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Featured Pakistan, Russia agree to take forward bilateral agenda

Russia is getting depopulated by 1% every year due to the negative population growth even as the muslim population is growing considerably there. It is in Russian interest to align itself with the muslim block.
But to say that its ship is sinking is fallacious. It will play an important but secondary role to china in the new world order.
India has more muslims than Pakistan, India is still one of the biggest anti-muslim state.
India has more muslims than Pakistan, India is still one of the biggest anti-muslim state.
Indians are anti muslim because they carry some baggage from history but u can not say the same about the russians. I have got many friends who went to study in Russia and married russian girls. The turks are doing the same nowadays. They can vouch for the fact that the russians are very friendly people. U wont find any kind of religious bigotry there. Trust me.
Indians are anti muslim because they carry some baggage from history but u can not say the same about the russians. I have got many friends who went to study in Russia and married russian girls. The turks are doing the same nowadays. They can vouch for the fact that the russians are very friendly people. U wont find any kind of religious bigotry there. Trust me.
I think you are forgetting what USSR had done to Muslims in the past.
You would have been Raahaatove instead of Raahaat.
I think you are forgetting what USSR had done to Muslims in the past.
You would have been Raahaatove instead of Raahaat.
I haven't forgotten anything. But does it help to live in the past? Situation is different now. The muslims are free. Russia of the yore has lost its sting. It is in the interest of its neighbouring countries to cultivate its friendship. After all it is still a powerful country. I can foresee it regaining its former glory not in the distant future and muslims are going to be an important part of their social fabric. Even today some of the richest russians are muslims. It is the perfect example of a natural ally.
To say Russia is leaving India behind is too far exaggerated. Russia needs India's economy, especially for its arms industry. No way its going to sacrifice that with closer relationship to Pakistan.

Russia-India relations have become transactional ever since Russia started to sell arms to Pakistan since 2007.

Back in 2007 India pleaded Russia not sell RD93 engines to China-Pakistan's JF-17 fighter.

When all those fell on deaf ears, India realized that Russia is no longer a reliable partner.

India no longer relies on Russia for UNSC veto.
To say Russia is leaving India behind is too far exaggerated. Russia needs India's economy, especially for its arms industry. No way its going to sacrifice that with closer relationship to Pakistan.
Russia is doing all dealing through China.
I haven't forgotten anything. But does it help to live in the past? Situation is different now. The muslims are free. Russia of the yore has lost its sting. It is in the interest of its neighbouring countries to cultivate its friendship. After all it is still a powerful country. I can foresee it regaining its former glory not in the distant future and muslims are going to be an important part of their social fabric. Even today some of the richest russians are muslims. It is the perfect example of a natural ally.
I am all for Pak-Ruso good relations, but I disagree with notion that increasing muslim population has any implication on country to country relationships.
India is its biggest arms market it cannot untie its impact on foreign policy untill India ditch Russia and start to buy arms only from western nations, that also look quite difficult keeping in view the massive procurement India has done recently.
Pak Russia relations has only silver lining in the sky in the form of China. China-Russia relations can help us get close to each other and secondly the convergence of interest est in Afghanistan.
Russia see Taliban as their savior from ISIS scourge and Russia know good relations with Taliban can only be established by getting closer to pakistan.
Russia-India relations have become transactional ever since Russia started to sell arms to Pakistan since 2007.

Back in 2007 India pleaded Russia not sell RD93 engines to China-Pakistan's JF-17 fighter.

When all those fell on deaf ears, India realized that Russia is no longer a reliable partner.

India no longer relies on Russia for UNSC veto.
But after recent clash with China, India has also realised that Only Russia can help India get out of this mess and hence started emergency procurement from Russia. I see Russia india relations improving in the backdrop of Indo-China clash.
But after recent clash with China, India has also realised that Only Russia can help India get out of this mess and hence started emergency procurement from Russia. I see Russia india relations improving in the backdrop of Indo-China clash.

India is buying from Russia as there is no other alternative and has nothing to do with Russia supporting India.

Russia supports China over India.
India is buying from Russia as there is no other alternative and has nothing to do with Russia supporting India.

Russia supports China over India.
I don't see any arms embargo on India, in fact, India buying from other countries like france, USA, Israel too.
But, India dictates Russia's attitude towards Pakistan only because it buys major share of Russian defense products.
I have once read in Russian article, in which it was opined to maintain safe distance from Pakistan to keep India in fold and not lose a huge arms market.
If it wasn't Russia between China and India there won't have been any dialogue between the two foreign ministers.
USA is only pushing India into a conflict without any concrete support. Only Russia helped in normalization of relation and hence India went for emergency buying from Russia as a token of thanks.
The day India stopped buying Russian arms, will be the day for Russia's full inclination towards Pakistan.
I don't see any arms embargo on India, in fact, India buying from other countries like france, USA, Israel too.
But, India dictates Russia's attitude towards Pakistan only because it buys major share of Russian defense products.
I have once read in Russian article, in which it was opined to maintain safe distance from Pakistan to keep India in fold and not lose a huge arms market.
If it wasn't Russia between China and India there won't have been any dialogue between the two foreign ministers.
USA is only pushing India into a conflict without any concrete support. Only Russia helped in normalization of relation and hence India went for emergency buying from Russia as a token of thanks.

Why do you think Russia is holding back when Russia is selling RD-93 engines, MI-35 Choppers, Pantsir AD etc. to Pakistan?
CPEC is a threat to Russia as well ... Russia is already displeased that China has so much influence in the former Soviet satellite states as a result of CPEC. It may not side with India but relations with China are only determined by money at this point.

China has no say. Without the Chinese market, Russia collapse. After all, Russia is only a tenth the size of its neighbor in the south.
US sells to both Qatar and KSA which are enemies. Likewise, Russia sells to both Pakistan and India which are enemies.
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