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Pakistan: The Terror Media, Religous scholars and Politicians


Jul 18, 2006
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What Pakistan is lacking is Unity. If pakistani media scholars and politicians come together and work as of force against terrorist Pakistan can win this war and be the first country to beat these terrorist. We all have the same religon so terrorist can't play with this. I will go on some points which will be harsh. What our patetic media is doing showing love, family dramas. They should start some tele films some programs against terrorists. Show our people what they are really doing by showing their real intentions to break Pakistan destroy our religion of peace, killing our innocent babies and women. Our mothers sisters and daughters our elders our fathers our system our goverment our peace our dream to be strong every thing they are doing against us they are fighting with pakistan not goverment in simple words they are up for destroy us. Our religous scholars can come on TV and debate with people who are soft with terrorists they can justified this war agianst terrorist since our public is simple and confused they can pass fatawa against terrorist. Our political parties can show some power and convience people of pakistan aver this issue. They can eleminate the confusion. If they are real Pakistani they can be together and make this war their first priority. They can debate how they will help Pakistan over come this issue. What i see is. We have no unity in all these sides we are so divided and this is where terrorist are getting benifited from. If anyone say this war is not Pakistani war i challenge them to put forth their thoughts and their claims.
1 terrorists are demanding pakistan to withdraw from this war.
2 Allow them to work in PAKISTANI territory against NATO AND US FORCES
3 Let all the foreigner muslims stay in pakistan since islam doesn't approve borders.
4 Goverment should let extremist teach quran with their ways and with their own examples and justifications.
Bottom line is we are not working together to address our nation and we are not together for Pakistan.:pakistan::sniper::guns:
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