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Pakistan nationals will be able to roam freely in India soon


Oct 3, 2011
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I'm disappointed...:tdown:

In a bid to ensure more people to people contact, India is contemplating easing visa regulation for Pakistan nationals. With the cabinet note on the issue set to be tabled in a few days, it might be a couple of weeks before visa regulations are eased.

The new regulation ensures that Pakistan nationals on a visiting visa have wider access to the country, the new norms will allow Pakistan nationals access to five Indian cities as opposed to three cities earlier.

Unlike in the past where Pakistan nationals were not allowed to enter and exist India from different cities, the new norms ensure that Pakistan nationals can enter and exit from different cities in the country.

The new regulation ensures that Pakistan nationals on a visiting visa have wider access to the country. Reuters
India has also eased business visa rules for Pakistani businessmen. Business establishments with a turn over of half a million dollar or more will benefit with the new visa norms.

The new visa norms are expected to help students, senior citizens, business men, tourists and group tourists. The new visa regime however does not amend any restrictions for religious tourists.

India has extended the olive branch to Pakistan although there has been no forward movement by Pakistan on the issue of Hafiz Saeed, Zakiur Rehman Lakhvi, and more importantly 26/11 attacks in India.

India hasn’t heard from the judicial panel from Pakistan, probing the 26/11 attacks and Ajmal Kasab’s role in the episode, that was expected to come to India earlier this month. A Pakistan official had earlier this year said that the probe panel will visit India on February 3.

The new visa norms come in the backdrop of Pakistan easing its stand on the Kashmir issue, with Pakistan Prime Minister Yousuf Raza Gilani, suggesting that all issues with India be resolved through dialogue, diplomacy, prudent policy and national consensus. Gilani said said Pakistan and India cannot afford another war in the 21st century and described talks as the only way forward.
Pakistan nationals will be able to roam freely in India soon | Firstpost
I really dont understand what these policy makers wanna prove ? If this gonna help were they sleeping for so long ? Nothing gonna change.We dont have problem with Pakistan & Pakistanis, we have problem with the extremists across the border.Will this move help them to change their mindset ? I seriously doubt it.If it is practically not feasible then what's the point of doing such rubbish things.
DISGUSTING! Even before those Bangladeshis could be stopped from illegally entering our country, Kon-gress sarkar has opened the door for Pakistanis.

God save India from terrorism now!
Yay!!! another feather in the cap of MMS and the RANDHI brigade.

The new visa norms are expected to help students, senior citizens, business men, tourists and group tourists. The new visa regime however does not amend any restrictions for religious tourists.

i know for a fact tht people are very easily traceable and traffic can be monitored..
But y take the risk...let the goddamn country stabilize first..at least let there own govt get control of there people.
It seems a large portion of the Pakistan cannot even digest MFN status to India and here we are easing visa regulations to Pakistanis..What an idea sirjee?

Except for sportsmen, diplomats,artists and medical patients no visa should be issued to Pakistanis.
if this is the group we are talking about then it may not be as bad news as it sounds
The new visa norms are expected to help students, senior citizens, business men, tourists and group tourists.

As long as, we are keep such groups at bay..
The new visa regime however does not amend any restrictions for religious tourists.

Hoping that we will not be deceived other wise people will have to take their security in their own hands..
Do not know how effective it is, but in general I do not see any harm of it.

I'm sure we make sure that all the pakistanis who get visas will be genuine one, who stick to their business.
Last time dauood gilani @ david cholmen headley have to come under US visa route for 26/11 mumbai terrorist attack and now manmohan sigh have allowed open door policy.

Now, RAW/IB and other intelligence agencies will find it difficult to keep an tab.

More terrorist attacks can soon happen due to manmohan singh. :angry:
I think most Indian friends views on here are of the opinion Pakistanis will come flooding into their nation and be a burden on the tax payer in India. I think any Pakistani wanting to go to India specifically to improve their lifes would be crazy. Why would anyone want to leave their nation - a nation that they have so badly desired and wanted and suffered so much to have then want to leave it to come to India? Is India the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow? Is the job and financial security so rich in India that Pakistanis will leave their homes to come to? Is an indian green card worth so much?

I can see why they believe the border control should be lapse as regards to the old and student getting visas easier - i dont agree with it and think its a mistake but please dont be under the misapprehension that their will be millions of people crossing the border - trust me i think not.
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