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Pakistan was not aware of Osama’s presence: ex-US ambassador


Aug 1, 2008
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United States
Once again American officials are defending Pakistan, while our own, big-mouth, no-nothing, Gen Durrani is talking rubbish against his own country.

Pakistan was not aware of Osama’s presence: ex-US ambassador

Published in Dawn, April 16th, 2015

LOS ANGELES: Former US ambassador to Pakistan Cameron Munter said on Tuesday that “Pakistan probably didn’t know about Osama bin Laden as there is no evidence to suggest there was a link”.

Giving a talk at the UCLA Luskin School of Public Affairs on re-envisioning US-Pak relations, the former ambassador presented a prologue to the year 2011 which he says was “a terrible year if you happen to be an ambassador to Pakistan”.

Read: Pakistani officials reject claims of ISI handling bin Laden

In a clear and candid manner, Mr Munter touched upon the past and said, “We had very high expectations and [through] a system set up by late Richard Holbrooke wanted to put an end to the negativity of the past [between the two countries]. But the imbalance of US-Pak relationship, a relationship of perfidy and exploitation depending on which side you are looking at it from, manifested itself through the series of events that took place.”

The subsequent raid on the Abbottabad compound of OBL in May, came six weeks after Raymond Davis, a contractor who worked for the CIA, was bailed out by the ambassador after he shot dead “two thugs who tried to rob him” by paying blood money to the family.

“These incidents came at a time when the trust we were trying to build, the whole Richard Holbrooke project about maintaining trust and not falling back to the old ways, was buckling a bit.”

During the course of his talk, he didn’t mention the drone programme saying instead that the attack in the tribal areas a day after Davis’s release from Pakistan, “was bad timing”.

Just as the diplomats on both sides were figuring out how to work on the “badly damaged relationship”, the Abbottabad raid came about.

Mr Munter said Pakistan probably didn’t know about OBL’s presence. “Because everything was taken out during the raid and if there was a link it is hard to imagine there would have been no trace of that.”

The raid and its implications made cooperation between the two countries difficult, the former ambassador said.

He believes the relations between the two countries are getting better.

He said the policy of looking at Pakistan through the lens of Afghanistan is a problem. Continuing, he said the nature of US-Pak relationship is more linked to counter-terrorism than creating regional associations, philanthropic or economic links, as a result.

“American popularity in Pakistan is about five per cent. Lowest in the world. Yet in the same Pew poll, more than 90 per cent of the people want to see better relationship with the United States.”

There were many cultural affinities that we could play on, he said, “but unfortunately the focus that most Pakistanis see from us is of a counter-terrorist. The idea of the allegiance of uncaring people who are only concerned with counter- terrorism.”

He said he was not suggesting that counter-terrorism should be overlooked, “but we can still look towards people-to-people contact and find cultural affinities”.

“What do Karachi and Los Angeles have in common? Seashore, culture, gang warfare. We are made for each other. They got twenty million people, we got South Central. This is the link to have.”

In the same vein, Mr Munter said that “Pakistan works because of its people” and counted Balochistan, Karachi and the tribal areas as the “three problem zones, in terms of setting state writ, for Pakistan”.

“What’s interesting about diplomacy at present is that there are many bilateral, trilateral, quadrilateral discussions going on between India-Pakistan-China, Afghanistan-China-Pakistan, all trying to find a common ground.

“Pakistan does tend to be myopic but it can use its potential to have better relations with India, to continue the relations it has with China and to work with Iran and Afghanistan. That might have a whole lot more impact than worrying about issues of civic identity.”

When he was asked to give a proper prescription for Afghanistan in the immediate future, he said Afghanistan must establish multi-pronged diplomacy with its neighbours. “Ashraf Ghani has skilfully balanced Pakistan and India. One of my nightmares is to see India and Pakistan fighting through proxies in Afghanistan rather than on their borders.

“Thankfully the possibility of that is less, thanks to Ghani’s diplomacy.”

According to him, much of Afghanistan’s future depends on the relations between India and Pakistan, and between India and China.
I wouldn't expect him to say otherwise. The relationship between Pakistan and the US is crucial and important for both. No one really knows what went on, it's a detail of history.

Time to move on.
Oh boy

I wouldn't expect him to say otherwise. The relationship between Pakistan and the US is crucial and important for both. No one really knows what went on, it's a detail of history.

Time to move on.

Is it Bro . But don't you think all ex diplomats tells the different story ? Then it makes its weird ?

US carried it has covert operation even without informing ISI or PA for a reason . It's time to move on but why this now ?
Oh boy

Is it Bro . But don't you think all ex diplomats tells the different story ? Then it makes its weird ?

US carried it has covert operation even without informing ISI or PA for a reason . It's time to move on but why this now ?

It is and It always will be bro. People simply do not understand this. It goes beyond such things.

Ex diplomats always talk. He also didn't have nothing to lose to say otherwise.

As for the US not telling Pakistan, that's what we were told. I honestly don't know. Maybe they knew nothing. Maybe they were informed once the raid started. Maybe they were both in cahoots and knew where he was all this time.
Anyway, time to move on.
It is and It always will be bro. People simply do not understand this. It goes beyond such things.

Ex diplomats always talk. He also didn't have nothing to lose to say otherwise.

As for the US not telling Pakistan, that's what we were told. I honestly don't know. Maybe they knew nothing. Maybe they were informed once the raid started. Maybe they were both in cahoots and knew where he was all this time.
Anyway, time to move on.

Oh come o!!! MA Man please don't tell me you are going with this chap. I mean seriously . ? Just see how his house was fortified in an major military area. If I was not know to PA / ISI his house could have been searched in just a day Bro. Think about it. There is no doubts here at all . And yes PA or PMO could had been inform that too 1% of chance given the money / life they have spent for it . If US sending it's troops inside Pakistan they must have warned of consequences if their men where attacked by PA. And so Pakistan gave them a free run . US threatening it's aly is not new anyway . But these EX guys always look for cheap publicity but these nonsense statements and releasing their books on some controversies . Highly possible of being corrupted as well .

Think Bro . Honestly this guy need a slap from US govt. As it's impossible for anyone to stay with such kind of arms and bodyguards with unusual high tall compounds to even survive or getting unnoticed by PA . As it's is very very very close to army instalation.

Am not asking for more but just to think . Anyway U and US ll move on from here for sure .
Oh come o!!! MA Man please don't tell me you are going with this chap. I mean seriously . ? Just see how his house was fortified in an major military area. If I was not know to PA / ISI his house could have been searched in just a day Bro. Think about it. There is no doubts here at all . And yes PA or PMO could had been inform that too 1% of chance given the money / life they have spent for it . If US sending it's troops inside Pakistan they must have warned of consequences if their men where attacked by PA. And so Pakistan gave them a free run . US threatening it's aly is not new anyway . But these EX guys always look for cheap publicity but these nonsense statements and releasing their books on some controversies . Highly possible of being corrupted as well .

Think Bro . Honestly this guy need a slap from US govt. As it's impossible for anyone to stay with such kind of arms and bodyguards with unusual high tall compounds to even survive or getting unnoticed by PA . As it's is very very very close to army instalation.

Am not asking for more but just to think . Anyway U and US ll move on from here for sure .

This "chap" is the ex US ambassador....Why didn't the CIA search the house, or even check it out? Their presence is huge in Pakistan. The same questions can be put to them. Also please don't say that the Pakistani military wouldn't let them.
The seal team was told to not engage anyone, apart from the people inside the compound, and no such threat was given to Pakistan i.e. if you touch our troops we will do x, y and z. There is nothing on that. The US wouldn't have sent a team in without a real chance that everything would be ok. You are too young to remember the Delta Force raid in iran that went wrong. That must have been on their minds when this raid was arranged.
The guy won't get slapped by anyone, why would he bro? His own government said the same thing.

SEC. PANETTA: I have not. And you know, there’s been a lot of material. They’ve gone through a lot of material. We haven’t had access to, obviously, all of the analysis that’s been done, but I have not heard any kind of evidence that involved a direct connection to the Pakistanis. Obviously the concern has always been how could a compound like this, how could bin Laden be in an area where there were military establishments, where we could see the military operating and not have them know.

MR. MANSBRIDGE: And how could it? How could it operate there without their knowledge?

SEC. PANETTA: Well, you know, these situations sometimes, you know, the leadership within Pakistan [sic] is obviously not aware of certain things and yet people lower down in the military establishment find it very well, they’ve been aware of it. But bottom line is that we have not had evidence that provides that direct link.

Defense.gov Transcript: CBC Television Interview with Secretary Panetta

I hope no one hid him, do I know for sure, well no. But anyway I feel it's time wasted discussing something so old.
Ex ambassador.. Well he can have big mouth to say anything... Wiki cables of US embassies in Pakistan and Afghanistan. Tells how much US was sceptical of Pak's information on most wanted living near by military training camp... Indigestible!! I have repeated this in every thread claiming Pakistan's innocence on knowing. His whereabouts that Karzai told US that he could be possibly. In Pakistan..
Oh come o!!! MA Man please don't tell me you are going with this chap. I mean seriously . ? Just see how his house was fortified in an major military area. If I was not know to PA / ISI his house could have been searched in just a day Bro. Think about it. There is no doubts here at all . And yes PA or PMO could had been inform that too 1% of chance given the money / life they have spent for it . If US sending it's troops inside Pakistan they must have warned of consequences if their men where attacked by PA. And so Pakistan gave them a free run . US threatening it's aly is not new anyway . But these EX guys always look for cheap publicity but these nonsense statements and releasing their books on some controversies . Highly possible of being corrupted as well .

Think Bro . Honestly this guy need a slap from US govt. As it's impossible for anyone to stay with such kind of arms and bodyguards with unusual high tall compounds to even survive or getting unnoticed by PA . As it's is very very very close to army instalation.

Am not asking for more but just to think . Anyway U and US ll move on from here for sure .

I am amazed. Are you suggesting Pakistan knew? The only superpower with the largest military machine in history has not blamed Pakistan for knowing. If they have not judged Pakistan guilty than do you have some information that US perhaps could do with? You need to post it to White House.

The fact that Osama was hidinh half a mile away from Pak Military academy means nothing. If I was on the run and hid in a house half a mile from a Police Station are you suggesting I would be found out. I take it the academy carry out searches of all private houses within mile radius?

So distance has nothing to do with anything. In fact hiding in the shadow of Police or military station is probably a good idea. nobody would suspect the world's No.1 hiding right under your nose.

That leave about the house. Abottabad is in what used to be NWFP or te land of Pashtun's. it is pretty common for them to build houses with high walls and security. In fact near FATA almost every house resembles a small fort. So no big deal there.
He was never there. It is a complete fabrication.

You are telling me they dumped the body in the ocean without showing anyone else?

When they caught Sadaam they showed him off like a trophy, gloating away. No issues showing Gadaffi brutally taken apart in all news channels.

But not even a picture?

I'm not a chump.
Oh come o!!! MA Man please don't tell me you are going with this chap. I mean seriously . ? Just see how his house was fortified in an major military area. If I was not know to PA / ISI his house could have been searched in just a day Bro. Think about it. There is no doubts here at all . And yes PA or PMO could had been inform that too 1% of chance given the money / life they have spent for it . If US sending it's troops inside Pakistan they must have warned of consequences if their men where attacked by PA. And so Pakistan gave them a free run . US threatening it's aly is not new anyway . But these EX guys always look for cheap publicity but these nonsense statements and releasing their books on some controversies . Highly possible of being corrupted as well .

Think Bro . Honestly this guy need a slap from US govt. As it's impossible for anyone to stay with such kind of arms and bodyguards with unusual high tall compounds to even survive or getting unnoticed by PA . As it's is very very very close to army instalation.

Am not asking for more but just to think . Anyway U and US ll move on from here for sure .

What are you going on about here? The white house has said on multiple occasions already that there is no evidence to prove Pakistani state involvement.

US: No evidence senior Pakistanis knew about Bin Laden - BBC News
No reason to believe Pakistanis knew of Osama’s presence, says US - Newspaper - DAWN.COM

This is from the white house, the highest office in the US. Why should the ex-ambassador be punished for basically communicating the official US government policy? And why are you, the same people that complain about conspiracy theories, are making conspiracy theories?
Then we can say it was a sheer unprofessionalism from Pakistan Govt establishments .Worlds no 1 Terrorist near Pak Military Academy.One hell of the incompetence.
Then we can say it was a sheer unprofessionalism from Pakistan Govt establishments .Worlds no 1 Terrorist near Pak Military Academy.One hell of the incompetence.

Talking about height of unprofessionalism. One 9/11 bomber was under FBI surveillance. CIA didn't pass intel to FBI that he is going to blow something up. Mossad had given complete list of 9/11 bombers to cia in in august 2001.

So keeping your Indian biased and ignorant genes aside, if you broaden your horizon, similar cluster fcuks exist everywhere in world.
Then we can say it was a sheer unprofessionalism from Pakistan Govt establishments .Worlds no 1 Terrorist near Pak Military Academy.One hell of the incompetence.

As aforementioned by @Bratva one can make similar arguments about 9/11 attacks or Mumbai 2008 attacks. How did your navy and coast guards let a boat from another country enter your land without having any ideas about it.

Can we not make selective conspiracy theories please? In the same breath you make conspiracy theories about the OBL incident, while also referring similar claims about 9/11 or Mumbai 2008 attacks as "conspiracy theories". That's by definition hypocrisy.
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