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Pakistan not invited to observe Indian war games


Apr 24, 2007
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Pakistan not invited to observe Indian war games

NEW DELHI: India has ignored Pakistan by not inviting it to witness military exercises being held in Rajasthan, despite extending invitations to around 100 foreign observers from several foreign missions.

The Indian army and air force will participate in “Operation Brazen Chariots”, expected to begin from March 24, in the region around Pokhran in the Thar desert-close to the Pakistani border.

“The Asian Age” reported that Pakistan had not so far been invited by the Indian government to send an observer to witness these war games.

However, Indian Defence Minister AK Antony recently said that Pakistan had been informed about the holding of these exercises in advance.

When contacted, Indian army officials said that the Indian government had previously proposed several military confidence-building measures to Pakistan, the daily added. app
No surprise at all. After all we are their arch rivals, one with whom they fought three wars. The point is does it really matters to us if they did not sent an invitation. Might be an eye opener for the new government already trying to get laid with the indians.
No surprise at all. After all we are their arch rivals, one with whom they fought three wars. The point is does it really matters to us if they did not sent an invitation. Might be an eye opener for the new government already trying to get laid with the indians.

i may not agree with you entirely but it is certainly confusing. the IN wants to hold joint naval excercises with the PN but the IA and IAF are not keen to invite PA and PAF observers.
i may not agree with you entirely but it is certainly confusing. the IN wants to hold joint naval excercises with the PN but the IA and IAF are not keen to invite PA and PAF observers.

Well sir it has been seen quite often the differences that lie within the indian army, airforce and navy. This issue is no exception. IN wants to induct naval exercises while IAF and IA does not want too.
I do not recall any Pakistani exercise with indian observer in the near past, if i am not correct isn't that the job of RAW and ISI respectively to OBSERVE stuff like this without invitation :)
These are hardly wargames.

An annual event.

They are mere demonstration of war matériel!
who cares? I'm sure someone will record it and put it on YouTube so the whole world can see.
then wait and see i dont know why we want to abserve this event
Its their call. They can invite whomsoever they want to.
Between you and me, I have seen these 'events'.

I rather stay at home! ;)

None invites observers to see the real McCoy.

These events are merely technological and firepower demonstrators!
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