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Pakistani military shows off captured Taliban base

SWAT: A Pakistani flag now flies over army troops dug in on a strategic ridge that until two days ago was held by the Taliban, a base where militants trained fighters, built tunnels and equipped caves with electricity and air vents.

The takeover of the highest Taliban stronghold in the Swat Valley by troops who stormed up its jagged, rubble-strewn slopes is evidence of the success of Pakistan's month-old army offensive. The action has been welcomed by the United States, which fears the nuclear-armed country is capitulating to the militants.

But much of the region still remains in the hands of the militants, including Buner—a district just 60 miles (100 kilometres) from the capital Islamabad and the focus of intense air and ground operations in recent weeks, according to witnesses and police officers who spoke to an Associated Press reporter in its main town Friday.

Unlike other campaigns against Taliban and al-Qaida militants, the current offensive has broad political and public support in Pakistan, but some fear that could drain away if the refugees are seen to be neglected or the fighting drags on.

‘The noose is tightening around them,’ Maj. Gen. Saajad Ghani, the commander of operations in Upper Swat. ‘Their routes of escape have been cut off. It's just a question of time before the Taliban leadership is eliminated.’ He and another senior commander estimated the operation could last another two or three months.

The army took more than a dozen reporters to the camp after flying them to the valley by helicopter from Islamabad. The scenic region that once attracted honeymooners and skiers has largely been off-limits to the media since fighting broke out.

While foreign governments are praising the Swat operation, they will be looking closely to see whether the country expands the offensive into other parts of the border region, especially Waziristan, which has been hit by repeated strikes by U.S missiles since last year.

Critics say the Pakistani army does not have the will or capability to completely take out the militants, given its close historical links to extremist groups it fostered for use as proxies in Kashmir, a region disputed with long time foe India.

Previous operations in the northwest have resulted in widespread damage to property and significant civilian casualties.

The army has not given any tolls for civilians killed, but say there have been very few. Refugees have reported several examples. The militants have largely been unavailable for comment since the fighting began.

Flying over the valley, there was no major damage visible in several towns and cities—a sign, perhaps, that the military is making good on its promise not to use artillery and air strikes in urban area or where civilians could be hiding.

The facilities at the Taliban camp on the ridge point to a disciplined and well-funded adversary, which is believed to have about 4,000 fighters.

At 7,500 feet (2,286 meters), the complex was about the size of two soccer fields, with panoramic views of the valley on all sides. Ghani said it was an operational, communications and training centre for the Swat insurgency that had been there for several years.

‘They wanted to retain it at all costs,’ he said at the base, where a dozen Pakistani army soldiers are dug in, wary the Taliban may return. ‘This was symbolic for them’

The heights were first bombed by jets and helicopters, leaving several large craters, before troops stormed it earlier this week.

Ghani said four soldiers had been wounded and that 200-300 fighters had been killed, but there was no evidence of this, such as graves or blood. Capt. Kamal Butt, who led the final assault, said there were no bodies when he arrived, suggesting the insurgents had fled. There was no explanation of where the bodies might have gone.

The cave mouths and bunkers were made with brick walls several feet thick and topped with large tree trunks, dirt and leaves. Flies buzzed in and out of the cave housing the kitchen, outside of which stood a bullet-scarred wheelbarrow filled with lentils.

The caves and tunnels had electricity and rudimentary ventilation systems. A system of pipes and tanks ensured those staying at the camp had water from several faucets.

Officers laid out text books belonging to pupils who, according to the headings in them, underwent guerrilla training. One was dated May 2, 2009. They said many of the students were forced to attend. They also showed reporters three sacks of chemicals used for making bombs, wires and detonators.

‘Fighting an insurgency in your own country is hell,’ said Col. Abdul Rehman. ‘But when the whole country is behind you, you feel better.’

DAWN.COM | Pakistan | Pak Army shows captured Taliban base to media
This is a hard learned lesson for our Politicians, and Country men, who always change their minds and gave more time to taliban to strengthen themselves in these areas by building concrete tunnels and ammunition depo's.

I would suggest GoP, that once you decide to take action against lunatics, carry it out, and only stop when you face no resistance, from the past 2 years PAK Army had been doing operations and every time it was near to gain an advantage over it's rival taliban, our immature Government asked them to pull out, and give the hard fought advantage to Taliban.

If this action that is being done today had been carried out 2 years ago, i bet we would not have sacrificed our fallen soldier's in the quatities we have done today, in this operation.

Now, alhamdulillah, I see that the whole Nation is united against this menace, and operation will only stop when these lunatics are eliminated forever, so that our Country can prosper once again, Inshallah.:pakistan:
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If i had kept going to my urdu class how good it would have been.......please translate.
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its a stupid report, forgive me

we are not fighting war with an organized force.
they are gorellas and army has given its policy that they will hunt taliban but use force with care to eliminate colletral damage[it includes life and property]
I dont know why govt dont launch operation against news groups who are terrorizing with sensationalism

and plz dont quote manaver hassan
JI it self is involved in talibani terrorism.
According to very reliable sources members JI and JUI are fighting against Government forces under the flag of Taliban( The person whom I interviewed him self belongs to Bajor tribal agency). My source disclosed that one important Taliban commander from Bajor tribal agency contested election under banner of JUI in 2008 elections. He also told me that some of Taliban fighting in Bajor are political Activists of JUI and JI.
The article in Urdu covers the same ground as the earlier ones in English, except that it takes the lack of significant damage to population centers as 'proof' that the Military operation is a sham.

Of course if there had been significant damage to towns and villages, these **%#$%(^$ reporters would be crying about how the military is indiscriminately shelling and bombing innocent people.

Nothing but speculative BS in the Urdu article - the English ones are far more objective. Just goes to show that Taliban sympathizers still exist in the media.

Guess who the jourmalist thinks is credible?

"Taliban kay hawalay say ISPR musalsal jaali byanaat jarri kar rahi hai"

"According to the Taliban, the ISPR is continuously issuing false statements".

Right - so now we are to believe the takfiri terrorists over the military.
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If i had kept going to my urdu class how could it would have been.......please translate.

No need to do effort to for translation.Writer is influenced or member of Jamat Islami.
He is trying to convince that army operation is wrong but now its too late army has to take action because all political efforts are now exhausted.
Pakistan should not allow any state within the state.Talaban methodology of shariah implementation is totally wrong.
No need to do effort to for translation.Writer is influenced or member of Jamat Islami.
He is trying to convince that army operation is wrong but now its too late army has to take action because all political efforts are now exhausted.
Pakistan should not allow any state within the state.Talaban methodology of shariah implementation is totally wrong.


I think when you see blind fanaticism you know its from JI:hitwall:
The article in Urdu covers the same ground as the earlier ones in Urdu, except that it takes the lack of significant damage to population centers as 'proof' that the Military operation is a sham.

Of course if there had been significant damage to towns and villages, these **%#$%(^$ reporters would be crying about how the military is indiscriminately shelling and bombing innocent people.

Nothing but speculative BS in the Urdu article - the English ones are far more objective. Just goes to show that Taliban sympathizers still exist in the media.

Guess who the jourmalist thinks is credible?

"Taliban kay hawalay say ISPR musalsal jaali byanaat jarri kar rahi hai"

"According to the Taliban, the ISPR is continuously issuing false statements".

Right - so now we are to believe the takfiri terrorists over the military.

by the way ISPR statement and on GROUNd military forces Statements is very much Different!! Thats REALITY!!

ISPR statement about (forign hands etc) is very much different. Athar abbas said that our neighbour (Only Afghanistan and Afghan neighbour involve in this WAR. But on GEO Documentry on WAR ON TERROR in which some of Brigade/General i dunno his name he is on Frontline @ malakand when geo journalst ask him about the situation etc he said "Here few weapons in our custdy who made by india and few weapons use by America NATO forces in Afghanistan" So WHY THIS ATHARABBAS AND ISPR again and again REJECT INDIA AND US involvment EVEN frontline military FORCES said that YES WE HAVE SUCH WEAPONS IN OUR CUSTDY WHO BELONGS AND MADE IN INDIA AND UNDER USE NATO FORCES ????

WHY this damn ISPR statement is very different from Ground realities ????

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