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Pakistan should recognize Kosovo and Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus

Should Pakistan recognize Kosovo and Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus?

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But Kosovo? What have the Albanians/Kosovians done for Pakistan? Nothing at all.(I dont care about their religious beliefs)

You must take into account that about one third of Albanians are Christians, and you can say that they are Islamophobic just as much as other Christians in the Balkans.

These Christian Albanians mostly live in Albania and they try to distant Albania as much as possible from the rest of the Muslim world.

As for Kosovo, majority of Albanians there are Muslim. They have suffered a lot in the past 100 years. Serbia took Kosovo by force during Balkan Wars by committing mass crimes and ethnic cleansing:

Massacres of Albanians in the Balkan Wars - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

And there is also a region in Serbia next to Kosovo called Sandzak (Sanjak) where Bosniaks are the majority. Its is in the interest of both Bosnian and Albanian Muslims that Kosovo stays independent.

I hope Pakistan and other majority Muslim countries in the near future will recognize Kosovo. You guys must understand that Serbs, just like Bulgarians, Greeks and other Christians in the Balkans for the most part have negative attitude towards Muslims. Whether you're Albanian, Bosnian, Turk, Pakistani... it doesn't make much difference to them.
In the case of TRNC we should allow Turks to take a lead and do what they wish us to do simple as that
You must take into account that about one third of Albanians are Christians, and you can say that they are Islamophobic just as much as other Christians in the Balkans.

These Christian Albanians mostly live in Albania and they try to distant Albania as much as possible from the rest of the Muslim world.

As for Kosovo, majority of Albanians there are Muslim. They have suffered a lot in the past 100 years. Serbia took Kosovo by force during Balkan Wars by committing mass crimes and ethnic cleansing:

Massacres of Albanians in the Balkan Wars - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

And there is also a region in Serbia next to Kosovo called Sandzak (Sanjak) where Bosniaks are the majority. Its is in the interest of both Bosnian and Albanian Muslims that Kosovo stays independent.

I hope Pakistan and other majority Muslim countries in the near future will recognize Kosovo. You guys must understand that Serbs, just like Bulgarians, Greeks and other Christians in the Balkans for the most past have negative attitude towards Muslims. Whether you're Albanian, Bosnian, Turk, Pakistani... it doesn't make much difference to them.

I know first hand that Serbian's are rabidly anti Muslim. It does not matter to them if your Turk, Bosnian, Albanian, Pakistani or Afghan. They find common cause with extreme right wing anti Muslim groups like BNP in UK.

Again I think we need to consult with Turkey and go from there.
No country in the world recognizes occupied Cyprus and recognizing kosovo will be a big mistake pakistan is on the correct path with it's relation to russia but if it recognizes kosovo it will hurt the relations with russia.
I think there should be a mutual agreement with the Turks where they back Pakistan on Kashmir and we back them on Turkish Republic of North Cyprus. Also there was a pact between Iraq Turkey and Pakistan stating if ever the countries would be attacked the other would stand for the other. Remember the Baghdad pact? Went into the dustbin too right?

In traditional politics and diplomacy you give something and get something in return. Thats how it works. Selfless sacrifice does not work. Look where Iran is-bravely but hopelessly standing up the west. A noble cause but we all know what they did to Iraq and Afghanistan and every country that ever dared to stand against their colonial aspirations.
No country in the world recognizes occupied Cyprus and recognizing kosovo will be a big mistake pakistan is on the correct path with it's relation to russia but if it recognizes kosovo it will hurt the relations with russia.

Why would it be a big mistake? Jordan ,for instance, recognized Kosovo along time ago, and it has a stratigic and warm relationship with Russia. Russia nowadays just pursue her national interests, it is a nation with pragmatic foreign policies with no specific ideology not as it was before 1991. As for TRNC, I would support Turkey.
No, there is no need to accept Kocovo & TRNS, not right time, if Pakistan went to do it then Russia also put question to consider Abkhazia & Sout Ossetia.
We have no need to step in this issues.

We need Russia more than Turkey and if Pakistan going to make decision over Abkhazia & South Ossetia then we can get benefits more useful then any other.

We have Afghan problem and Russian increasing influence again in region can't be ignore.
So it will not be wise to think over this issue at this moment.
wrong buddy we need turkey more then russia the turkish people i have met every single one of them held the Pakistani in truly high regard so the **** with Russia who would never even side with Pakistan on any issue regarding india
No country in the world recognizes occupied Cyprus and recognizing kosovo will be a big mistake pakistan is on the correct path with it's relation to russia but if it recognizes kosovo it will hurt the relations with russia.

Dear NRI, its better you advice Indians or Americans.

It is duty of Islamic world to show solidarity to renaissance of Albania.

Pakistan contingent of UN peace troops did great deal in establishing peace in Balkan war and guarding the souls.
No country in the world recognizes occupied Cyprus and recognizing kosovo will be a big mistake pakistan is on the correct path with it's relation to russia but if it recognizes kosovo it will hurt the relations with russia.

nah, only if we broached sensitive subject of Chechna or Daghestan/Ingushetia -- which i dont believe is even on our agenda

Russia itself should recognize Kosovo and get over their 1990s mentality of being in bed with the wrong people who are on the wrong side of history (e.g. Milosovic and those who massacred Muslims in large numbers)
nah, only if we broached sensitive subject of Chechna or Daghestan/Ingushetia -- which i dont believe is even on our agenda

Russia itself should recognize Kosovo and get over their 1990s mentality of being in bed with the wrong people who are on the wrong side of history (e.g. Milosovic and those who massacred Muslims in large numbers)

Because west will never recognize Abkhazia and South Ossetia.
I don't understand why its so difficult? We supported the Balkan Muslims during the Balkan wars but we haven't recognized them? Very self contradictory.
What will happen if Pakistan recognizes Kosovo and Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus and what if they don't?
Because west will never recognize Abkhazia and South Ossetia.

they cant.....

but then again, the west was pretty sissy about their response in defending their major non-NATO (soon to be NATO) ally
Pakistan should NEVER do this!

Remember: IT is the plan of the US to divide Pakistan along ethnic lines. If Pakistan now recognizes Kosovo and North Cyprus, this would play into the hands of the US for their "divide and rule"-ambitions in Pakistan!
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