Our voting system is costly and inefficient. Once every five years we have a general election, which costs in excess of million. The first past the post system is archaic and only allows us to put a cross on a piece of paper and select candidates that adhere to Party policies. The nation is disillusioned with our outmoded political machine, Governed by Party dogma, vested interests and career politicians who fail to act decisively. Our current consumption is unsustainable. The world’s resources are declining and the population is predicted to increase by 50%. Now more than ever, the population needs to be an integral part of the political decision making process.
magine a system that would enable us to actively vote on policy decisions and current affairs? That is precisely what Alternative Democracy offers the populous. The internet, smartphone apps and modern technology as a whole has given us the ability to participate and comment on current political issues. Alternative democracy takes this notion a step further. Rather than waiting 5 years for the opportunity to elect a politician or party that rarely lives up to its promises, we would be able to intervene in and shape political policies through social media and e-technology. Not only would we scrap the first past the post system, we would also replace career politicians with qualified experts in their field.
Technology is a catalyst capable of initiating enormous cultural change.
The people would be given entrenched decision making power, and those in government would have to really take into account the wants and needs of those they govern before making large budget cuts, going into war, increasing the defence budget or taking on large scale infrastructure projects. The digital voting process would allow those in power – elected solely by the people and not chosen by a political party – to propose three policies on each key issue and the people would then electronically vote for the best solution.
So who runs the country? Certainly not the politicians. Yes, we still have a political figurehead, but instead of making decisions based solely on his/her judgement or political persuasions he/she must adhere to the digital decision process. Unlike our current system, the people have the final say on how the nation should be run.
For instance, the Minister of Education would be offered a position by the education select committee made up of three expert officials chosen electronically by the population. It would operate the same way high level private sectors who advisory boards work. The board or in this case the committee can suspend the powers of replace appointed government officials who do not keep their promises or factor the needs of the people into their decision and policy making
Candidates will be chosen by people on merit, skills and experience not by favouritism or propaganda.
We have been so conditioned by the status quo that there has been little debate on alternatives.