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Pakistani attack on Indian soldiers un-Islamic, barbaric: Muslim scholars' body

The membership didn't cost you a penny and it doesn't cost a dime to write something tangible.....there's a good lad, make an effort to go beyond one liners.
Its always a more effort to write an impactful one liner than unlinked long drivel that makes little sense.

A famous quote by Mark Twain goes like this

"I didn’t have time to write a short letter, so I wrote a long one instead. ~ Samuel Clemens (Mark Twain)"

That shit's common here. Killing is the game, add political, religious whatever tag. Trust me we will overcome it in a few years. The worst has passed.
Inshah allah...
That's the difference between the PA and the IA. We believe in the Geneva Conventions. 90,000 Pak POWs were looked after by the IA like fellow human beings and given the best of treatment in the POW camps in India. If the IA wanted they could have slaughtered all of them. But our army has the ethos and values imbibed in them that a highly disciplined army needs to have - and that is what wins wars.

So then may I ask, you guys cried foul and rightly so when a video went viral showing the TTP playing football with the heads of your soldiers. But you think it par for the course when the PA severs the head of an Indian soldier.

This is hypocrisy at its height.
Dozens of Muslims killed in ethnic violence in north-east India | World news | theguardian.com
Aligarh: A group of intellectuals and scholars from Muslim community has condemned the ghastly killing of two soldiers by Pakistani troops near the LoC in Jammu and Kashmir, terming it as "un-Islamic". At a meeting on Saturday, the Forum for Muslim Studies and Analysis (FMSA) passed a resolution describing the January 8 incident as "un-Islamic and barbaric", its secretary Jasim Mohammad said in a statement.

The resolution noted that Islam had stringent guidelines on soldierly conduct during war and concluded that the Pakistan army had thus grossly violated those principles through their inhuman treatment of the bodies of the slain jawans. Jasim observed that if the civilian government in Pakistan was sincere in its search for peace with India, then it should identify and punish the perpetrators of the brutal act.

The statement called for all peace-loving people, especially those in Islamic countries who stand for "justice and humane behaviour" to strongly condemn Pakistan for the act. The meeting was attended by several prominent scholars from the Aligarh Muslim University, among others, Professor Humayun Murad, former Dean in the Faculty of Science and Dr Md Shahid, the elected representative of the university's teachers in the its Executive Council.

Pakistani attack on Indian soldiers un-Islamic, barbaric: Muslim scholars' body - IBNLive

Its too late to teach those scum .... History is full of such scums ... Don't know such so called intellectuals do have courage to speak about wrongdoing of followers of islam in past too or not...?
Not everything is from Islamic perspective. Territorial integrities come into play. Plus If it were upto me Indian Muslims would be the first one to be slaughtered. I'd spare the hindus.

Quite an interesting thought!

The country in your flag probably has a different order of priority though if one goes by Colonel Dooley.
Its always a more effort to write an impactful one liner than unlinked long drivel that makes little sense.

A famous quote by Mark Twain goes like this

"I didn’t have time to write a short letter, so I wrote a long one instead. ~ Samuel Clemens (Mark Twain)"

Inshah allah...
Resorting to fancy liners is nothing short of grabbing on to straws to try and salvage some pride. One makes more impact by addressing the topic rather than being some jumping jack flash, but as the saying goes, poor innovations cannot be nurtured. ....baqi, Ram nam such hey. :)
I thought we were talking about the Armies of both countries? What has your link got to do with it? Or do you have comprehension problems? :what:
Who is barbaric, killing civilians or fighting between soldirs, you decide with you comprehension problems.
Pakistani attack on Indian soldiers un-Islamic, barbaric: Muslim scholars' body
Jan 12, 2013 at 03:20pm IST. :drag:

askd asd.png

Source of above article. A blog post : A plane full of Indians behaving badly | Fetzthechemist's Weblog


@Windjammer :disagree:
Amazing! What can you expect from Indian maulvis living in a Hindu dominated country.

Ask the Indian maulvis whats more barbaric - occupation of Kashmir by Indian forces or killing the occupation troops?

As i keep saying, Indians will go to any length to salvage themselves, now look at this noob, he wants a piece of the action, well @Reviewer21, the above image idealy represents you, had you taken your face out of where sun don't shine, you may have been able to see and read what we were discussing above.....but since you missed it, i suggest go back into the hole.
As i keep saying, Indians will go to any length to salvage themselves, now look at this noob, he wants a piece of the action, well @Reviewer21, the above image idealy represents you, had you taken your face out of where sun don't shine, you may have been able to see and read what we were discussing above.....but since you missed it, i suggest go back into the hole.
LOLWA. I just pulled your face out of your A$$ and you're freaking out. My intention was to show you the mirror. But i forgot that's what People like you runaway from. Anyways talking or responding to people like you is just like >> :hitwall:
LOLWA. I just pulled your face out of your A$$ and you're freaking out. My intention was to show you the mirror. But i forgot that's what People like you runaway from. Anyways talking or responding to people like you is just like >> :hitwall:
Abey dhakan, hadn't your face was deep inside smelling last night's curry then you would have realised the difference between what i posted and the subject in this thread, which has been posted and discussed many times.
Don't take your shots on the men in uniform.

Edit those posts bro,lets not slip to his level. "Never fight with a pig,both you and the pig will get dirty,but the pig ENJOYS getting dirty!"
tell that to yr mullas.

@Topic Indian Muslims r in no position to dictate people living in a Muslim country itself. Its clearly against Sharia @Zarvan ?
Such statements r uncalled for when clearly yr the actual culprit here. After all this all started in dec 26 2012 when yr soldiers martyred our one jawan and severely injured other just a day after our green book which stated that now internal threat is our priority not the indians.

BTW we will continue to make a horrible example out of those who put a bad eye on our motherland.
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