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Pakistani mother enrolls in first grade


Dec 29, 2010
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Pakistani mother enrolls in first grade
By Reza Sayah, CNNJanuary 22, 2011

Daudkhel, Pakistan (CNN) -- Rukhsana Batool doesn't quite look like her fellow first graders at an elementary school in this village in northwest Pakistan.

Batool towers over the rest of the children, she is covered in a white burqa - the full length Islamic veil- and she is a 25-year-old married mother of three.

"I love it here," she said from behind the patch of burqa netting that covered her face. "I used to bring my children to school and I saw them studying. I thought I really want to study and learn too."

Last month a teacher at the school encouraged her to enroll. Batool's parents had never allowed her to go to school. It's something she always dreamed of doing, so she agreed to sign up.

Now, when the school bell rings, she walks into class and sits next to her two favorite classmates - her two sons, age 4 and 5

"She was interested in studying and I welcomed that," said her teacher Murred Fizza. "I told her I would teach her even if it meant working during my break time."

Batool gave credit to her husband who encouraged her to go to school in a country where women's education has long suffered because of social and cultural limitations, and the spread of extremism.

Hard-line religious groups here say women's education is un-Islamic and frequently warn families not to send their girls to school once they reach puberty.

The Taliban have bombed and set fire to hundreds of schools, most of them for girls, just a few hours from where Batool lives.

The Pakistani government is nowhere near rebuilding them

Even in some of Pakistan's more moderate rural areas parents often refuse to send their daughters to school with boys. Millions of teenage girls end up working at home or getting married.

Recent studies show only four out of 10 Pakistani women can read and write -- a literacy rate that ranks among the worst in the world.

"One of the main solutions to all the issues we have in this country is the education of women," said Fizza, Batool's teacher. "I think if one woman is educated, her entire family will be educated."

Batool hopes her enrollment in first grade inspires other Pakistani women to go to school and for Pakistan's government to invest more in women's education

Pakistani mother enrolls in first grade - CNN.com
she should be enrolled in 10 grade, for god sake, first grade????? the first graders have a small mind, she is mature enuf to learn fast as tenth grader :lol:
hats off to her ... Zardari should follow suit if he has slightest shred of ghairat in him ... oh i forgot he ran away in 10th grade ... silly me!!
no not a great idea, if he starts now...... another 10 years of presidency at least??
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She has really set an example for others to follow.
Salute to her husband who stood by her.

This news is Great News!:tup::tup::tup:
She should be saluted for taking such a bold step. Believe you me, it must not be easy for her to sit among small children in a class room. Even women around her (even the uneducated ones) may make fun of her.

i salute her wisdom and courage for recognising a problem and acting to solve it!

Of course her husband and family members deserve to be commended because they could have (if they wanted to) ground her hopes in to the dust. But they did not. :tup:

Educating a man uplifts one person.
Educating a woman (or girl) educates a generation.

May there be more like her! Rukhsana Batool is a role model for our mixed-up times.
nobody has given me answer, why first grade why not 10th grade????
Because literacy is a skill, and one has to start from the very basics of any skill no matter what is the age. Mature age dos'nt mean that one has already acquired basics of a skill already.
good and all but 1st grade? from what i remember 1st was mostly nap and some 1+1 up to 5+5, maybe third where the multiplication starts?
This news is Great News!:tup::tup::tup:
She should be saluted for taking such a bold step. Believe you me, it must not be easy for her to sit among small children in a class room. Even women around her (even the uneducated ones) may make fun of her.

i salute her wisdom and courage for recognising a problem and acting to solve it!

Of course her husband and family members deserve to be commended because they could have (if they wanted to) ground her hopes in to the dust. But they did not. :tup:

Educating a man uplifts one person.
Educating a woman (or girl) educates a generation.

May there be more like her! Rukhsana Batool is a role model for our mixed-up times.

This reminds me of a saying in Bengali which goes something like this:

"Ekta shikhito maa deo, ekta shikhito jaati dibo."

Which roughly means:

"From an educated mother comes an educated generation"
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