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Featured Pakistan will proceed on Kashmir issue with or without Saudi Arabia : SM Qureshi


Apr 12, 2015
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United Arab Emirates

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In an unprecedented and very bold move, Pakistan Foreign Minister, Shah Mehmood Qureshi lashes out at OIC for lack of action on Kashmir issue and Indian government led atrocities against Muslims in Kashmir and India.

"Today, I am telling the OIC to convene the meeting of the council of foreign ministers. If they can not do it, then i will be compelled to ask the prime minister to call a meeting of Islamic countries that are ready to stand with us on the issue of Kashmir and support the oppressed Kashmiri Muslims," said Qureshi.

In his interview he also called upon Saudi Arabia to play step up as a leader of OIC and play its part. He said Pakistan and Pakistani people hold Saudi Arabia very dear and close to their hearts and every Pakistani is willing to lay down his life for Makkah and Madina, the holy cities for all muslm world.

“Today Pakistanis, who are always ready to sacrifice their lives for Mecca and Madina, need Saudi to play a leading role on the Kashmir issue. If they will not play their role, then i will ask Prime Minister Imran Khan to go ahead with or without Saudi Arabia," Qureshi warned.

Further highlighting the brotherly relations between the two countries, he said Pakistan withdrew from the Kuala Lumpur Summit last December on a request from Riyadh.

"I appreciate Mahathir Muhamad who even didn't complain and spoke a single word over our decision because he knew our real situation," he said

Khan, earlier this year, admitted he missed the summit because of a request by Riyadh and expressed sadness for missing the conference.

"Unfortunately our friends who are very close to Pakistan as well, felt that somehow the conference was going to divide the Ummah. It was clearly a misconception because that was not the purpose of the conference as evident from when the conference took place," Khan told a news conference in February during a visit to Kuala Lumpur.
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Pakistan should approach Indonesian news media, most Indonesian popular news TV media are owned by Muslim like CNN Indonesia, CNBC Indonesia, Metro TV, and TV One. Other popular TV station owned by Muslim like Trans TV, Trans 7, Net TV.

Other news outlet that is pro Islamist agenda is Republika. Media Indonesia and Jawa Post are also popular and owned by Muslim but has more nationalist agenda.

Viva is also owned by Muslim and an integrated media outlet and quite popular on online and Youtube.

Largest Islamic organization like Nahdatul Ulama and second largest and more conservative Islamic organization like Muhammadiyah.

The current lock down in Kashmir and internet ban should be the issue that can be raised. I think Pakistani government only approach other government, while for democracy country like Indonesia, approaching the media and civil organization is also very important to influence Indonesian government who is currently ruled by Nationalist like Jokowi.
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Good. Pakistan and Saudi Arabia have moved totally in opposite directions since the Yemen War. It's time we stopped pretending we're still best friends and brothers and move on.

Time arrived for Pakistan on 5th August 2019 to burn all the ships and do things it's way.
Baiscally pakistan want everyone to choose between India and itself.... interesting.

What pakistan to offer to these countries?
what evidence pakistan is giving to these countries other than lip service?
Which of these countries are willing to actually work with pakistan and go against India?
and final question, what is difference between what pakistan is doing since last one year to now?
just becuase we were friendly/brotherly with saudia doesnt imply we weren't free..however its true some people took it the wrong way and had it for granted.
we were not friendly only with gulf we were strong allies we fight wars we stand with them on every vote at every confreres its not just friendship .
in my late 30s sir
but one can read the history in few days sir
lol! just kiddin brother, the way you wrote finally after 70 years, this joke came to my mine. Of course the history of our let downs by successive governments of the past are right in front of us and yes this is the first time in a long time that a slight glimpse of hope has appeared though a lot more is desired specially w.r.t to PM's constant passive approach towards diplomacy while sidelining the option for war altogether where as both should go hand in hand.
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