What did you expect when you created a country in name of a religion?
No more than making a country out of carcass bequethed by a imperial power. Britain. With the said animal (British India) having been raised on healthy dose of imperial; greed, lust for power. Why else do you think Britain made India for? Need I remind you of "Make India" by East India Company. And before you start singing about the fact that the company was called "India" slow down. It was no more than a geographical denominator. Even the Dutch had a East India company only it built up Indonesia out of the Sumatran archipelago.
Bottom line. Religion made Pakistan. Greed made British India. Ask General Napier when he annexed Sindh, was he doing that a as project to Make India or was it greed that drove him? Ditto for Punjab annexation in 1849. You guy's are quick to jump on the reasons for the divorce in 1947 but conveniently overlook the shotgun marriages of 1843 (Sindh) and 1849 (Punjab). Without these exemplars of British greed and annexation at the cost of British blood there would have been no need of the 1947 partition.
Maulana Azaad had told you that in 1947.Didn't he?
It is not about being told. The failure happened afterwards in how the state evolved. From about 1949 to about 1979. If Pak had been blessed with real statesmen things could have turned differant.
If you look at every country there will be a accident or historical circumstance behind it's existance. Saudia is simply greed of Saud family. India is greed of East India Company.USA was taxation without representation and if you want to reduce it even more - tea. Canada? No idea frankly. They just drew a straight line and called it a border with USA. Ireland? Well they wanted to retain funny English accent I guess. Oman, UAE, KSA, Yeman, Iraq, Syria etc. I have no idea. That is like getting Uttar Pradesh and dividing the districts into countries although I think even then those districts would have more population.
And exactly why is Nepal not part of India? Historical circumstance? Coming back to Pakistan, I think at the top they realize this now, but after 60 years of feeding the population religion it will take another half century to change course.