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Pakistani marine agency kills Gujarat fisherman, abducts 30

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Well that wasn't the answer I was looking for:what:

Well do you need to be told that Pakistan army have been provoking - superior Indian army , simply because it doesn't want to let peace prevail.

It has sabotaged all peace processes in past .

War or Fear of war keeps Pakistan army at center-stage in Pakistani nation....

that's the reason for periodic covert provocations ....
I did not say that "blue water navy" is derogatory. However you were kind enough to give me a lesson in mutual respect, and I was pointing out that the lesson may be much more beneficial to your own countrymen, who said far worse things. I did not see you giving them the same lesson of respect, but when I made a comment that wasn't anywhere near as insulting as theirs, you put on your preacher's hat.

And by the way - although the term 'blue water' navy is not derogatory, you know as well as I do that mentioning IN's blue water status or ambitions in this thread is a subtle way to poke fun. Otherwise, blue water or brown water has no relevance here. That term was already used on this thread by others to laugh at India and allege impotence, although the fact is that India's navy has no mandate of escorting fishermen, that is the coast guard's job.

As for the rest of your post, it is one side's claim against the other's, and there is no point debating it here. And that was the implied message in my post number 24 - the short rebuttal was meant to drive home that point.

Precisely. They shouldn't.

1- I have reported abusive language in GHQ - even before you,
2- Your were directly addressing me and replying to my post and i didn't disrespect your navy on other hand you said that our navy is only capable of kidnapping
3- IN scandals were all over media (inclusive Indian), i didn't made up
1- I have reported abusive language in GHQ - even before you,
2- Your were directly addressing me and replying to my post and i didn't disrespect your navy on other hand you said that our navy is only capable of kidnapping
3- IN scandals were all over media (inclusive Indian), i didn't made up

1) But the fact remains that I was the sole beneficiary of your lecture on mutual respect, not the Pakistanis who demonstrated much worse contempt than I did.
2) Well, I already pointed out the undertone of mentioning blue water status on this thread, and why that isn't so innocent.
3) And later those allegations turned out untrue, and the lady who alleged that was found to have done so with malafide intent. That was also all across the media. And about PN's inability to confront IN, that is also true - I didn't make up.
poor fishermen.... have to pay with their life.. its disgusting to jail or kill these poor fellows... whether India, Pak, SL or BD Fishermen...

very sad indeed.
grow the fuk up shanaynay

you piece of pencil

pakistan can bomb india to dust within a few seconds if the pakistani army pleases.

Yeah right...bomb India to dust....Pakistani delusions at its best !! :omghaha::rofl:
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