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Pakistan tells two Indian journalists to leave within week

whats the big fuss? they will be replaced by other indian journalists.

Their visa is not extended further.
FYI all those defs which i already knew have been practised by Pakistan already hence proved it's Pak who's crying. For instance: Begging US to interfere on kashmir issue.

None taken...do you see anyone crying? There is protest then there is floods of people with a similar agenda pushing their agenda (crying) ...Do I need to give you a definition:

1. To sob or shed tears because of grief, sorrow, or pain; weep.
2. To call loudly; shout.
To utter a characteristic sound or call. Used of an animal.
4. To demand or require immediate action or remedy: grievances crying out for redress.
1. To utter loudly; call out.
2. To proclaim or announce in public: crying one's wares in the marketplace.
3. To bring into a particular condition by weeping: cry oneself to sleep.
4. Archaic To beg for; implore: cry forgiveness.
n. pl. cries (krīz)
1. A loud utterance of an emotion, such as fear, anger, or despair.
2. A loud exclamation; a shout or call.
3. A fit of weeping: had a good long cry.
4. An urgent entreaty or appeal.
5. A public or general demand or complaint.
6. A common view or general report.
7. An advertising of wares by calling out: venders' cries at the fish market.
8. A rallying call or signal: a cry to arms.
9. A slogan, especially a political one.
10. The characteristic call or utterance of an animal.
The baying of hounds during the chase.
b. A pack of hounds.
12. Obsolete Clamor; outcry.
13. Obsolete A public announcement; a proclamation.
Her Indian story ka end aik he fikra per hota ha "powerful military" :lol:
and we have the retaliatory in process! Stupidity has no limits...

Journalitst are dying in Pakistan...for Indians' protection we dont renew their visa and this is the thanks we get :tsk:

yeah they are dying in Pakistan and india is heaven for them:D? FYI the ranking of Pak & India is almost same...:D buhahahha
FYI all those defs which i already knew have been practised by Pakistan already hence proved it's Pak who's crying. For instance: Begging US to interfere on kashmir issue.
Tell me 1 poster who does that :pop: I am talking about PDF Indians and their crying! Kindly dont derail from the main topic and dont make this about India vs Pakistan!

If you are sincere you would want your journalists to be safe and when we are sending them to you guys alive then you guys have prob and 101 questions when we send dead bodies again you have 101 questions...When can you not cry?

yeah they are dying in Pakistan and india is heaven for them:D? FYI the ranking of Pak & India is almost same...:D buhahahha
Well, in the current wake Pakistan is not safe so we are making sure we dont hear Indians complain about us!

I dont know nor care about the situation in India...Kindly dont make this India vs Pakistan thread coz it is not!
Mr. Nawaz sharif himself.

And on topic: One user above said that those will be replaced by other ones. So is it that their life wouldn't become risky like those denied visa?

At last please don't assume the authorities themselves denied from explaining the reason. And why now? Is terrorism any new in Pakistan it's been there since long time. Why didn't they expell or sent them back to India then (according to your assumption that their life is threatened)?

Tell me 1 poster who does that :pop: I am talking about PDF Indians and their crying! Kindly dont derail from the main topic and dont make this about India vs Pakistan!

If you are sincere you would want your journalists to be safe and when we are sending them to you guys alive then you guys have prob and 101 questions when we send dead bodies again you have 101 questions...When can you not cry?

Well, in the current wake Pakistan is not safe so we are making sure we dont hear Indians complain about us!

I dont know nor care about the situation in India...Kindly dont make this India vs Pakistan thread coz it is not!
whats the big fuss? they will be replaced by other indian journalists.

Their visa is not extended further.

I was wondering about this.

As scorpionx explained it is probably due to security concerns.
Mr. Nawaz sharif himself.

And on topic: One user above said that those will be replaced by other ones. So is it that their life wouldn't become risky like those denied visa?

NS is on PDF? :unsure:

Ask the user @scorpionx ...He was talking about Indian journalist so Indians should know better ...All I said was we can wait and see...

At last please don't assume the authorities themselves denied from explaining the reason. And why now? Is terrorism any new in Pakistan it's been there since long time. Why didn't they expell or sent them back to India then (according to your assumption that their life is threatened)?

When you are denied British visa it is stated on the website if you are denied you can appeal but if you are not given any reason do not ask for one...They have the right to deny and all you have is the right to appeal....Likewise!
Mr. Nawaz sharif himself.

And on topic: One user above said that those will be replaced by other ones. So is it that their life wouldn't become risky like those denied visa?

At last please don't assume the authorities themselves denied from explaining the reason. And why now? Is terrorism any new in Pakistan it's been there since long time. Why didn't they expell or sent them back to India then (according to your assumption that their life is threatened)?

Why crib about this? I certainly don't give a damn.

Apart from the nationalist Indians here who out of a Masochistic habit invite pakistani trolling, Indians don't really care about pakistan at this point, or shouldn't.

It is about time we locked down and looked after our own.

Their house, their rules, their business.

Forget trade, forget relations, forget Press presence in each other's country, Indians should at this point be concerned about lifting our economy and fixing our own problems.
to all those who oppose this move see the context of it.

Pakistan high commission seeks more security from India after threats
By Web Desk
Published: May 7, 2014
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NEW DELHI: The Pakistan high commission in India has received threats in the form of letters according to official sources. Concerned about potential attacks, the commission brought up the issue with the ministry of external affairs (MEA), reported Times of India on Tuesday .

Pakistan has requested for an increase in security from Indian authorities and has said that it is New Delhi’s responsibility to guarantee security to diplomats and other staff.

They have also demanded that the threatening letters be investigated and that the culprits be identified.

“We provide maximum possible security to all missions and same is the case with Pakistan,” said an Indian government source.

He said the request put forth by the Pakistan high commission has been passed on to the security agencies which have been “sensitised about the threat mails.”

Times of India pointed out that this issue has arisen at a time when Pakistan has “become a part of the campaign rhetoric of both the BJP and Congress.”

Recently, Interior Minister Chaudhry Nisar Khan had said that if Modi became prime minister it would “destabilise regional peace” — a statement that was slammed by both BJP and the Congress.

Nisar had made this statement after Modi said he would bring Dawood Ibrahim back to India.

According to The Express Tribune, the interior minister had said, “Such a statement by a likely prime minister of India is provocative, condemnable and touches the heights of animosity towards Pakistan.”

Two of Modi’s aides had said that if the Hindu nationalist is to become prime minister, India would get tougher in its old rivalry with Pakistan.

Rajiv Dogra, a former Indian ambassador to Pakistan, also has said that he expects a more forceful policy under a BJP government, both because of domestic pressure and an uncertain regional environment as the United States pulls out troops from Afghanistan.

Of course indian gov has still failed to provide security nor has investigated threatening letters as of 14 may 2014.
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I didn't say about PDF Pakistani users i was telling about whole country and your country is represented by NS.

No! It was @Spring Onion who said those will be replaced by other one.

Pakistan isn't britain. So yes you are bound to give a reason specially if it's not about just a common migrant but two journalists from another country. And likely India is about to raise this issue in front of Pakistan. So lets just wait and watch what the real manjra is.

NS is on PDF?:unsure:

Ask the user @scorpionx ...He was talking about Indian journalist so Indians should know better ...All I said was we can wait and see...

When you are denied British visa it is stated on the website if you are denied you can appeal but if you are not given any reason do not ask for one...They have the right to deny and all you have is the right to appeal....Likewise!
I didn't say about PDF Pakistani users i was telling about whole country and your country is represented by NS.
While my crying was specifically referring to PDF Indians
No! It was @Spring Onion who said those will be replaced by other one.
@scorpionx also said that while quoting my post so I replied him back which you quoted...
Pakistan isn't britain. So yes you are bound to give a reason specially if it's not about just a common migrant but two journalists from another country. And likely India is about to raise this issue in front of Pakistan. So lets just wait and watch what the real manjra is.
I meant to say it is an international rule of visa rejection...Anyone can deny you an extension and send you packing home :what:
So if Britain rejects you just accept but if Pakistan does the same you question? And yes that is what @scorpionx and I said lets wait....
I was wondering about this.

As scorpionx explained it is probably due to security concerns.

could be. so far no reason has been given.

I didn't say about PDF Pakistani users i was telling about whole country and your country is represented by NS.

No! It was @Spring Onion who said those will be replaced by other one.

Pakistan isn't britain. So yes you are bound to give a reason specially if it's not about just a common migrant but two journalists from another country. And likely India is about to raise this issue in front of Pakistan. So lets just wait and watch what the real manjra is.

:) we are NOT bound. When you dont have any of ours then why you even want more than the privilege itself
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