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Pakistan will retaliate against any Indian attacks over Kashmir bombing, says Imran Khan

Typical Low IQ Endian.
Confusing diplomacy and statemanship with weakness.

That's the problem with you people, you think on an animalistic level, no ability for higher thought.
Ha ha ha... Thanks for accepting that you are begging.

You need to start thinking logically...
Why is your country asking for talks every now and then when we are not interested. What do I call it then?
Ha ha ha... Thanks for accepting that you are begging.

Why is your country asking for talks every now and then when we are not interested. What do I call it then?
Because we are not irrational like you. War is not gona resolve the issue, looking the other way is not gona solve the issue. The best bet is talks. Be true to your name and think logically.
you dont even know about kashmir bombing.. one word 'autopilot'

call the heads of Mi6, CIA, Mossad, RAW and ISI.. let them debrief you, c*nt

1. That makes no sense.
2. Your posts are over-emotional, dumb, and make you look like a 9 year old child who is playing World of Warcraft and roleplaying as part of a guild or something. The only thing missing is over-emotional background music, and your childish immersion will be complete.
Because we are not irrational like you. War is not gona resolve the issue, looking the other way is not gona solve the issue. The best bet is talks. Be true to your name and think logically.
So Mr. Rational. How do you think that you can grab a piece of land from a country 10 time more powerful by using terrorism.

So Mr. Rational. How do you think you can force us to talk by using terrorism. At some point our patience is going to snap.
بھارت کشیدگی کو ہوا دینے کے بجائے مذاکرات کا راستہ اپنائے، چین
بیجنگ: (دنیا نیوز) پلوامہ حملے کے بعد بھارتی جنگی جنون کیخلاف چین بھی میدان میں آ گیا، چینی وزارت خارجہ کے ترجمان نے نیوز بریفنگ کے دوران کہا کہ بھارت کشیدگی کو ہوا دینے کے بجائے مذاکرات کا راستہ اپنائے۔

بیجنگ میں چینی وزارت خارجہ کے ترجمان جینگ شوانگ نے کہا ہے کہ پاکستان اور بھارت خطے کے اہم ملک ہیں، علاقائی امن و سلامتی کا پاکستان، بھارت مستحکم تعلقات پر بہت انحصار ہے، امید ہے دونوں ملک تحمل سے کام لیتے ہوئے مذاکراتی راہ اختیار کریں گے۔

ترجمان چینی دفتر خارجہ نے سعودی ولی عہد کے دورہ پاکستان پر سوال کا بھی مثبت جواب دیتے ہوئے کہا کہ چین کو پاکستان اور سعودی عرب کے تعلقات میں فروغ پر مسرت ہے، سی پیک، بیلٹ اینڈ روڈ منصوبے میں علمبردار کی حیثیت رکھتا ہے، سی پیک پر تیسرے فریق کی شرکت پر فریم ورک طے شدہ ہے، تیسرے فریق کی شمولیت، مشاورتی عمل میں شرکت کیلئے تیار ہیں۔

واضح رہے کہ 14 فروری کو مقبوضہ کشمیر کے ضلع پلوامہ میں سیکیورٹی فورسز پر خودکش حملے میں بھارتی فوج کے 44 اہلکار ہلاک ہوگئے تھے جس کا الزام پاکستان پر دھرنے کی روایتی کوشش کی۔
Looks like Imran Bey has never come out of that "Captain's" cloak!!!! Great to see he has not only won an Iktidar but also has become the Muktedir!!!! In contrast, it took 14 years for Reis Erdo'an to reach the level of the Muktedir - and, that only after surviving all sorts of coup and assassination attempts in the books including those by NATO-grade SEALs with 7K bullets and fully armed F16s in WVR range...
Nope! We will suffer badly but we are too large to be wiped off at least by Pak. Whereas your country is too narrow and will be wiped off in an instant. Indus will be irradiated forever and its residents will have to clear its region one more time.

Very bad and very sad thing if it happens.

What if Indian retaliation kills thousands of Pakistani soldiers. We won't mind if Pakistani casualty is high.

Sure we can't. A bit like you indians used to say it is impossible for Pakistan to EVER become a nuclear weapons state with or without Chinese assistance........:lol:

Please come and try if you think we can't destroy you......:azn:........make it happen....:azn:
Alas you won't. The indian military high command are FULLY aware of Pakistan's military capabilities........:azn:

You're all talk. Nothing more......:azn:
Nah. That was sometime in the middle. How did it actually end?
it ended with pakistan still holding the highest peak in the area and hundreds if not thousands of indian soldiers dead

The official stance on both sides is well known. Posturing refers to statements given mainly to influence the domestic audience.
absolutely nothinng of sorts was done... pakistan is calm simply trying to defuse the situation
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