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Pakistan to go to War with India over Kashmir?

@waz .. Even if all that has happened.. We still allow Indian propaganda over here.

Just like the government has announced, break all ties with them.

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Instrument of Accession of Jammu and Kashmir State

Another garbage indian propaganda:-

Recent research, from British sources, has indicated that Hari Singh did not reach Jammu until the evening of 26 October and that, due to poor flying conditions, V P Menon was unable to get to Jammu until the morning of 27 October , by which time Indian troops were already arriving in Srinagar.

In order to support the thesis that the Maharaja acceded before Indian troops landed, Indian sources have now suggested that Hari Singh signed an Instrument of Accession before he left Srinagar but that it was not made public until later.

This was because Hari Singh had not yet agreed to include the Kashmiri leader, Sheikh Abdullah, in his future government. To date no authentic original document has been made available.


The evidence is no authentic Treaty of Accession exist. No original and authentic document, no authentic signature, and the mere fact Hari Singh wasn't in Jammu on Oct. 27, 1917, nor did he ever meet VP Menon is evidence. To this day no authentic Treaty of Accession has been shown nor produced for the world's eyes to see, because it doesn't exist.

In fact, it is physically impossible for Hari Singh to even have ever signed it, because he simply wasn't there.

It is eerie to note that India has never shown the original `Instrument’ in any international forum. If India was truthful, it should have the temerity to present the document to Pakistan or to the UN. Isn’t it funny that, in the summer of 1995, the Indian authorities reported the original document as lost or stolen? This fact further beclouds authenticity of the document. India took the Kashmir issue to the UN in 1948 under article 35 of Chapter VI which outlines the means for a peaceful settlement of disputes. India avoiding presenting the Kashmir case under the UN Chapter VII which relates to acts of aggression. Obviously, it did so because it knew that the Kashmir was a disputed state. And, issue of its integration with India or Pakistan remained to be resolved. Simla accord also preserves sanctity of UN resolutions.
It can't stay law passed by Paliament
Because it consitutional statuary law which is consitution itself. which provided to Paliament through special presidential order under 356b . President is head of Judiciary itself and appoints cheif justice

it can only be strucked by consitutional bench 'IF' it violated basic frame of consitution

Govt has also power of ordinance of case carry on.Based on its interpretation of law that is why Govt has cabinet minister or Law minister in ministry of justice and law
And attorney journal to interpret laws according to executive for governance

SC is only interpreter it cannot consitutionally amend or create laws of its owns
It has lato respect laws passed by parliament as Constitution of India itself created by parliament itself

It can review the law and can struck it down which takes time as I mentioned

In any democracy Executive always has certain power over execution and governance

What next if war decared if Nuclear Missile's launched towards Delhi govt will ask permission from SC to use it Executive Government powers from judges of the SC ???

They have no legal power to struck Constitutional law

What next SC had power to struck whole Constitution itself or call India. Army to over throw Indian government and called itself only authority in India with not executive

Under which power they can struck down
Constitutional law passed by Paliament if it doesn't so violation of basic frame

There are certain condition for strucking down law passed by Paliament

SC know it's limitations when it comes to mending it affairs with Executive

What if executive gives SC middle finger like Indra Gandhi then what ???

It can be considered as violative of Part III of the constitution. Violation of fundamental rights. It could be considered to be against the federal nature of the constitution, which is a part of the basic structure.

Further, "basic structure" does not have a set definition. Certain observations have been made by courts in the part which will be used but the Supreme Court could extend it to the present amendment as well.
@waz .. Even if all that has happened.. We still allow Indian propaganda over here.

Just like the government has announced, break all ties with them.

Another garbage indian propaganda:-

Recent research, from British sources, has indicated that Hari Singh did not reach Jammu until the evening of 26 October and that, due to poor flying conditions, V P Menon was unable to get to Jammu until the morning of 27 October , by which time Indian troops were already arriving in Srinagar.

In order to support the thesis that the Maharaja acceded before Indian troops landed, Indian sources have now suggested that Hari Singh signed an Instrument of Accession before he left Srinagar but that it was not made public until later.

This was because Hari Singh had not yet agreed to include the Kashmiri leader, Sheikh Abdullah, in his future government. To date no authentic original document has been made available.


The evidence is no authentic Treaty of Accession exist. No original and authentic document, no authentic signature, and the mere fact Hari Singh wasn't in Jammu on Oct. 27, 1917, nor did he ever meet VP Menon is evidence. To this day no authentic Treaty of Accession has been shown nor produced for the world's eyes to see, because it doesn't exist.

In fact, it is physically impossible for Hari Singh to even have ever signed it, because he simply wasn't there.

It is eerie to note that India has never shown the original `Instrument’ in any international forum. If India was truthful, it should have the temerity to present the document to Pakistan or to the UN. Isn’t it funny that, in the summer of 1995, the Indian authorities reported the original document as lost or stolen? This fact further beclouds authenticity of the document. India took the Kashmir issue to the UN in 1948 under article 35 of Chapter VI which outlines the means for a peaceful settlement of disputes. India avoiding presenting the Kashmir case under the UN Chapter VII which relates to acts of aggression. Obviously, it did so because it knew that the Kashmir was a disputed state. And, issue of its integration with India or Pakistan remained to be resolved. Simla accord also preserves sanctity of UN resolutions.
Lol India signed over 500 instrument of accession it's not new instrument
J&K consitution itself assert Indian authority over Kashmir under instrument itself

Who ever wrote this piece is high on weed
there is video evidence of Nehru meeting both Shaikh Abdullah and Hari Singh

By BBC itself see below
Lol India signed over 500 instrument of accession it's not new
J&K consitution itself assert Indian authority over Kashmir under instrument itself

Who ever wrote this video is high on weed there is video evidence of Nehru meeting Shaikh Abdullah and Hari Singh

By BBC itself see below

There is no instrument of accession. Just another garbage indian propaganda. It is funny , no one in real life has ever seen this so called document. Looks like gangu are high on piss and imagining things.

The question is , why it has never being produced in real life.
It can be considered as violative of Part III of the constitution. Violation of fundamental rights. It could be considered to be against the federal nature of the constitution, which is a part of the basic structure.

Further, "basic structure" does not have a set definition. Certain observations have been made by courts in the part which will be used but the Supreme Court could extend it to the present amendment as well.
Fundemental rights which fundemental rights in violation of strucking down 370 ??which was temperory provision

There is no instrument of accession. Just another garbage indian propaganda. It is funny , no one in real life has ever seen this so called document. Looks like gangu are high on piss and imagining things.
Rant nothing else
It can't stay law passed by Paliament
Because it consitutional statuary law which is consitution itself. which provided to Paliament through special presidential order under 356b . President is head of Judiciary itself and appoints cheif justice

it can only be strucked by consitutional bench 'IF' it violated basic frame of consitution

Govt has also power of ordinance of case carry on.Based on its interpretation of law that is why Govt has cabinet minister or Law minister in ministry of justice and law
And attorney journal to interpret laws according to executive for governance

SC is only interpreter it cannot consitutionally amend or create laws of its owns
It has lato respect laws passed by parliament as Constitution of India itself created by parliament itself

It can review the law and can struck it down which takes time as I mentioned

In any democracy Executive always has certain power over execution and governance

What next if war decared if Nuclear Missile's launched towards Delhi govt will ask permission from SC to use it Executive Government powers from judges of the SC ???

They have no legal power to struck Constitutional law

What next SC had power to struck whole Constitution itself or call India. Army to over throw Indian government and called itself only authority in India with not executive

Under which power they can struck down
Constitutional law passed by Paliament if it doesn't so violation of basic frame

There are certain condition for strucking down law passed by Paliament

SC know it's limitations when it comes to mending it affairs with Executive

What if executive gives SC middle finger like Indra Gandhi then what ???

Article 370 cannot be amendment, unless agreed by kashmiri people themselves, that is being passed by kashmir legislative assembly which didn't happened.
. .
Article 370 cannot be amendment, unless agreed by kashmiri people themselves, that is being passed by kashmir legislative assembly which didn't happened.
Its already amended by president order twice in the past by congress in 1954 and 1964
Kashmir assembly is not there governor is there representative
Under article 356b president has power
To consitutent parliament as Constitution assembly.

Probably you have not seen debate in our parliament all questions of legality being answered
Pakistan will not be the one to initiate but we will be sucked into one
I'm 100% certain that Pakistan WILL launch an invasion along the lines of OP Grand Slam (probably entirely skipping OP Gibraltar) with nuclear war-fighting (from either side, because who can trust Baniyas with NFU policy?) and possibility of multiple fronts opening in mind, the MOMENT a non-Kashmiri buys a property in Kashmir. The primary objective would be to capture as many peaks on the Pir Panjal range as possible in order to have a bird's eye view over the entire valley. We might also end up nuking using earth-penetrating bombs on a couple of hardened vital bridges, for example, in Akhnoor, who knows? The casualties may run into tens of thousands (higher than all previous wars combined) just to capture these peaks, but it's a do or die situation now. At least it would forever put an end to the terror of artillery/mortar bombardment on Azad Kashmiri civilians. THAT ALONE would be the reason enough to justify an invasion.

Laughable at best... :-)
Fundemental rights which fundemental rights in violation of strucking down 370 ??which was temperory provision

The elected representatives of the state have not been consulted which was a requirement of Article 370 (3) also. Article 21. Deciding the future of a state and its people without consulting their elected reps. It is also against the federal structure of the constitution.

One thing is for sure, even if the amendment manages to to succeed in terms of the letter of the law, it does not succeed in terms of the spirit of the law. The courts may have something to say about that.

It's a complex issue and we can't decide it here. The judges are experts and they too will take their time.
There is no instrument of accession. Just another garbage indian propaganda. It is funny , no one in real life has ever seen this so called document. Looks like gangu are high on piss and imagining things.

One factor, which played an important role in the illegitimate occupation of the Kashmir, by Indian forces, with full support of Lord Mountbatten, was the illegitimate relations of Nehru, with Lady Mountbatten, with full acknowledgement and consent of that cuckold Lord Mountbatten. This was also one of the key reasons, that Quaid e Azam refused to accept Lord Mountbatten, as Governor General of both India and Pakistan; since he was fully aware of the nature of these relations between Nehru, Edwina Mountbatten and Lord Mountbatten.

These three people are responsible, for destructing the peace of subcontinent, for all times to come.
One factor, which played an important role in the illegitimate occupation of the Kashmir, by Indian forces, with full support of Lord Mountbatten, was the illegitimate relations of Nehru, with Lady Mountbatten, with full acknowledgement and consent of that cuckold Lord Mountbatten. This was also one of the key reasons, that Quaid e Azam refused to accept Lord Mountbatten, as Governor General of both India and Pakistan; since he was fully aware of the nature of these relations between Nehru, Edwina Mountbatten and Lord Mountbatten.

These three people are responsible, for destructing the peace of subcontinent, for all times to come.

And the Pakistani state which tried to annex Kashmir which prompted the Maharaja to accede to India was not ?
Pakistan has done nothing.we don't even have diplomatic support which is total failure of present government.also there is no desire to fight.this defensive policy and begging bowl has destroyed our roots.whatever we are doing right now is useless.saudia and China both are moving away from our camp and it's because of Khan policies.news of Kashmir are now slowly slowly vanishing.i think within 15 days,everyone will forget about kashmir.international community don't care about pakistan anymore but Pakistan always care about it's image for unknown reasons.example is kulbhushan.i think we have accepted our defeat and I think we should also move on.it is useless to talk about military action because we are facing a United and much bigger enemy and kindly look at our pathetic situation on afghan border,each day ttp attacks.it sums up everything.

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