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Pakistani military shows off captured Taliban base



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Nov 1, 2005
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AP – A Pakistani flag flies over government troops installed on top of a defense position on a former base …​

BANAI BABA ZIARAT, Pakistan – A Pakistani flag now flies over army troops dug in on a strategic ridge that until two days ago was held by the Taliban, a base where militants trained fighters, built tunnels and equipped caves with electricity and air vents.

The takeover of the highest Taliban stronghold in the Swat Valley by troops who stormed up its jagged, rubble-strewn slopes is evidence of the success of Pakistan's month-old army offensive. The action has been welcomed by the United States, which fears the nuclear-armed country is capitulating to the militants.

But much of the region still remains in the hands of the militants, including Buner — a district just 60 miles from the capital Islamabad and the focus of intense air and ground operations in recent weeks, according to witnesses and police officers who spoke to an Associated Press reporter in its main town Friday.

Several residents pointed to the mountains and warned that the Taliban were not far away.

Police were still too frightened to enter parts of Buner and the town of Dagar, 12 miles away, which the military said was "liberated" from the Taliban.

"We have been destroyed by the Taliban," said white-bearded Ayub Khan, as army trucks rumbled past a ruined market and a charred gas station where a suicide bomber had killed four soldiers in the early days of the battle.

The Obama administration has declared eliminating militant havens in Pakistan vital to its goals of defeating al-Qaida and winning the war in neighboring Afghanistan. U.S military officers say insurgents use Pakistan as a base to launch attacks over the frontier in Afghanistan.

But Maj. Gen. Jeffrey Schloesser, the top U.S. general in eastern Afghanistan, said there was evidence that insurgents were crossing into Pakistan, possibly to join the fight in Swat and other regions of the northwest where militants are holed up.

His comments come amid concern in Washington and Islamabad that the ongoing buildup of 21,000 additional U.S. forces in Afghanistan may end up pushing Taliban militants into Pakistan, further destabilizing its border region.

The Swat offensive has triggered an exodus of nearly 1.9 million refugees, more than 160,000 to sweltering camps, while the rest have been taken in by relatives, friends or in rented accommodation. Foreign countries and the United Nations are donating money to relieve the crisis.

Unlike other campaigns against Taliban and al-Qaida militants, the current offensive has broad political and public support in Pakistan, but some fear that could drain away if the refugees are seen to be neglected or the fighting drags on.

The army claims to have killed more than 1,000 militants, but said Friday the Taliban control the main town of Mingora; Piochar, a side-valley farther north that is a Taliban base; and several other districts. The army said those areas are increasingly surrounded by Pakistani troops.

"The noose is tightening around them," Maj. Gen. Saajad Ghani, the commander of operations in Upper Swat. "Their routes of escape have been cut off. It's just a question of time before the Taliban leadership is eliminated."

He and another senior commander estimated the operation could last another two or three months.

The army took more than a dozen reporters to the camp after flying them to the valley by helicopter from Islamabad. The scenic region that once attracted honeymooners and skiers has largely been off-limits to the media since fighting broke out.

While foreign governments are praising the Swat operation, they will be looking closely to see whether the country expands the offensive into other parts of the border region, especially Waziristan, which has been hit by repeated strikes by U.S missiles since last year.

Critics say the Pakistani army does not have the will or capability to completely take out the militants, given its close historical links to extremist groups it fostered for use as proxies in Kashmir, a region disputed with longtime foe India.

Previous operations in the northwest have resulted in widespread damage to property and significant civilian casualties.

The army has not given any tolls for civilians killed, but say there have been very few. Refugees have reported several examples. The militants have largely been unavailable for comment since the fighting began.

Flying over the valley, there was no major damage visible in several towns and cities — a sign, perhaps, that the military is making good on its promise not to use artillery and airstrikes in urban area or where civilians could be hiding.

The facilities at the Taliban camp on the ridge point to a disciplined and well-funded adversary, which is believed to have about 4,000 fighters.

At 7,500 feet, the complex was about the size of two soccer fields, with panoramic views of the valley on all sides.

Ghani said it was an operational, communications and training center for the Swat insurgency that had been there for several years.

"They wanted to retain it at all costs," he said at the base, where a dozen Pakistani army soldiers are dug in, wary the Taliban may return. "This was symbolic for them."

The heights were first bombed by jets and helicopters, leaving several large craters, before troops stormed it earlier this week.

Ghani said four soldiers had been wounded and that 200-300 fighters had been killed, but there was no evidence of this, such as graves or blood. Capt. Kamal Butt, who led the final assault, said there were no bodies when he arrived, suggesting the insurgents had fled. There was no explanation of where the bodies might have gone.

The cave mouths and bunkers were made with brick walls several feet thick and topped with large tree trunks, dirt and leaves. Flies buzzed in and out of the cave housing the kitchen, outside of which stood a bullet-scarred wheelbarrow filled with lentils.

The caves and tunnels had electricity and rudimentary ventilation systems. A system of pipes and tanks ensured those staying at the camp had water from several faucets.

Officers laid out text books belonging to pupils who, according to the headings in them, underwent guerrilla training. One was dated May 2, 2009. They said many of the students were forced to attend. They also showed reporters three sacks of chemicals used for making bombs, wires and detonators.

The offensive was launched after the militants abandoned a peace deal widely criticized in the West and moved into Buner. Coupled with a video showing the insurgents whipping a women, the advance seems to have galvanized politicians, the media and members of the public into supporting the war.

"Fighting an insurgency in your own country is hell," said Col. Abdul Rehman. "But when the whole country is behind you, you feel better."
From The Times
May 23, 2009

It was the bloodiest battle yet in what has been called a war for the survival of Pakistan. The Taleban had set up their main military camp on a 7,000ft mountain ridge overlooking the picturesque Swat Valley and were using a labyrinth of caves and underground bunkers for shelter.

For two weeks the fighting raged as Pakistani troops, backed by fighter jets and helicopter gunships, struggled to dislodge the militants from the ridge known as Biny Baba Ziarat.

Finally, on Wednesday, the army captured the ridge in what it is now hailing as its most significant victory over the Taleban since launching an offensive on Swat last month.

“It was very difficult to dislodge them even with the support of helicopter gunship and fighter jets,” Brigadier Suba Khan, who led the assault, told reporters on the first media trip to the conflict zone.

Up to 150 militants were killed in the battle, according to the army, the highest death toll in a single operation so far. “They fought till the last men,” said Lieutenant-Colonel Mohamed Riaz, who led the final charge.

Pointing towards one cave that had been destroyed by shelling, he said: “Some 100 bodies are probably still buried inside one of them.” Biny Baba Ziarat was not just the Taleban’s military base — it was also used as a training centre for young men they had forcibly recruited.

Mohamed Akhtar, 14, a schoolboy, was brought here about five months ago to be trained as a suicide bomber. “There were dozens of young boys in the camp,” he said, looking terrified after being rescued by security forces.

Lower down in the valley security forces have also seized control of Matta and Khwazakhela, the two major towns in northern Swat. A sense of normality is returning to Khawazakhela town, which lies at a critical crossroads linking Swat to other districts.

“The town is completely safe and people who had fled the fighting have started returning,” said Major-General Sajjad Ghani, the General Officer Commanding of the troops in the northern part of Swat.

That is welcome news for the army, which launched its Swat offensive last month after the breakdown of a peace deal that allowed the militants to impose strict Sharia on the region.

The peace deal collapsed after the militants advanced into neighbouring regions, bringing them to within 60 miles of Islamabad, and prompting the US to accuse Pakistan’s Government of abdicating to the Taleban.

Now there are about 15,000 troops deployed in and around Swat in a campaign that appears to have unprecedented levels of public, political and even religious support, despite triggering an exodus of 2 million refugees.

However, their toughest battles may still lie ahead because the Taleban still control some key areas and appear to be ready for a long war. They are now heading towards the Piochar valley and Mingora – Swat’s biggest town – where the militants are still entrenched.

“We cannot give any timeline for the end of fighting,” said General Ghani. “The hardcore militants would never surrender. We have to eliminate them.” Some senior militants have already been killed in the recent fighting but the top leadership appears to have survived, according to officials.

The Taleban are still being led by Mullah Fazalullah, a young radical cleric supported by other militants in Pakistan’s lawless northern tribal areas.

Military officials said that a large number of foreign fighters, including Arabs, Afghans and Uzbeks, have also joined the fighting in Swat. Three captured Uzbek and Afghan fighters were paraded before visiting reporters.

Military officials also said that the militants had been receiving help and funding from across the border in Afghanistan. They showed reporters a letter from Mullah Omar, the Afghan Taleban leader, pledging financial and moral support to the Swat militants.

General Sajjad said that local people had started taking up arms against the Taleban in several areas, indicating growing confidence in the military operation. However, there are still fears that support for the campaign could wane if the Government and aid agencies failed to support the refugees.

The UN launched a flash appeal for $543 million (£340 million) in humanitarian aid to help the refugees. Martin Mogwanja, acting UN humanitarian coordinator, said: “The scale of this displacement is extraordinary.”
From Ivan Watson

BUNER, Pakistan (CNN) -- The Pakistani military claimed Friday to have broken the backs of Taliban militants in the Swat region.

Pakistan residents cover a grave after burying a suspected Taliban militant, who was killed during fighting.

The military made the claim while escorting journalists into the country's volatile war zone.

But fighting continues in the Peochar Valley, an area that intersects with Swat, the main location of the army's offensive against Taliban militants advancing across North West Frontier Province.

This is the scenario gleaned by journalists Friday during a tour of the battle front with the Pakistani military. Journalists flew by helicopter with the Pakistani military to Khwazakhela, an area north of the large Swat city of Mingora, and got a glimpse of the battle zone.

The military showed journalists a system of bunkers and caves captured from Taliban militants earlier this week.

Fighting has displaced more than 2 million people in North West Frontier Province, 1.7 million since May 2 and 555,000 from earlier fighting.

The scale and speed of this month's population flight is said to be the worst since the Rwandan genocide in 1994, according to the United Nations refugee agency. The U.N. started a drive Friday to raise $543 million to help the displaced in the region.

The Pakistani military said Friday that 17 militants and three security force members have been killed in fighting over the last 24 hours.

It said security forces were consolidating their positions in the Peochar Valley and in Shangla and Swat. It reported exchanges of fire in Takhtaband and the Dir and Buner areas.
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7000ft High Mountain Captured by Pakistan Army

According to the Pakistani army, troops took control of the mountain, that they said was used by the Taliban as a training camp, two days ago

Date: May 22, 2009

Pakistani soldiers stand guard on top of a mountain overlooking the Swat valley.

Pakistani soldiers walk to their positions on top of a mountain at Banai Baba Ziarat area.

Pakistani soldiers stand guard on top of a mountain overlooking the Swat valley at Banai Baba Ziarat area.

Pakistani soldiers take cover as a helicopter takes off from the top of a mountain

A Pakistani soldier aims his weapon on top of a mountain overlooking the Swat valley at Banai Baba Ziarat area.

Courtesy: GettyImages


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Thanks for the video Briltek. That was GOC 19 Div General Sajjad Ghani giving the interview. He's a close relative of mine. Great video!

God bless Pakistan Army!
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Pakistani soldiers and foreign journalists on Baine Baba Ziarat mountain

By Reuters
Date: May 22, 2009

Pakistan Army and jouranlists walk during a trip organized by the army as an army helicopter prepares to fly into the Swat district May 22, 2009.


Pakistani soldiers over look the Swat valley from their bunker atop Baine Baba Ziarat mountain in Swat district.


Soldiers show a cave to journalists atop the Baine Baba Ziarat mountain in Swat district


A Pakistani helicopter flies near the Baine Baba Ziarat mountain in Swat district

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Thanks for the video Briltek. That was GOC 19 Div General Sajjad Ghani giving the interview. He's a close relative of mine. Great video!

God bless Pakistan Army!

Congratuale Div General Sajjad Ghani from all forum members for capturing a strategic point :tup: , whenever you manage to contact.

May allah help our brave soldiers......ameen. :pakistan:
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Thanks for the video Briltek. That was GOC 19 Div General Sajjad Ghani giving the interview. He's a close relative of mine. Great video!

God bless Pakistan Army!

Say thankyou from me........pakistan forever:pakistan:
Today army has entered Mangora. One militant commander has been arrested durin the fighting
i saw ISPR interview on geo..
Today army has entered Mangora. One militant commander has been arrested durin the fighting
i saw ISPR interview on geo..

Hope they didnt go in with all guns blazing :coffee:

They should clear the area as soon as possible so that the people would come back; otherwise the situation will deteriorate against the army...

Good going on capturing the mountain taliban base :pakistan: :cheers:
This just makes me proud of Pakistan Army.
Long live Pakistan Army.
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