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Pakistan successfully test fires Hatf II ballistic missile: ISPR

pourquoi es-tu irrité, comme toujours?
Lis ce qu'il a écrit! C'est comme si on a filé un clavier à un petit gamin. Et dis moi pourquoi israël devient le critère pour tout nos développements missiles d'après ce genre de petits gamins?
Lis ce qu'il a écrit! C'est comme si on a filé un clavier à un petit gamin. Et dis moi pourquoi israël devient le critère pour tout nos développements missiles d'après ce genre de petits gamins?

Eh bien Israël n'est pas notre premier ennemi, mais nous devrions parfois effrayer le monde pour s'assurer ils ne s'ingérer dans notre politique
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Pakistan should go for ICBM to counter any threat from Europe and Beyond as far as Israel is concerned first our Shaeen has made sure that Israel is in our range of attack still if that situation comes we will not need to fire it from Pakistan may be we can use some Arab Country or a close neighbour of Israel to teach Isreal a lesson but because of Palestine we can't use it but Israel should know that it is in our reach
Pakistan should go for ICBM to counter any threat from Europe
How would you like to target in europe, Please specify. (Britain, Germany, Spain, France, ....................)?

and Beyond as far as Israel is concerned first our Shaeen has made sure that Israel is in our range of attack
Dude who told you this joke. Kindly don't post such immature stuff on threads.

still if that situation comes we will not need to fire it from Pakistan may be we can use some Arab Country or a close neighbour of Israel to teach Isreal a lesson
Oh My God, Chill dude, chill, have some thanda Pani.
Uncle SAM has bases in all almost all gulf countries to keep check on any threat on US interests and particularly Isreal. So keep on dreaming. .
but because of Palestine we can't use it but Israel should know that it is in our reach
Dude, alteast some words of wisdom from you.
if pakistan pulls out of WOT..and shuts down US embassy.....they can start economic growth..
until then...no chance.

Great man, Zabardast.
But dude, you forget to mention the following important steps.

1. closing down of Pak embasy in USA.
2. Asking US to deport 1.2 million Pakistanis residing in USA.
3. Handing back of all F-16, PC3 orion and all farangi weapons to USA. (We don't needs these Kafir weapons.)
4. Stop all our exports to our biggest market (US).
5. stop taking loans and aids from World bank, IMF, US and so on.
Great man, Zabardast.
But dude, you forget to mention the following important steps.

1. closing down of Pak embasy in USA.
2. Asking US to deport 1.2 million Pakistanis residing in USA.
3. Handing back of all F-16, PC3 orion and all farangi weapons to USA. (We don't needs these Kafir weapons.)
4. Stop all our exports to our biggest market (US).
5. stop taking loans and aids from World bank, IMF, US and so on.

for point
1. i dont think they kick all Iranians from US or UK
2. why?
3. we paid for them may b few junks are for free not all
4. i think planet earth is pretty big, you can find lot of other markets.
5. a must to-do thing.
Dude who told you this joke. Kindly don't post such immature stuff on threads.

What?! Oh, yeah, this is from an Indian source. Don't tell me it's wrong. :lol:

What?! Oh, yeah, this is from an Indian source. Don't tell me it's wrong. :lol:


Dude don't base your argument on this childish wrong graphical presentataion.
Just because it is from an indian doesn't make it worth credible. Some one highly non technical person has drawn these red and blue lines.
Over the last 10 years it seems Pakistan is more focused on battlefield missiles like Hatf I , II Babur RAAD and Nasar

This is good policy as we must first defend our self in battlefield and only in case of dire need use WMD on long range missiles.

But why the Pakistani scientists or military are not considering multiple Tube or canister type launchers for Hatf I and Hatif II just like Babur or Nasar
. .
Great man, Zabardast.
But dude, you forget to mention the following important steps.

1. closing down of Pak embasy in USA.
2. Asking US to deport 1.2 million Pakistanis residing in USA.
3. Handing back of all F-16, PC3 orion and all farangi weapons to USA. (We don't needs these Kafir weapons.)
4. Stop all our exports to our biggest market (US).
5. stop taking loans and aids from World bank, IMF, US and so on.

Umm dude...Kaafir weapons? seriously?

What about the Chinese weapons? they Muslim?...LOL I guess JF-17 is Muslim.

We PAID for them. There is NOTHING wrong in buying good weapons from anywhere...

But why the Pakistani scientists or military are not considering multiple Tube or canister type launchers for Hatf I and Hatif II just like Babur or Nasar

It is indeed the next step, if there is any. Hatf-1 has been retired most probably. Hatf-2 is enough fast,accurate and efficient now. The only need now is to make a multi-canistered version of it, which seems likely in future as we can see that the tail wings have been modified to an optimum radius...

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