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Pakistan’s Rabbani Khar Pales Next to Clinton

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Jan 3, 2010
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Pakistan’s Rabbani Khar Pales Next to Clinton - India Real Time - WSJ

When Pakistan appointed Hina Rabbani Khar, a 33-year-old politician, as its first female foreign minister earlier this year, there was some suggestion that she lacked experience for the job.

On Friday, sharing a podium with U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, she certainly appeared out of her depth.

Mrs. Clinton masterfully chided Pakistan for not invading North Waziristan and managed not to sound too schoolmarmly in the process, although she did ask Islamabad to “squeeze” the Haqqani militant group a few too many times.

Ms. Khar, by contrast, seemed to get lost in her own rhetoric, saying very little during overly-long answers to reporters’ questions. She often repeated phrases like “both sides of the border” numerous times in one response. It was unclear at points exactly what she wanted to get across.

At one stage, her loosely worn headdress, evocative of the late former Pakistan prime minister Benazir Bhutto, slipped off her head.

No doubt Ms. Khar will grow into the job and was noteworthy on a recent trip to the U.S. for standing her ground over allegations that Pakistani intelligence ran the Haqqani network.

But, fairly or not, Ms. Khar’s performance next to Mrs. Clinton could give ammunition to cynics who believe her appointment was an attempt by Pakistan’s military –the final arbiter of the country’s foreign policy—to put someone junior and malleable in the position.

The last incumbent, Shah Mehmood Qureshi, was pushed out, reportedly after disagreements with the military.

Ms. Khar’s rise in politics has been fast since completing a degree in hospitality management at the University of Massachusetts and returning to Pakistan, where she opened a restaurant in the grounds of the Lahore polo club.

She’s from a powerful Punjabi political family and entered politics in 2002 with the political party of former Pakistani President Pervez Musharraf, switching at the last election to the ruling Pakistan Peoples Party.

Ms. Khar worked closely with the late U.S. diplomat Richard Holbrooke in a previous junior minister role in which she oversaw foreign aid contributions to Pakistan.

Mr. Holbrooke had nice things to say about her abilities. But since then, Ms. Khar has been fighting a losing battle to build a serious image.

Earlier this year, during peace talks in New Delhi with Indian Foreign Minister S.M. Krishna, who is 79 years old, Ms. Khar won a warm reception from the normally-hostile Indian press.

But much of the coverage focused on Ms. Khar’s choice of designer handbag and what shades she was wearing on top of her head.

It would be easy to ascribe much of this to old-style sexism. But, as Ms. Khar’s performance alongside Ms. Clinton showed, she’ll have to work harder to change the focus from her accoutrements to her achievements.
they even mention that her dupatta fell off a little bit. Any person would know that dupatta does fall very often like that if you move your head, nothing too bad about that!!!
Pakistan’s Rabbani Khar Pales Next to Clinton - India Real Time - WSJ

When Pakistan appointed Hina Rabbani Khar, a 33-year-old politician, as its first female foreign minister earlier this year, there was some suggestion that she lacked experience for the job.

On Friday, sharing a podium with U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, she certainly appeared out of her depth.

Mrs. Clinton masterfully chided Pakistan for not invading North Waziristan and managed not to sound too schoolmarmly in the process, although she did ask Islamabad to “squeeze” the Haqqani militant group a few too many times.

Ms. Khar, by contrast, seemed to get lost in her own rhetoric, saying very little during overly-long answers to reporters’ questions. She often repeated phrases like “both sides of the border” numerous times in one response. It was unclear at points exactly what she wanted to get across.

At one stage, her loosely worn headdress, evocative of the late former Pakistan prime minister Benazir Bhutto, slipped off her head.

No doubt Ms. Khar will grow into the job and was noteworthy on a recent trip to the U.S. for standing her ground over allegations that Pakistani intelligence ran the Haqqani network.

But, fairly or not, Ms. Khar’s performance next to Mrs. Clinton could give ammunition to cynics who believe her appointment was an attempt by Pakistan’s military –the final arbiter of the country’s foreign policy—to put someone junior and malleable in the position.

The last incumbent, Shah Mehmood Qureshi, was pushed out, reportedly after disagreements with the military.

Ms. Khar’s rise in politics has been fast since completing a degree in hospitality management at the University of Massachusetts and returning to Pakistan, where she opened a restaurant in the grounds of the Lahore polo club.

She’s from a powerful Punjabi political family and entered politics in 2002 with the political party of former Pakistani President Pervez Musharraf, switching at the last election to the ruling Pakistan Peoples Party.

Ms. Khar worked closely with the late U.S. diplomat Richard Holbrooke in a previous junior minister role in which she oversaw foreign aid contributions to Pakistan.

Mr. Holbrooke had nice things to say about her abilities. But since then, Ms. Khar has been fighting a losing battle to build a serious image.

Earlier this year, during peace talks in New Delhi with Indian Foreign Minister S.M. Krishna, who is 79 years old, Ms. Khar won a warm reception from the normally-hostile Indian press.

But much of the coverage focused on Ms. Khar’s choice of designer handbag and what shades she was wearing on top of her head.

It would be easy to ascribe much of this to old-style sexism. But, as Ms. Khar’s performance alongside Ms. Clinton showed, she’ll have to work harder to change the focus from her accoutrements to her achievements.

Only a stupid so called professional/official will not get meaning of those words.

She also conveyed counter concerns as it must be.:tup:
they even mention that her dupatta fell off a little bit. Any person would know that dupatta does fall very often like that if you move your head, nothing too bad about that!!!

They mention about such small things like that because there was not much positive to write regarding her oratory skills or statesmanship, thats the whole point !!!

And by the way the article dint say that headdress falling was bad !!!
I rad India Real Time, so guessed.

Hence a correction in order, the WORLD IS OBSESSED WITH HER!!!

This retarded, nutcase, mentally ill, Lazy A$$, Pak military obsessed journalist who don't believe in doing a proper research before writing an article. Let me report certain inaccuracies in it.

The last incumbent, Shah Mehmood Qureshi, was pushed out, reportedly after disagreements with the military.

He was forcibly resigned by then PM and President of Pakistan due to serious differences developed between them. They were ordering him to make necessary changes in Raymond Davis record so that he gains a diplomatic status but he stood his ground and didn't pay heed to their orders which cost him his job as well as he was declared a outcast in his party. So now a days he is seriously thinking to join PML-N.

But, fairly or not, Ms. Khar’s performance next to Mrs. Clinton could give ammunition to cynics who believe her appointment was an attempt by Pakistan’s military –the final arbiter of the country’s foreign policy—to put someone junior and malleable in the position.

Again President Zardari exclusively wanted her to be a FM. He was impressed by his background, so HE chose her instead that military recommended her.
They mention about such small things like that because there was not much positive to write regarding her oratory skills or statesmanship, thats the whole point !!!

And by the way the article dint say that headdress falling was bad !!!

Headdress is a dupatta num num.
, she wasnt even able to speak properly..

Well, if you think, the army installed her, then be free to have this dream every night.

And people are obsessed with her, or else no body would have made articles like these or commented about her bags or shades.
Militants have safe havens both in Pakistan Afghanistan: FM

It showed willingness to act against safe havens along the Afghan border, ruling out any question of official support for terrorists.

Following talks with US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, Foreign Minister Hina Rabbani Khar recognised that militants have safe havens on both sides of the porous border between Afghanistan and Pakistan.

"Do safe havens exist? Yes, they do exist both sides. Do we need to cooperate? Yes. We can cooperate more and achieve better results," she said.

Khar insisted that Pakistan took the terror threat facing its country and the region "very seriously" and denied US accusations that elements within its intelligence services support the Haqqani network and other Afghan militants.

"There is no question of any support by any Pakistani institutions to safe havens. Let me be very clear and unequivocal on that," she added.

Dunya News: Pakistan:-Militants have safe havens both in Pakistan Afghanistan: FM...
Pakistan’s Rabbani Khar Pales Next to Clinton - India Real Time - WSJ

The last incumbent, Shah Mehmood Qureshi, was pushed out, reportedly after disagreements with the military.
That's funny, because most of the pro-PPP, anti-Military commentators in Pakistan were calling Qureishi a 'Military stooge' (and some still are, and arguing he is being secretly backed by the 'Establishment') - his hawkish position on Raymond Davis was considered to be reflective of the Army's position, and his removal an attempt by the PPP to remove an FM who was apparently refusing to go along with a 'compromise' solution.

In fact, some commentators even argued that Qureishi's public statements about Davis's immunity after being removed from the FM position were because of Army/ISI support, to limit the space the GoP had to 'release Davis' under 'Diplomatic Immunity'.

Add to the above the fact that many Indian (and some Pakistani liberal) commentators considered him to be 'influenced by the Army' when he had the 'infamous' press conference with the Indian Foreign Minister.

So perhaps the media should make up its mind first about who is a 'military stooge' and who isn't, because this particular article contradicts previous Indian (and Pakistani liberal) claims about Qureishi and Khar.

Or maybe it is just that any Pakistani leader/politician/writer who supports a 'nationalist' policy/position, is automatically dubbed an 'Army/ISI stooge' ..
Well, if you think, the army installed her, then be free to have this dream every night.

And people are obsessed with her, or else no body would have made articles like these or commented about her bags or shades.

if writing these articles about her incompetency makes u think the media is obsessed with her, u are welcome, it doesn't change the fact she is a military puppet and one of the most useless foreign ministers, even for pakistan which has a long list of useless leaders.
if writing these articles about her incompetency makes u think the media is obsessed with her, u are welcome, it doesn't change the fact she is a military puppet and one of the most useless foreign ministers, even for pakistan which has a long list of useless leaders.

And on what basis are you claiming that Khar is a 'military puppet'?
And on what basis are you claiming that Khar is a 'military puppet'?

it is written in the starting article of the itself....also in many other articles if u search on the net....also we know the previous FM was removed cos of serious differences between him and others.....it is only loyal they will want to appoint someone more obedient in his place...
Militants have safe havens both in Pakistan Afghanistan: FM

It showed willingness to act against safe havens along the Afghan border, ruling out any question of official support for terrorists.

Following talks with US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, Foreign Minister Hina Rabbani Khar recognised that militants have safe havens on both sides of the porous border between Afghanistan and Pakistan.

"Do safe havens exist? Yes, they do exist both sides. Do we need to cooperate? Yes. We can cooperate more and achieve better results," she said.

Khar insisted that Pakistan took the terror threat facing its country and the region "very seriously" and denied US accusations that elements within its intelligence services support the Haqqani network and other Afghan militants.

"There is no question of any support by any Pakistani institutions to safe havens. Let me be very clear and unequivocal on that," she added.

Dunya News: Pakistan:-Militants have safe havens both in Pakistan Afghanistan: FM...

for a moment I thought maybe TOI has some point....but sometimes you just have to write, you donot get what to write for a while...it has to be interesting, accepted by the standard and policy of the newspaper, you think and your brain farts, and then its a special kind of fart...the indian fart... and here you go... ToI got what it needed !!

its purely lowest level of journalism, and I must say the consumer of such news are junkies !
it is written in the starting article of the itself....also in many other articles if u search on the net....also we know the previous FM was removed cos of serious differences between him and others.....it is only loyal they will want to appoint someone more obedient in his place...

And just because an article claims something it becomes fact and true?

I have already pointed out some glaring contradictions in the claims made by the author in an earlier post, and provided details about the previous FM - perhaps you should try and provide some facts to support your (and the authors) claims.
it is written in the starting article of the itself....also in many other articles if u search on the net....also we know the previous FM was removed cos of serious differences between him and others.....it is only loyal they will want to appoint someone more obedient in his place...

What a proof.... I am convinced....
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