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Pakistani community in KSA observes Kashmir Solidarity Day


Feb 1, 2013
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Saudi Arabia
From left: Engineer Aziz Ahmad, Faheem Al-Hamid, Aftab Khokher, Mehdi Fatahullah and Masood Puri, with other elite guests.

Syed Mussarat Khalil
Saudi Gazette

JEDDAH — The Consul General of Islamic Republic of Pakistan, Aftab Ahmad Khokher, organized a commemoration ceremony on the occasion of Kashmir Solidarity Day at his resident on Wednesday.

Large number of Pakistanis, elite Saudis, representative of Organization of Islamic Conference (OIC) and media persons attended the event.

Ambassador Mehdi Fatahullah, director general of political affairs at OIC, was the chief guest at the event.

Ambassador Abdullah Abdur-Rahman was unable to attend the event because of a mission he is currently undertaking in Cairo, Egypt.

He said: "It is indeed a fitting opportunity to join you in expressing once again the OIC's full and unwavering solidarity with the people of Kashmir."

OIC has consistently shown its firm support to Kashmiris in their legitimate struggle for their fundamental human rights, including their inalienable right to self-determination.

He said the present occasion is also an occasion to keep alive the memory and efforts of those Kashmiris who have sacrificed their lives for the sake of their homeland.

He thanked the efforts of Kashmiris and said today their voices in the Islamic world are increasing and the international community is supporting the Kashmiri cause.

He said it is certainly worthwhile to recall that the OIC has always called for a peaceful resolution of this long-standing conflict through a negotiated process and in a sincere manner between Pakistan and India.

The OIC has constantly encouraged both sides to avail themselves of all possible means, including substantial bilateral talks, in order to work out a just and durable solution in accordance with the aspirations of the Kashmiri people.

He said Abdur Rahman, on several occasions, has urged the OIC member states and the International community to pay closer attention to the plight of the Kashmiri people by extending all forms of material and political assistance to them, which in my view remains insufficient and should be enhanced to better cater to the needs of the Kashmiri people.

He said in the same vein, the OIC Offices in New York and Geneva will continue to look into different ways and channels through international mechanisms in order to ensure that the voice of the Kashmiri people is more forceful heard.

He said the OIC Contact Group on Jammu and Kashmir is also a key platform in taking concrete steps for the benefit of the Kashmiri people.

He said: "We indeed encourage our member states to further help the people of Kashmir and demonstrate a genuine sense of solidarity with them."

The Consul General of Pakistan, Aftab Ahmad Khokher, welcomed the guests and members of the Kashmir committee.

He read out the messages of President Mamnoon Hussain and Prime Minister Mian Mohammed Nawaz Sharif.

Masood Ahmad Puri, president of Kashmir Committee Jeddah, also read the resolution adopted by the Kashmir committee Jeddah.

Former diplomat and renewed scholar, Dr. Ali Al-Ghamdi, said: "The observance of Kashmir solidarity day is not only for Pakistani people, it is for all people Muslim countries and Muslim Ummah."

Former Assistant Secretary General of WAMY, Dr. Abdul Wahab Noor wali, also shared his views with the audience. "We hope when we meet again next year we would have achieved some good for our Kashmiri people."

Earlier, a documentary film screened at the venue showed violations of human rights, unbridled murder, torture and oppression in Kashmir.

Pakistani community observes Kashmir Solidarity Day | Kingdom | Saudi Gazette
The international community is least bothered about Kashmir or Kashmirs in my humble opinion so mentioning terms like "Muslim Ummah" seem like a political farce and nothing else.

What do you think is behind the reality in which Kashmir doesn't get much attention by the international community? Do you think because it's a dispute between two nations and not one nation and a single occupied entity? I don't get why it's not discussed in media, social media or historical courses here in the states.

Only my first history professor mentioned all details of all conflicts and I really liked that about him he didn't do that revisionist history thing.
The international community is least bothered about Kashmir or Kashmirs in my humble opinion so mentioning terms like "Muslim Ummah" seem like a political farce and nothing else.

Even you're not bothered about us Kashmiris ? :cray:

What do you think is behind the reality in which Kashmir doesn't get much attention by the international community? Do you think because it's a dispute between two nations and not one nation and a single occupied entity? I don't get why it's not discussed in media, social media or historical courses here in the states.

Only my first history professor mentioned all details of all conflicts and I really liked that about him he didn't do that revisionist history thing.

You hate us Kashmiris too - Thats why you never bother to mention us in the media, social media or historical courses ! :cry:

And even when your first history professor tried to do that you walked out of his class ! :mad:
What do you think is behind the reality in which Kashmir doesn't get much attention by the international community? Do you think because it's a dispute between two nations and not one nation and a single occupied entity? I don't get why it's not discussed in media, social media or historical courses here in the states.

Well many would differ on that but my opinion is that its easier to overlook Kashmir when two nations are considered to be at war with each other so Kashmir is taken as a war booty and nothing more. Secondly India, in my opinion, has successfully brushed the horrendous human rights record under the carpet which hasn't occured in the case of Palestine thankfully and it doesn't surprise me that many around the world don't even know a place named Kashmir exists.
Well many would differ on that but my opinion is that its easier to overlook Kashmir when two nations are considered to be at war with each other so Kashmir is taken as a war booty and nothing more. Secondly India, in my opinion, has successfully brushed the horrendous human rights record under the carpet which hasn't occured in the case of Palestine thankfully and it doesn't surprise me that many around the world don't even know a place named Kashmir exists.
We learned from the best, our neighbors. :D
Well many would differ on that but my opinion is that its easier to overlook Kashmir when two nations are considered to be at war with each other so Kashmir is taken as a war booty and nothing more. Secondly India, in my opinion, has successfully brushed the horrendous human rights record under the carpet which hasn't occured in the case of Palestine thankfully and it doesn't surprise me that many around the world don't even know a place named Kashmir exists.

That coupled with the fact that whereas the Palestinian Issue is successfully marketed to the whole Muslim World by Arab States & not just one country; Kashmir has only Pakistan to speak for them !
Well many would differ on that but my opinion is that its easier to overlook Kashmir when two nations are considered to be at war with each other so Kashmir is taken as a war booty and nothing more. Secondly India, in my opinion, has successfully brushed the horrendous human rights record under the carpet which hasn't occured in the case of Palestine thankfully and it doesn't surprise me that many around the world don't even know a place named Kashmir exists.

People see Kashmir as a unique case between two nations with similar capabilities I guess rather than disputes between British and Argentina or Turkey and Greece....Palestine/Israel seems to go more in line with Ireland/British.

Nevertheless, there are similarities in that British partitioned the lands of Palestine and India/Pakistan and not the UN. Some people like to claim the UN declared independence for several nations when it was the British empire which declared the parameters and submitted them to the UN.
That coupled with the fact that whereas the Palestinian Issue is successfully marketed to the whole Muslim World by Arab States & not just one country; Kashmir has only Pakistan to speak for them !

Simple. They all know Kashmir is part of India. It's not just muslims live there, they are Indians. Also millions of Hindus (Jammu) and Budhists live there too.
That coupled with the fact that whereas the Palestinian Issue is successfully marketed to the whole Muslim World by Arab States & not just one country; Kashmir has only Pakistan to speak for them !
You also forget the fact that Pakistani's are the first to lap up and blindly follow anything that Arab world says while the reverse is not true.
You also forget the fact that Pakistani's are the first to lap up and blindly follow anything that Arab world says while the reverse is not true.

Such as ?

Simple. They all know Kashmir is part of India. It's not just muslims live there, they are Indians. Also millions of Hindus (Jammu) and Budhists live there too.

No they're not - They're Kashmiris living on Disputed Territory !
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