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Pakistani Desi Liberals

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Feb 16, 2016
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Have you ever wondered why are these seculars always anti Pakistan directly or indirectly?

I remember sometimes Hamid Gul used to say in his interviews that always keep in mind enemies of Pakistan have 4 goals:

1. DeIslamilize Pakistan (make Pakistan secular)
2. Demilitarize Pakistan
3. Denuclearize Pakistan
4. Delink Pakistan with China

Although last 3 made quite sense but at that time I didn't understood what he meant by first point but now after I have eyewitnessed things I can say with full surety that these seculars and pseudo liberals are the biggest enemies of Pakistan, they divide us on ethnic basis, they think that creation of Pakistan was a mistake, they say 2 nation theory was wrong, they say Kashmir is not yours but let go of balochistan, they claim we lost all wars with India, they criticise Pakistan's nuclear program, they literally support India on everything, they despise Islam and ideology of Pakistan, they despise Pakistan's Jihad against Soviet union, they despise everything we stand for according to them we are always wrong there is nothing right about us, our existence and our past. Apart from that they want us to become friends with India on every cost but on the other hand their Nukta chini and prejudice about Pak-China friendship never ends.

On the other hand I have seen again and again that people who are patriotic Pakistanis, who sacrificed for Pakistan, who are still fighting for Pakistan and who believe in Pakistan to this day and who try to keep the country united are all Islamists or at least believing Muslims

I'm not saying that all Islamists are patriots or all seculars are traitors but over all this is a fact if to form an opinion on seeing the majority

This country was created by people who believed in Ideology of Islam and it will be saved by them as well, those who have ideological differences with you can never be loyal to you.

Its just like expecting a Communist to be loyal to a Capitalistic regime

And Altaf Hussain the leader of Pakistan's biggest secular liberal party is the living major proof for it in front of the whole world
Nope they are nothing but paid baboon leagis and mqm tards you should check their political affiliation there is no one defination of a liberal persln for example to some a perspn who i ok with alcohol legalization is liberal to others someone who want end to capital punishment a liberal some would just call a person who speak for girl education a liberal
There is no one size for all thing here
Nope they are nothing but paid baboon leagis and mqm tards you should check their political affiliation there is no one defination of a liberal persln for example to some a perspn who i ok with alcohol legalization is liberal to others someone who want end to capital punishment a liberal some would just call a person who speak for girl education a liberal
There is no one size for all thing here
I was talking about Desi liberals
I was talking about Desi liberals
phir wohi bat yar desi ka matlab hay har who cheez jiss ka taluq south asia say ho so pakistan india sri lanka or bangladesh kar har liberal desi liberal hi kehlaye ga
Have you ever wondered why are these seculars always anti Pakistan directly or indirectly?

I remember sometimes Hamid Gul used to say in his interviews that always keep in mind enemies of Pakistan have 4 goals:

1. DeIslamilize Pakistan (make Pakistan secular)
2. Demilitarize Pakistan
3. Denuclearize Pakistan
4. Delink Pakistan with China

Source: https://defence.pk/threads/pakistani-desi-liberals.445661/#ixzz4IAy7rKpg

I consider myself a secular and a few my friends have more or less same view as mine. Yet I do not endorse any of the above points you have mentioned.

  1. Do yourself a favor and learn the proper definition of secularism. Molvis have equated secularism with atheism (la deniyat), which is absolutely not true. Personally I do not wish to see Pakistan "DeIslamized". Far from it, I want every Pakistani to be able to practice their religion of choice (or lack of it) freely just like Quaid e Azam wanted.
  2. I want us to increase our military power to overcome the challenges we are facing right now and perhaps in future be in a position to help others who need us.
  3. Nuclear weapons have provided us with unmatched and cost effective security. No way we should give them up till EVERYONE else (that includes US and China as well) give them up.
  4. That's just stupid.
The people you have quoted (Altaf and his MQM) are the worst kind of politicians. They are a joke. Its like quoting Baitullah Mehsud as a representative of an average Muslim.
I consider myself a secular and a few my friends have more or less same view as mine. Yet I do not endorse any of the above points you have mentioned.

  1. Do yourself a favor and learn the proper definition of secularism. Molvis have equated secularism with atheism (la deniyat), which is absolutely not true. Personally I do not wish to see Pakistan "DeIslamized". Far from it, I want every Pakistani to be able to practice their religion of choice (or lack of it) freely just like Quaid e Azam wanted.
  2. I want us to increase our military power to overcome the challenges we are facing right now and perhaps in future be in a position to help others who need us.
  3. Nuclear weapons have provided us with unmatched and cost effective security. No way we should give them up till EVERYONE else (that includes US and China as well) give them up.
  4. That's just stupid.
The people you have quoted (Altaf and his MQM) are the worst kind of politicians. They are a joke. Its like quoting Baitullah Mehsud as a representative of an average Muslim.
Judging from your thoughts, you are a normal secular person.
Not Desi Liberal who demand above four points......
Believe me, such people exist
  • wanted.
  • I want us to increase our military power to overcome the challenges we are facing right now and perhaps in future be in a position to help others who need us.
  • Nuclear weapons have provided us with unmatched and cost effective security. No way we should give them up till EVERYONE else (that includes US and China as well) give them up.
Is that the reason why everyday we came across a column (Written by Liberals) How Pakistan Army is eating 90% Budget and Pakistani Nukes are Sole cause of every probelm in Pakistan..
And even most of anti-Pakistan and Anti PA propaganda comes from your liberal Beradri i.e Asma Jahangir,Marvi Sarmad etc.
there are 100s of websites & FB pages run by liberals and they are promoting indian propaganda and their version of history 24/7.
The biggest problem that Pakistan faces are Mir Jafir and Mir Sadiq. NATO and her puppet in Afghanistan or the extremist RSS led Bharat are secondary. Remeber a nation can withstand great odds but falls before the traitor.

Challenge any Pakistani who speaks against Pakistan. This is the first step.
Is that the reason why everyday we came across a column (Written by Liberals) How Pakistan Army is eating 90% Budget and Pakistani Nukes are Sole cause of every probelm in Pakistan..
And even most of anti-Pakistan and Anti PA propaganda comes from your liberal Beradri i.e Asma Jahangir,Marvi Sarmad etc.
there are 100s of websites & FB pages run by liberals and they are promoting indian propaganda and their version of history 24/7.
how old are u and education ?
Is that the reason why everyday we came across a column (Written by Liberals) How Pakistan Army is eating 90% Budget and Pakistani Nukes are Sole cause of every probelm in Pakistan..
And even most of anti-Pakistan and Anti PA propaganda comes from your liberal Beradri i.e Asma Jahangir,Marvi Sarmad etc.
there are 100s of websites & FB pages run by liberals and they are promoting indian propaganda and their version of history 24/7.

My friend, my objection is on the use of word secular for the scum you have mentioned. These people are simply unpatriotic and sellout Mir Jafars of our times.

Principles like secularism and equality are worth dying for. These two principles do not in any way tell people to copy western culture or bark against your homeland.
Is that the reason why everyday we came across a column (Written by Liberals) How Pakistan Army is eating 90% Budget and Pakistani Nukes are Sole cause of every probelm in Pakistan..
And even most of anti-Pakistan and Anti PA propaganda comes from your liberal Beradri i.e Asma Jahangir,Marvi Sarmad etc.
there are 100s of websites & FB pages run by liberals and they are promoting indian propaganda and their version of history 24/7.
They are not liberals they criticised Maalik they are just plai. Army haters

Desi Liberal? What about Desi Arabs? More Arabs then Arabs.:lol:
Ala anta ya Bakistan al zindabad ba,adun tafreeka Altaf mota :D
Desi Liberal? What about Desi Arabs? More Arabs then Arabs.:lol:
atleast they dont chant "Pakistan Murdabad":D:D:D

My friend, my objection is on the use of word secular for the scum you have mentioned. These people are simply unpatriotic and sellout Mir Jafars of our times.

Principles like secularism and equality are worth dying for. These two principles do not in any way tell people to copy western culture or bark against your homeland.

They are not liberals they criticised Maalik they are just plai. Army haters
But they call themselves Seculars especially Marvi Sarmad is champion of Secularism the way she declared Burhan Wani Terrorist
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