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Pakistan military cut off ties for two days


Aug 7, 2009
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WASHINGTON: The Pakistani military cut off its communication with US and Nato forces in Afghanistan for two days after a US raid killed Al Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden in Abbottabad, an American general said on Tuesday.

In the US Congress, officials told reporters that Chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee John Kerry might visit Pakistan soon to reduce tensions between Washington and Islamabad.

“For two whole days after the raid, we didn`t have very good contact” with the Pakistani military, said Maj-Gen John Campbell, the commander of US troops in eastern Afghanistan.

This forced his soldiers to safeguard some 450 miles of border with Pakistan, a suspected transit point for insurgents, without support from the Pakistani side, the general said. [ its that easy for us to put them under stress in afghanistan ]

The general`s statement, given at a briefing with journalists at the Pentagon, appeared on a day when a string of US lawmakers urged the Obama administration to reconsider its relations with Pakistan.

In the US capital, Senator Kerry is seen as a strong supporter of America`s relations with Pakistan who also opposes proposals to suspend about $1.5 billion of annual assistance to Islamabad over the Bin Laden dispute.

Other lawmakers, however, have suggested stopping all military and economic assistance to Pakistan until Islamabad proves that it was not aware of Bin Laden`s presence in Abbottabad and will punish those who helped him settle there.

House Speaker John Boehner, who has supported Pakistan after the US raid on Bin Laden`s compound, also warned on Tuesday that relations between the two countries now faced a make-or-break moment.

“It`s a moment to look each other in the eye.” [ please do so ] Mr Boehner told NBC “Today” show that “if we`re really going to be allies, if we`re going to fight this war together, we need to be in it together all the time”.

He said he still trusted the Pakistani government but conceded that questions lingered over “what they knew or didn`t know about Bin Laden being in their country – their willingness to pursue some terrorists but not others”. Mr Boehner said he thought that Pakistan on balance “has been a real asset” in the war on terror.

But Senator Diane Feinstein, who chairs the Senate Intelligence Committee, disagreed.

“Either we`re going to be allies in fighting terror, or the relationship makes less and less sense to me,” Senator Feinstein told reporters, adding, “…to enable him (Bin Laden) to live in Pakistan in a military community for six years, I just don`t believe it was done without some form of complicity”. [ so whatya gonna do about it ] A
sked about the support Pakistan was getting from the Kerry and Lugar assistance act, the senator said, “I understand that. I feel a little differently”. But Senator Kerry and Richard Lugar, who authored the aid bill, want to give Pakistan the benefit of doubt and have urged the Obama administration to continue the $ 1.5 billion annual assistance stipulated in the act.

“Our lack of clarity has caused Afghanistan, Pakistan and many other players to start hedging their bets and planning for the worst rather than the best,” said Senator Kerry while explaining the problems Washington was having with Islamabad.

Some other lawmakers also noted that the US still needed the Pakistan route for supplying its 140,000 troops [ sitting ducks if they escalate tensions with us ] in Afghanistan.

But at least one Obama administration official indicated that the US had other alternatives too.

“We`re confident that we`re not dependent upon any particular single thread, and we can continue to supply the Afghanistan effort,” [ if they had an alterantive they would have used it by now , this is just like the use ethanol instead of oil talk ] US Under-Secretary of Defence for Acquisition, Technology and Logistics Ashton Carter told a wire service.
Well, supply routes may have alternatives. Very expensive, long winded, eventually unreliable, but still do-able. Sort of. However, if Pakistani border forces merely look the 'other way' the bodybag count will increase.
I think the raid on OBL itself would have been welcomed by the Pakistani establishment. What pushed the relationship to the point of breakup was Leon Panetta's statement about ISI 'tipping off' OBL. That, coming from the CIA Director, may have pushed the relationship to the point of no return. Hillary tried damage control but the damage was too much.
Panetta was thinking of some Hollywood movie when he said what he said. It was uncalled for, stupid, and defeating America's own goals.

Now, nothing short of Obama coming live on Prime Time TV in a high profile appearance and acknowledging Pakistan's role can undo the damage.
Even though they are both Democrats, Feinstein opposed Panetta's nomination as CIA director. So it doesn't totally surprise me that she would oppose his voice on Pakistan, at least on political grounds. (Note, however, that Feinstein was "in the know" about the upcoming Osama raid and didn't leak a word of it to anyone.) Together they sort of cancel each other out.

That leaves Kerry. Not my favorite Senator by a long shot, I think of him as sharing many qualities with Pakistani politicians, albeit to a lesser degree so unlike Obama, Kerry has a certain empathy for Pakistani affairs. Obama canceled his visit to Pakistan. I think Pakistan's military and civilian leaders would be well-advised to invite Kerry to visit and discuss matters instead. (It's not like they have any better ideas, yes?)
What crappy notes and commentary from pak defender wake up and smell the roses whole world is laughing at us sitting ducks my as... Where were you when these ducks attacked a garrison town !!
What crappy notes and commentary from pak defender wake up and smell the roses whole world is laughing at us sitting ducks my as... Where were you when these ducks attacked a garrison town !!

What do you think happens in wars? The enemy will only sit beyond your border and only wave threats at you? They will attack you!
Do you think you can ALWAYS stop the enemy at the border all the time and they will never be able to hit you anywhere ?

This is not a straight forward war and the attacks and the defense is not straight forward either

Duffers like you need to wake up

They intruded under the pretext of taking down bin laden, we missed their intrusion, now we have to work on what happens next.
This attack hasn’t caused us any strategic damage but it has caused political embarrassment more than anything else, OBL ( or even his ghost ) was of no strategic importance to us.

Do something positive for your country for once instead of being a moron , playing into the hands of the enemy

By the way nawaz sharif is a dirty son of a b i t c h as is ch nisar , ch nisar is gay also ! [Confirmed homo]
pakistan must now increase army presence in the western borders, make them high alert, any drone or copter or any presence must be dealth with firly, this can only regain confidence among the public and to show they are not completely sell out, any deal with musharraf must be brought out in oublic will full apology
What crappy notes and commentary from pak defender wake up and smell the roses whole world is laughing at us sitting ducks my as... Where were you when these ducks attacked a garrison town !!

the ducks are corrupt govt then
pakistan must now increase army presence in the western borders, make them high alert, any drone or copter or any presence must be dealth with firly, this can only regain confidence among the public and to show they are not completely sell out, any deal with musharraf must be brought out in oublic will full apology

We already have a very significant presence on the western border at the same time we cannot ignore the eastern border with India.
Given the circumstances the armed forces are doing the best they can to protect the country.
It hasn’t been easy and it not going to get easy any time soon.
We need a clean break from the bogus alliance we have with the US since they are trying to eat us from the inside like a pathogen by flooding undercover operatives, terrorists and traitors within our borders.
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