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Pakistan-Russia Strategic Alliance Nightmare for U.S


Mar 30, 2012
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The Chief of Army Staff’s visit to Russia on 3 October corresponds with the Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Viktorovich visit to Pakistan for bilateral consultations on the same day. Both these visits are important not only in removing the apprehensions and fallout’s of the cancellation of Mr Putin’s visit to Pakistan but also creating the much needed impression that Russia and Pakistan are determined to take forward their mutual relationshipdespite years of neglect in past for the collective benefit of both the countries as well as the region. Economic cooperation and peace and stability in the region seem to be the two vital areas in which both the States have agreed to cooperate.

Russia and Pakistan both are concerned with the likely future US strategy to manage the post 2014 stability in Afghanistan which has definite implications for both Russia and Pakistan. The manning of military bases with an appropriate force level by US may help improve security and shape the Afghan future but it may as well draw military actions from militant groups that may continue to refuse to accept the presence of foreign troops on Afghan soil. Anyhow, any scenario in which the military presence of US in Afghanistan is weak will mean return to the Afghanistan of 1990’s. The consequences of which will have to be borne both by Russia and Pakistan.Russia does not want proliferation of conflict on its southern periphery. These conflicts may not be the external threats to Russia’s existence but Russia cannot afford to stay aloof from any developing conflicts especially when it has the military power and muscle to manage and control these conflicts in the region.

Military force in the context of a ‘total or conventional war’ might rarely have to be used to prevent, or worse, put an end to such conflicts but its preparedness and the threat to use it will continue to guide and direct the behavior of the non state actors in Afghanistan. For such a threat to remain meaningful it is important that both Russian and Pakistan along with the participation of Afghanistan and Central Asian States like Uzbekistan and Tajikistan should jointly coordinate their actions for mutual benefits.

The role of Talibans and IMU (Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan) in the post draw down Afghanistan should be a matter of great concern to all the joint stake holders. The IMU has declared a jihad against the government of Uzbekistan with its ultimate goal being to overthrow the government and establishing an Islamic State. This makes them the ‘ideological brothers’ of TTP (Tehreek –e-Taliban Pakistan). Attacks planned and executed by IMU from Afghanistan’s territory on Uzbekistan in the North together with military operations being carried out by Taliban’s in the South is a ‘security dilemma’ that may be warranting the attention of all who are looking at taking measures to create a stable and peaceful Afghanistan. The defensive/offensive actions as well as the likely restrictions/limitations that can be imposed to control the movements of the militants on the north and south borders of Afghanistan will remain as the most important ‘common challenge’.

Moscow regards NATO’s superior strength in conventional forces as the external threat to Russia.Any US plans to occupy military bases in Afghanistan will not be welcomed by Russians.The strategic cooperation agreement that President Obama signed on May 1 2012 with Afghanistan committed US willingness to retain a military presence in country until 2024. With what force and by occupying how many military bases in Afghanistan no one is clear but what seems to be clear is that the growing Russian-Pakistani military and diplomatic cooperation may just be the outcome of the realization by Russia and Pakistan to build pressure on US to leave the region and leave the ‘policing of the security in the region’ to the regional stakeholders alone. A very interesting twist in the ‘new great game’ with hopefully positive outcomes for Pakistan.

Visiting Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov has come out in full support of Pakistan’s stand on drone attacks, declaring that they violate the sovereignty and territorial integrity of any state and are unacceptable. His views that solution of Afghanistan’s issue be home grown also coincide with our own assessment of the situation. At a joint press conference he addressed along with his Pakistan counterpart Hina Rabbani Khar, both he and Ms Khar expressed their countries’ keen desire to strengthen ties between them; rather, they felt that these ties were already on the upswing.

The dismay that the unexpected cancellation of Russian President Vladimir Putin’s visit has caused among Pakistan’s political circles and even the general public has been somewhat allayed by the three visits that went ahead as scheduled. First, it was a high-powered delegation that came to Islamabad and signed memorandums of understanding about three important sectors of our economy: expansion and modernisation of Pakistan Steel Mills, cooperation in the Railways and in energy. Right on the heels of this delegation’s visit, COAS General Ashfaq Kayani flew to Moscow to confer with the Russian army top brass and the ruling politicians on the ways to develop defence ties between the two countries. While he is still there, Foreign Minister Lavrov, who is considered highly influential in the Kremlin, arrived and held meetings with Ms Khar and Prime Minister Raja Pervaiz Ashraf on matters of common interest, which if pursued diligently would result in the strengthening of relations between Pakistan and Russia.

One would assume that the interchange of ideas on widening the scope of bilateral cooperation that these meetings have made possible would be helpful in lessening the strains that certain unfortunate historical events had created and bringing the two neighbouring countries closer. Yet, one would very much hope that the visit of President Putin takes place sooner rather than later to give a real push to these welcome developments. There have been speculations that the visit was put off following Indian intervention, maintaining that Pakistan was not a trustworthy friend, it is closely tied to the US and might betray Russia once again. Our leadership should, in their interactions with the Russians, assure them of our genuine desire to develop relations with Moscow and lessen reliance on Washington. The policymakers in Russia themselves realise that the geopolitical realities of today necessitate that the both bury the rancour of the past and sincerely work towards a lasting equation to their benefit. That would greatly help in the return of stable conditions not only in Afghanistan, but in the region as a whole. The present opportunity ought not be missed.

Russia’s Foreign Minister visits Pakistan to enhance ties

Russia is a guarantor of stability for Pakistan, the country’s Foreign Minister Hina Rabbani Khar stated in Islamabad when meeting with her Russian counterpart Sergey Lavrov. She also said that the countries share similar a stance on a number of regional and global issues, including Syria and Afghanistan.

Lavrov’s trip to Afghanistan wasn’t just a friendly gesture as Russia and Pakistan are seeking joint understanding on the after-Afghan withdrawal scenario. The issue is quite burning as the entire region will be under threat after the Coalition troops leave Afghanistan in 2014, says senior research fellow at the Institute for World Economy and International Relations Pyotr Topychkanov.

“Russia and Pakistan need to work on joint actions as they will be the first affected by the withdrawal as well as Afghanistan’s neighboring countries. Russia and Pakistan also have common interests in economy and trade and need to boost their turnover. A number of Russian companies are interested in enhancing ties in energy, transport, infrastructure and communications while Pakistan eyes Russian military hardware, mainly helicopters and transport vehicles. Pakistani engineer troops are crucial for both security and civil defense as they clear up the aftermaths of frequent floods and build new roads in the country.”

Recently, Pakistan’s Chief of Army Staff General Ashfaq Parvez Kayani visited Moscow proving Pakistan’s interest in military cooperation and Russia’s readiness for it, says the head of the Center of Socio-Political Research, Vladimir Evseev.

“Russia might begin working with Pakistan the same as it does with other countries, that is providing loans to purchase weapons. Pakistan is highly interested in anti-missile defense systems which Russia has.”

Pakistan has been trying to bridge military and technical cooperation with Russia for a long time but this was hampered by one of Russia’s key partners, India. Now experts believe that Russia is likely to revise its approach though India.

Russia backs Islamabad anti-drug conference

Russia supports the idea of convening an anti-drug conference in Pakistan, Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov told reporters in Islamabad on Thursday.

He added that high on the conference’s agenda should be boosting the effectiveness of steps to contain Afghan drug trafficking.

According to Lavrov, the Shanghai Cooperation Organization that groups Russia, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan and China may add significantly to resolving this problem.

The Islamabad conference was earlier initiated by Pakistani President Asif Ali Zardari.

Russia’s principled position on drone terror

RUSSIA, for the last several weeks, is beaming out positive signals towards Pakistan that augur well for strengthening of the bilateral ties. The goodwill gestures emanating from Moscow have served as an expression of solidarity with Pakistan which is passing through a critical juncture of its history.

Though it was generally believed that the postponement of the visit of the Russian President to Pakistan has dealt a severe blow to the prospects of consolidating relations between the two countries but visit of Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov has compensated for that loss to great extent. The discussions held between the two foreign ministers as well as meeting of Mr Lavrov with Prime Minister Raja Pervez Ashraf has paved the way for closer understanding on a number of political and economic issues with bright prospects for meaningful cooperation in future, which is a consensus desire in Pakistan. It is also evident from the language used in the official hand out issued after meeting of Lavrov with the Prime Minister that the issue of awarding important projects to Russia is also being handled in an appropriate manner and that would remove the obvious irritant in fostering relations. Already there is understanding on cooperation in areas like expansion and modernization of Pakistan Steel Mills, Railway sector and in the field of energy. But the most important aspect of the visit of the Russian Foreign Minister was his categorical stance on drone attacks that has sent a loud and clear message of solidarity with people of Pakistan. Lavrov backed Pakistan’s position by forcefully arguing that violation of sovereignty and territorial integrity of any state was unacceptable. This is the essence of the drone issue and we are glad that the Russian Federation is alive to the situation. There is already growing awareness in the world that these attacks are illegal and counter productive and hopefully the stance of Russia would encourage other silent spectators to add their voice against this type of terror. Pakistan is victim of terrorism of different kinds and is suffering hugely on this account as there is no difference in killing of innocent people in a bomb blast or drone strike. Terrorism in any form is condemnable and the international community should call a spade a spade.

Reorientation of Pak-Russian Relationship

Recently, Pakistan’s analysts made misperceived speculations about the postponement of Russian President Vladimir Putin’s scheduled visit to Islamabad. He had to participate in the summit, comprising Pakistan, Russia, Tajikistan and Afghanistan, which was also cancelled.

Some political experts said that President Putin cancelled his visit because Russia which was not included in the Turkmenistan-Afghanistan-Pakistan-India (TAPI) gas pipeline has shown interest in the Iran-Pakistan (IP) gas pipeline project without an international tendering process, but Islamabad refused. Some of them presumed that the US and India which are against Pak-Russian growing ties might have played their role regarding cancellation of his trip.

However, these speculations proved untrue when Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov arrived in Islamabad on October 3 and on the same day, Pakistan’s Chief of Army Staff Gen. Ashfaq Pervez Kayani left for Moscow. The main aim of these visits is the reorientation of Pak-Russian Relationship by concluding strategic partnership in the long run.

Addressing a joint press conference with Foreign Minister Hina Rabbani Khar on October 4, Russian counterpart Lavrov said that the two countries had detailed discussions on bilateral relations. Both the ministers agreed that they have common goals on regional and current global challenges.

Sergei Lavrov stated that Russia supports Pakistan’s stance on Afghanistan by pointing out that any solution imposed from outside would not work there. And there should be national reconciliation and the process should be driven by Afghans themselves for durable peace and stability. Lavrov also opposed CIA-operated drone strikes against Pakistan. Khar also expressed similar views.

About postponement of President Putin’s visit, Lavrov clarified that Putin has already conveyed to President Zardari that he was unable to visit Pakistan due to tough schedule.

Recently, both the countries have signed three agreements (as part of MOUs), and Moscow will cooperate in moderanisation of Pakistan Steel Mills, the up-gradation of Pakistan Railways and enhancing power generation.

Besides, recently, the two countries held their second inter-governmental commission (IGC) on trade, economic, scientific and technical cooperation in Islamabad and discussed concrete proposals in various areas of cooperation.

It is mentionable that we cannot see Pak-Russia new relationship in isolation as both the countries need each other’s assistance due to emerging geo-political scenario in the world, focusing on Afghanistan, while Pakistan has become special arena of the major countiries’ rivalries.

During his Asia visit, on June 2, this year, US Defence Secretary Leon Panetta disclosed, “The United States will shift a majority of its warships to the Asia-Pacific region by 2020” as part of a new US military strategy in Asia. The main is to counterbalance China in Asia.

While Russia opposes US intentions to deploy national missile defence system (NMD) in Europe, and expansion of NATO towards Eastern Europe. In this backdrop, the Russian President Putin had openly stated that his country was returning to its Soviet era practice.

Besides, some other developments like rejection of US-led western sanctions against China by Russia and Iran, their joint veto of UN Security Council resolution against Syria and Turkey’s increase of trade with Iran indicates new shift in world politics. Meanwhile, Moscow and Beijing have asked the US to resolve the question of Iran’s nuclear programme peacefully. But America and Israel are still acting upon a war-like diplomacy against Tehran.

Notably, it is also owing to the Pakistan’s province of Balochistan where China has invested billion of dollars to develop Gwadar seaport which could link Central Asian trade with rest of the world irritates US and India. Therefore, their secret agencies have been destabilising Balochistan and other cities of Pakistan including Iranian Sistan through various subversive activities.

Pakistan also rejected American duress in relation to IP gas pipeline, and is no more interested in the US-supported gas pipeline TAP.

Taking note of US anti-Pakistan plans such as drone attacks, pressure to launch military operation in North Waziristan etc., besides China, Pakistan has also cultivated its relationship with the Russian Federation. In 2010, President Putin publicly endorsed Pakistan bid to join the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO) which includes Russia, China, four Central Asian Republics as permenent members, and Pakistan and Iran as observers. Putin also remarked that Pakistan was very important partner for Moscow in South Asia and the Muslim world. Notably, during her trip to Moscow on February 9, 2011, Foreign Minister Khar stated that SCO was an exceptionally important forum within the region to counter regional challenges.

Pakistan’s President Asif Ali Zardari participated in the 12th summit of the Shanghai SCO recently held in Beijing. In their speeches, hinting towards US secret designs, Chinese president Hu Jintao and President Putin stated, “Only when SCO member states remain united can they effectively cope with emerging challenges—enhancing security cooperation.”

In various summits, the SCO leaders displayed strength against the US rising dominance in the region and military presence in Afghanistan, near Central Asia.
Nevertheless, Russia has offered Pakistan counter-terrorism equipments. When Russian military Chief Col-Gen. Alexander Postnikov visited Pakistan in May 2011, he even discussed with Gen. Kayani—the possibility of expanding defence ties by holding joint military exercises, exchanging trainees and trainers and selling and buying weapons. In this context, Gen. Kayani’s four day trip to Russia has consolidated progress in defence cooperation as his Russian counterpart gave a positive response.

Nonetheless, after the withdrawal of NATO troops from Afghanistan in 2014, US which signed an agreement of partnership with Kabul, has decided to establish six military bases in that country having eyes on the energy resources of Central Asia, with multiple strategic aims against Pakistan, China, Iran and Russia. US also encouraged India to take a more active role in Afghanistan. However, Moscow wants to get more involved in regional affairs to counterbalance growing influence of US in Afghanistan. It knows that due to its strategic geo-political location, Pakistan can play a key role in Afghanistan for Russian interests. So, Pak-Russian reorientation of relationship is owing to the emerging geo-political scenario.
who writes such crap???

Now experts believe that Russia is likely to revise its approach though India.

Russia wants to revise its relationship with India...?? Oh! may be it wants to sign 35 billion $ FGFA deal with Pakistan..rt?? not to mention..the ver expanding Sukhoi fighters and Krivak IV frigates...!

US also encouraged India to take a more active role in Afghanistan.

so does Russia btw.... Infact Russia and India share the same vision of Afghanistan!
a month ago russia asked USA to not move it's troops from afghan..... lolz i don't have that much time to read this nasty article....

hey i forget Russia first time ever entered into WTO....
who writes such crap???

Russia wants to revise its relationship with India...?? Oh! may be it wants to sign 35 billion $ FGFA deal with Pakistan..rt?? not to mention..the ver expanding Sukhoi fighters and Krivak IV frigates...!

so does Russia btw.... Infact Russia and India share the same vision of Afghanistan!

& who writes this crap!
Stupidly every tom & hry thinks , tht russia lives & survives only on some defence deals with india, can't find any other joke today?
9 billion worth of different defence deals with US, is enough for russia to kick india into the slumps, where it belongs!
Really india is too jealous from pak-russia growing relationship.
a month ago russia asked USA to not move it's troops from afghan..... lolz i don't have that much time to read this nasty article....

hey i forget Russia first time ever entered into WTO....

Yes it hurts , when indian posters write a lie jst as u did, plz put a link when & where russia backed india to be a cowboy in afghanistan???
& who writes this crap!
Stupidly every tom & hry thinks , tht russia lives & survives only on some defence deals with india, can't find any other joke today?
9 billion worth of different defence deals with US, is enough for russia to kick india into the slumps, where it belongs!
Really india is too jealous from pak-russia growing relationship.

Do u have comprehension problem? where the hell did I say Russia survives on defence deals with India... ?

but when people say that Pakistan is replacing India as a military partner, that only shows their ignorance..Pakistan has to beg for each and every military deal...where will u get the money??

We are not jealous of Pakistan-Russia growing relationship...we only want to show reality to Pakistanis who tend to think that Pakistan is center of the world...
Do u have comprehension problem? where the hell did I say Russia survives on defence deals with India... ?

but when people say that Pakistan is replacing India as a military partner, that only shows their ignorance..Pakistan has to beg for each and every military deal...where will u get the money??

We are not jealous of Pakistan-Russia growing relationship...we only want to show reality to Pakistanis who tend to think that Pakistan is center of the world...

and you have some psycho problem where the hell he wrote in this article that pakistan is going to replace india in defence deals? height of crap and BS . from one troller

you guys are not jealous but BURNING :flame:
Amazing how people over estimate themselves. The relationship has hardly started and they seems to feel that its deeper than ocean and higher than mountain already. Forget about India, you don't know how much influence US has on Russia.
Come and talk to me when you can get anything worthwhile signed with Russia. The US, China and India will make sure the relationship does not fly.

And yes I did not put China by mistake.
lol at the stupidity of indians here. They are ranting same thing in every thread.
& who writes this crap!
Stupidly every tom & hry thinks , tht russia lives & survives only on some defence deals with india, can't find any other joke today?
9 billion worth of different defence deals with US, is enough for russia to kick india into the slumps, where it belongs!
Really india is too jealous from pak-russia growing relationship.

Russia allies are falling like domino's - Saddam gone, Ghaddafi gone, Bashar about to go..it is only logical that they are nervous about making more friends in the Muslim / Middle East world.

Russia has clearly understood the importance of Pakistan from the Afghan-Soviet war fiasco and Pakistani close relationship with China. Therefore, if India can pave a way with America, then why not Russia with Pakistan.

The mentality of Indian members is pathetic as they think the Asian politics revolve around India, where as the reality is Indian politics revolve around Asia.

with Pakistan actively hosting Chechnya terrorists, Russia will turn the screws on Pakistan. Pakistan will again find themselves between a rock and a hard place. Cant antagonize Russia but cant pi$$ of Religious organisations with in the country...

Trolling ka 2 paisa!

And after a few hours , an Indian posts a video from a banned Pakistani TV channel in his country showing his deep psychological obsession with Pakistan :azn: ... Interesting , huh ?

And after a few hours , an Indian posts a video from a banned Pakistani TV channel in his country showing his deep psychological obsession with Pakistan :azn: ... Interesting , huh ?

That a Pakistani point of view, so posted that. Many Pakistanis living outside Pakistan can watch it.
Amazing how people over estimate themselves. The relationship has hardly started and they seems to feel that its deeper than ocean and higher than mountain already. Forget about India, you don't know how much influence US has on Russia.
Come and talk to me when you can get anything worthwhile signed with Russia. The US, China and India will make sure the relationship does not fly.

And yes I did not put China by mistake.

Please ! their is no need to feel uncomfort specially on this relationship B\w Pak-Russia , It even won't hurt the role of india for Russia, This strategic alliance have totally different aims in region and Russia gon'na make it sure that nothing would effect its defence deals with india. The way of viewing Geo-political issues of indian members is totally different then the way russians sees it, they really need steady diplomatic players in Muslim world who can play its diplomatic politics effectively without getting caught in spider's web. But I really like to know why you mentioned China in your list?
It might be nightmare for the U.S but. there is no harm in having U.S, China, and Russia (all superpowers) in our relationship. China is reliable friend so it shall continue to stay good. We should try to play smart with the other two. Pakistan needs to become stiff by making policies that will ultimately have to benefit us as nation. such policies have to be like blackmailing. Scare the heck out of Russians with Taliban, if they don't co-operate. The same method can be applied to the U.S but what is different is that they are the ones actually destroying us internally. The drone attacks can be halt by scaring them with closure of supply lines and by testing ICBMS (nuke capable indirectly aimed). Loosing one or two of these nations is a risk to our economy and geopolitical unrest. Its our turn to make use of them to finally make Pakistan, move ahead.
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