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Pakistani soldier eliminates multiple TTP attacking a post on the border

Not enough. They shouldn't be allowed to come this close.
PA needs massive upper hand on these cockroaches.
Most urban firefight take place within 300m. It look like they were at around 300m, beyond that assault rifles started to lose their effect as distance is increased. Sniper has longer Ranger weapon but he needs to establish positive ID of enemy combatants. He cannot just shoot anyone walking unless they pull out a weapon.

Looks like, sniper wasn’t using silencer. Second guy was trying to aim toward sniper fire.
finally. some good news. its high time that the our soldiers start benefitting from their training and equipment. most of the past videos used to show our soldiers firing blindly without taking aim. they have better training and discipline than the afghan army and now the taliban/ttp, its good that they are acting like it.
Not enough. They shouldn't be allowed to come this close.
PA needs massive upper hand on these cockroaches.
I know you mean well by this post, but seriously do you understand that TTP is the enemy within? An enemy that can blend in with the local culture, society and people is a dangerous breed.

PA needs massive upper hand on these cockroaches.

I know I’ve said this before, but I’ll say it here again. Pakistan Army is doing great work in CT and in creating Tali fertiliser. As for upper hand, my friend we have a conventional army that has been fighting both urban and remote counter insurgency since 2001 - very few militaries in the world have the breadth and experience that Pakistan military has in this theatre of operations and style of military operations.
Good. The only good one of them seems to be the dead one of them.

Applaud to soldiers for their brave work.
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