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Pakistan’s media shows the way


May 3, 2009
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The sheer bravery and courage with which the press in Pakistan has taken on the establishment over the killing of Saleem Shahzad, a former editor of Asia Times Online, as well as forced the Sindh government to run for cover over the daylight murder of a 18-year-old boy by the Rangers, makes me bow my head both in salute and wonderment — but also in gratitude.

Incredibly, the Pakistani press is in the act of covering a rare moment in its nation’s history, a moment that is precious yet fragile. These journalists have put their careers, their bank balances and their reputations on the line by going after He Who Shall Not Be Named.

Was it the ISI who killed Saleem Shahzad? Why did the Rangers confront a young man by pointing a gun at his chest? And in the wake of Osama bin Laden’s killing, the robust criticism of the Pakistani Army by the Pakistani press seems to have forced open a debate within the army on its role in nation-building.

The army was tormented enough to point its finger at ‘some quarters…trying to deliberately run down the armed forces and army in particular…This is an effort to drive a wedge between the army, different organs of the state and more seriously, the people of Pakistan.’

Of course, the Pakistani press is no stranger to threat and physical intimidation. During the Ziaul Haq era, several journalists were whipped with metal chains, but they stood their ground.

As a member of the South Asian fraternity of journalists, I think it’s time to salute the rare courage Pakistan’s media continues to display by just going about earning its daily wages: Reporting the story as it takes place and writing it without fear or favour.

So is the fact that I am an Indian matter here? Nirupama Subramanian, a well-known journalist from India’s The Hindu, who recently returned home after a particularly engaging tour of duty in Islamabad, wrote in the aftermath of the Bin Laden killing that India should stay out of the debate on democracy currently gathering ground within Pakistan because each time Delhi opens its mouth to say something, it puts its foot right into it.

Nirupama’s analysis is well-taken, and some would say it applies to the Indian press as well. I disagree. I think the time has come for Indians and Pakistanis, as well as Sri Lankans, Maldivians, Bangladeshis, the Bhutanese, the Nepalis — and yes, even the Afghans — to say our piece, as we see it, across the South Asian landscape.

The time has come, I think, for each of us to reassert our South Asian identities, along with our individual citizenships. We need to applaud and encourage and criticise our fellow communities across South Asia, as they build their histories and their nations. Naturally, the press is an integral part of this unfolding story.

But watch what really happens. If any state doesn’t like what you report — well, then, you won’t get a visa the next time around to report it. This is especially true of India, Pakistan and Sri Lanka.

But states have power over civil societies only because we let them. India — or Pakistan, as the case may be — is the enemy, because we’ve grown up with that idea. But imagine if we employ an alternative idea of simply of not being afraid/hostile.

The press in Pakistan is showing South Asia’s media the way. We need each other. Let us stand up for one another.
Most of the Pakistani jurnos are leftie liftas.

Dunno about Mr. Shehzad's untimely death as to who was responsible.

We should remember though, that he was hobnobbing with the worst possible Talib-ileesis. The same dudes who killed their sympathizers aka traitors to Pakistan aka Khawaja and Imam.

So let's not jump the gun here and drag Pak fauj into this. Sure there are bad apples everywhere.

We must remember that Pak fauj officers and Jawans have given the ultimate sacrifices in the 1000s.

Thank you

I would not expect anything else from rabidly anti Army newspaper like Tribune.It's almost like Anti Armyism is Tribune's Agenda.I like leftis news papers but this news paper has a particular agenda i.e Anti Armed Forces.Tribune Newspaper is a wannabe Dawn but they can only match DAWN in their dream.A true leftist and good paper in Pakistan is DAWN..they post stories which might look anti Pakistan but they are quite balanced.
^^^^^^^ Why people tend to label every person and organization?????

He is left or munafiq or zionist or blah blah blah or that organization is anti pakistan / army / mars / pluto and what not..............
^^^^^^^ Why people tend to label every person and organization?????

He is left o...............

Putting a label is the first step towards understanding someone. Veeru is a laber without which we would know if you are a dead wood or a living breathing human being.

In Pakistan, most of the newspaper jurnos are leftie liftas. If you don't know this basic fact then you do not understand Pakistani media.

Generally speaking, Our Media is our window to Truth. Keep up the good work guys !!
why would ISI kill him,

lol bilalhaider browsing this thread, lol sad that ur banned. :)
The press in Pakistan is showing South Asia’s media the way. We need each other. Let us stand up for one another.
It would be nice to see Indian press doing something constructive. I suspect that both the Pakistani and the Indian press will have to be relentlessly focused over a period of months for an investigation into the S.S. killing to grow teeth so its bite can have some effect.
Generally speaking, Our Media is our window to Truth. Keep up the good work guys !!

"Generally speaking" yes.

"Realistically speaking"! No.

Our media will be all pro-Army, if Gen K becomes Saddam/Bud-Nejat ishtyle anti-American goon.

Why it so?

Because our media is leftie liftas and thus anti-American to the core.

These pathetic jurnos would collude with Mullahs in order to create anti-Americanism and thus to bring down and burn down Pakistan.

Such is their state of mind.

Pathetic just pathetic.
It would be nice to see Indian press doing something constructive. I suspect that both the Pakistani and the Indian press will have to be relentlessly focused over a period of months for an investigation into the S.S. killing to grow teeth so its bite can have some effect.

So true. They should focus on SS killing for sure. They also need to focus on the murder of Jyotirmoy Dey on June 11. Dey was the third journalist in India to be killed in the past six months, a media watchdog said on Tuesday.

There have also been 14 attacks on the Indian media in the same period. In all the cases, investigations are under way but no arrest has been made, said Geeta Seshu of the Free Speech Hub (FSH) of The Hoot.

Dey, a Mid-Day reporter used to write on the Mumbai underworld not too different from Salim shehzad who was chasing Islamist underworld.

Read more at: Three Indian journalists killed: watchdog
"Generally speaking" yes.

"Realistically speaking"! No.

Our media will be all pro-Army, if Gen K becomes Saddam/Bud-Nejat ishtyle anti-American goon.

Why it so?

Because our media is leftie liftas and thus anti-American to the core.

These pathetic jurnos would collude with Mullahs in order to create anti-Americanism and thus to bring down and burn down Pakistan.

Such is their state of mind.

Pathetic just pathetic.

it depends on individuals how they infer truth from information.
it depends on individuals how they infer truth from information.

As per the book, this is true.

However Pak Jurnos especially Urdu media + talk talkie shows have an agenda that is left of the extreme left. They spill poison in our nation's ears day and night.

Look at the coverage of Lal masjid. Media made the Kafir Mullahs as heros, while they cursed our brave jawans and officers.

Anyone who follows our media on daily basis can clearly see, that our jurnos are biased to the nth degree.

How one feels when the pot calls the kettle black?. Alleging, blaming and maligning incumbents is a routine matter. It may not be a wonder but issue is opposition and media itself is so corrupt that they have no right to point finger towards elected representatives.
Not only in press media but also in electronic media, 90 percent of T.V anchors, columnists and investigative reporters are for sale.
Whenever I read Ansar Abbasi, Orya Maqbool Jan, Asif Ezdi or Mosharraf Zaidi, I always realized that hatred against elected representative is not because of personal grudge but they are being directed to drag government into thorns. Their words speak the volume of their partiality. One can easily analyze that they are being paid by opposition and establishment. In case of T.V anchors, like Hamdi Mir, Kamran Khan, Mehr Bokhari, Javed Chaudhri, or Talat Hussain, I always found them spitting venom against government. I never listened a word of appreciation for government. The question is what makes them to speak against government? Is this the power of money? That is added to their account every month. Indeed it is.
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