pakistan’s development of tactical nuclear weapons for some time, having the country’s foreign secretary mention it before a state visit is a great way for Pakistan to emphasize the development. In essence, this is as much about signaling to the United States as it is to India over its potential war-fighting plans.

Thus, for Sharif, Chaudhary’s remark on tactical nuclear weapons adds additional leverage to the Pakistani position should negotiations for a nuclear deal actually begin in earnest. A nuclear deal for Pakistan could end up being a non-starter, but clarifying the conditions for tactical nuclear weapon will only increase Washington’s anxieties about possible future conflicts in South Asia.
can we modify nasr to be a tank killer?- imagine salvos of nasr tank killers fired at indian mechanised cold start formations -
What ever the people outside the Pakistani borders say, Pak tactical nukes have successfuly halted all direct aggressions. It reverted the decades of enemy planing and expenditure. It is a miraculous development by our great scientists and war planners. Not only india but others also could not do any surgical or anti nuke installations strike. More over enemy secret agencies prime crop the TTP could not do any thing as was planed against the soverignity of Pakistan.
Salute to ISI, salute to Pak army, salute to our great silent scientists.
And what about daily border firing in which many Pakistanis are killed. After Modi Indian strategy has changed. No more Cold Start. Modis policy is 1. Sustained low intensity conflict. 2. Support disgruntled elements in Pakistan.

You people are still working on Manmohan Singhs strategy. Move on. Government in India has changed.
And what about daily border firing in which many Pakistanis are killed. After Modi Indian strategy has changed. No more Cold Start. Modis policy is 1. Sustained low intensity conflict. 2. Support disgruntled elements in Pakistan.

You people are still working on Manmohan Singhs strategy. Move on. Government in India has changed.

Dude, we don't give a cahoot about India or its government. Like I always say. You want peace, no problemo. You want war, we'll give you one you won't forget. The choice is up to you.

As for firing a few rockets on this or the other side... What the hell are you going to achieve? You want real war? Bring it on dude. Just bring it on and call the shot.

We always pay you in kind as far as supporting insurgencies is concerned. Afghanistan should ring some bells. Remember when you cry foul to your granddaddy Uncle Sam? LOL
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And what about daily border firing in which many Pakistanis are killed. After Modi Indian strategy has changed. No more Cold Start. Modis policy is 1. Sustained low intensity conflict. 2. Support disgruntled elements in Pakistan.

You people are still working on Manmohan Singhs strategy. Move on. Government in India has changed.

Border aggression is answered then and there. With a great difference Pak army only kills your uniformed armed personals unlike you, who always fire on unarmed civilians from back.
These tactical nukes are indeed successful or you would not have a U.S. telling you to 'limit' them on behalf of another shoopa powa that went crying across Atlantic after their dreams came crashing.
Dude, we don't give a cahoot about India or its government. Like I always say. You want peace, no problemo. You want war, we'll give you one you won't forget. The choice is up to you.

As for firing a few rockets on this or the other side... What the hell are you going to achieve? You want real war? Bring it on dude. Just bring it on and call the shot.
Fact is India is not afraid of striking Pakistan under Modi. But there has to be a reason for that like a major terrorist attack outside Kashmir. But after 2007 Mumbai attacks Pakistan has been shown its place by US & terrorist activities outside Kashmir has ceased. Pakistan has been tamed. Let there be another terrorist attack against India & you will see missiles fired on terrorist camps in Pakistan. No one cares about your nuclear weapons. Keep on talking about it.

Border aggression is answered then and there. With a great difference Pak army only kills your uniformed armed personals unlike you, who always fire on unarmed civilians from back.
Many Kashmiris are killed by Pakistani shelling.
And what about daily border firing in which many Pakistanis are killed. After Modi Indian strategy has changed. No more Cold Start. Modis policy is 1. Sustained low intensity conflict. 2. Support disgruntled elements in Pakistan.

You people are still working on Manmohan Singhs strategy. Move on. Government in India has changed.

I am glad to hear that fundamental Indian military strategy changes with every civilian government. So there is no long term consensus or planning. Maybe the Cold Strategy was changed because it was checkmated and failed. As for the two new element of Modi's policy they seems to have failed also. The so called disgruntled elements in Pakistan are on the run and nearly destroyed, whether they are TTP, or Baluch militants or gangs in Karachi. The remaining will be taken care off in the next few months. Right now India has more issues with disgruntled elements than Pakistan so I am no sure if Modi wants to go there. As for the sustained low intensity conflict. We responded in kind and you were the ones who could not sustain it and backed down. Just google the frustrated comments by your leaders. So get your head out of your @ss and smell the roses for a change.
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These tactical nukes are indeed successful or you would not have a U.S. telling you to 'limit' them on behalf of another shoopa powa that went crying across Atlantic after their dreams came crashing.
US has been trying to restrict Pakistani nuclear program since 1970s. Dont interpret otherwise and increase importance of your country.

I am glad to hear that fundamental Indian military strategy changes with every civilian government. So there is no long term consensus or planning. Maybe the Cold Strategy was changed because it was checkmated and failed. As for the two new element of Modi's policy they seems to have failed also. The so called disgruntled elements in Pakistan are on the run and nearly destroyed, whether they are TTP, or Baluch militants or gangs in Karachi. The remaining will be taken care off in the next few months. As for the sustained low intensity conflict. We responded in kind and you were the ones who could not sustain it and backed down. Just google the frustrated comments by your leader. So get your head out of your @ss and smell the roses for a change.
Maybe the Cold Strategy was changed because it was checkmated and failed.

No. Because India now has lots of missiles & we can fire them in numbers on Pakistan instead of risking sending army. Strategy has changed because of technology.
Future prospects of dear Pakistan are brilliantly great. Unipolar world is no more there. (Russia-China) Pakistan corridor/ block can counter any thing. India is loosing its strong alliances by dwindling between use and russia.
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Fact is India is not afraid of striking Pakistan under Modi. But there has to be a reason for that like a major terrorist attack outside Kashmir. But after 2007 Mumbai attacks Pakistan has been shown its place by US & terrorist activities outside Kashmir has ceased. Pakistan has been tamed. Let there be another terrorist attack against India & you will see missiles fired on terrorist camps in Pakistan. No one cares about your nuclear weapons. Keep on talking about it.

Many Kashmiris are killed by Pakistani shelling.

Bring it on rapist and stop wasting my time. Stupid forum warrior. Bla bla bla... Only a keyboard warrior. Knows only how to press keys. LOL We're itching to press some buttons...

Many Pakistani Kashmiris are killed by Indian shelling.
Future prospects of dear Pakistan are brilliantly great. Unipolar world is no more there. (Russia-China) Pakistan corridor/ block can counter any thing. India is loosing its strong alliances by dwindling between use and russia.
Not a single container has been shipped on your corridor.

Bring it on man and stop wasting my time. Stupid forum warrior. Bla bla bla... Only a keyboard warrior. LOL We're itching to press some buttons...

Many Pakistani Kashmiris are killed by Indian shelling.
I say terrorist attack outside Kashmir in major cities like Mumbai. Do it & see missiles coming inside Pakistan. Do you have guts to attack Mumbai now.
waste of resources, Indian doctrine dictates any nuclear adventure will be answered in kind, with interest.. aka tactical ka jawaab strategic se

all this nuclear talk is insane anyway, be happy both sides have deterrence to ward of any misadventure into the other's territory.
can we modify nasr to be a tank killer?- imagine salvos of nasr tank killers fired at indian mechanised cold start formations -
Bro any thing comes under blast radius would be destroyed. Nasr and other low yield nuclear weapons developed by Pakistan especially for mechanized advancing division of Indian army. These weapons are plotinum base clean nuclear weapons leaved behind very little nuclear fallout and their radius is only .5 square KM to 1 square KM maximum.
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