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Pakistan-Turkey 4 Milgem Ada Class Corvettes Contract - Construction started

But no news of 2 frigates was shared additional to these 4 by Pak Navy with turkish.. @Bilal Khan (Quwa)
Or you referring to jinnah class will developed locally as follow up

Can pleases share its detial with us
Jinnah-class frigates. There are 2 ships on the roadmap for the time being.
Jinnah-class frigates. There are 2 ships on the roadmap for the time being.
Thanks for clarification
Any idea when this jinnah class construction will be expected to start .. @Bilal Khan (Quwa)
@Akh1112 The absence of the uptake hatch you marked may indicate that a cold launch type missile family will be used in this VLS. CAMM is one of them, but not the only one.. UK and Italy, more open to military cooperation both with Pakistan and Turkey, so that CAMM is the usual candidate for politics part.

The model(MBDA launcher) you show: one of some "peripheral" VLS system development works that have increasing in recent years. Another and -on the service- example is MARK-57. These launch cells are mostly in tactical length, as they can be positioned on very different superstructure sections other than the middle deck or bow of the ships, compared to centralized magazines. In addition to being an extremely modular and easy to maintain launch system with the ammunition types used SVL compatible, as far as I can understand, it can be applied to all types of ships much more easily.

It’s just aimage , check first image of jf 17 Loojs different

During the Aman Naval Exercise held in February 2019, Admiral Abbasi said that Pakistan ships will be fitted with a 16-Cell VLS behind the main gun for Chinese made medium-range air defense missiles probably LY-80/HHQ-16 variant.

Unless since then chief is wrong 😑?? Possible or changed after he left

only known naval Chinese medium range sam is Ly-80
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It’s just aimage , check first image of jf 17 Loojs different

During the Aman Naval Exercise held in February 2019, Admiral Abbasi said that Pakistan ships will be fitted with a 16-Cell VLS behind the main gun for Chinese made medium-range air defense missiles probably LY-80/HHQ-16 variant.

Unless since then chief is wrong 😑?? Possible or changed after he left

only known naval Chinese medium range sam is Ly-80
Sure but then that image also has a 2x3 AShM configuration. So, if we're to take that seriously, then we also have to pay careful attention to the VLS image too. Also, at AMAN, the PN said the corvettes will be CODAD, but the PN ultimately ordered LM2500s from the US (i.e., for CODAG).
Sure but then that image also has a 2x3 AShM configuration. So, if we're to take that seriously, then we also have to pay careful attention to the VLS image too. Also, at AMAN, the PN said the corvettes will be CODAD, but the PN ultimately ordered LM2500s from the US (i.e., for CODAG).

The LM Turbines were on order for more than one year, it is on SIPRI report too. So where did the CNS come up with CODAD...strange.
The LM Turbines were on order for more than one year, it is on SIPRI report too. So where did the CNS come up with CODAD...strange.
When the PN originally revealed the specifications of the MILGEMs in 2019 (to publications, but none of the Pakistani ones present at Aman thought to report it Lol).
Can Chinese weapons be integrated on them
Can Chinese weapons be integrated on them

It depends if the Chinese systems are not connect to their grid or not
It depends if the Chinese systems are not connect to their grid or not
But if PN want use Chinese weapons form them, then provision is already discussed will be on roadmap
what is update for first one
I expect the first one to join PN by mid next year, followed by 2nd one under construction at KSEW by end of next year or beginning of 2023. Followed by this one and the last example by 2024. In next 3 years PN will add 8 new ships of similar capabilities.
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