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Pakistan 'understands' importance of Nuclear safety | United States


May 3, 2009
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To understand importance of a possession, lets look at out daily life. While driving you come across so many different type of drivers. Some cautious, some are show off, some are rash and some are stupid. Looking at the style of driving and person driving it can be easily assessed as to who owns the car through hard earned money, borrowed, using father sponsored car, under training or he is a driver. The one who has actually bought the car through his hard earned money would be a cautious, confident and traffic law abiding driver. He knows how to safe guard its asset.

Pakistan's nuclear capability is self developed and hard earned. Therefore, no one in the world should have any doubts that it is not safe. Yet US has a problem of talking about it every now and then. They should be more concerned about theirs as WTC were not destroyed in any other country but USA, despite full radar and satellite coverage and seamless security.
Soon after the CIA leaked report this is White house reaction??
Pretty clever people……:coffee:
Well they should make up their mind. What is it? Safe or unsafe...........

Pakistanis think that our Nukes are safe and US is trying hard to make them unsafe. Black Budget is an example.
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