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"PAKISTAN HAS NEVER LOST" | Dr. Pravin Sawhney |

May 20, 2011
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A Pakistani blogger takes Pravin Sawhney on the blower. During the interview Dr Sawhney said that Pakistan has never lost a war with India.

Dr Sawhney said that when India became Republic there was no declared border between India and China. During the 1962 war they declared their border line.
Now the Chinese is claiming that line back. They have come in to the territory claimed it and would stay throwing out the Indians.

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Pravin is a threat to Pakistan or Chinas national security this guy talks sense and is not delusional like majority of indians indians and understands that boobie thumping and perception works only on bakhts but not the world and how warfare has changed and how outdated souurmaa IA is!
Pravin is a threat to Pakistan or Chinas national security this guy talks sense and is not delusional like majority of indians indians and understands that boobie thumping and perception works only on bakhts but not the world and how warfare has changed and how outdated souurmaa IA is!

R&AW has many such level-headed analysts and special secretaries.
It is going to be a cactus for Indian throats, but as per Indian strategic and military expert Dr. Pravin Sawhney,
  • India never won against Pakistan on the western front. If India had won, it would have changed the geography of LOC, the territory it claims - True.
  • Militarily, Pakistan is not weak but pretends and benefits from this fabrication but India is militarily not strong yet pretends and suffers. - Feb 2019
  • In Ladakh, China has got what it was after; a power to negotiate hard demands which India wasn't previously ready to concede. Dr. Pravin expects this will settle diplomatically with face-saving for India but strategic gains for China.

Looks like garden variety army critic.

Look at his twitter account. He has blocked many accounts of Indian ex-servicemen and only people who talk favorably with him are pakis. He has interests of everyone in mind, except for India.
Reply to his argument, if India won then why the border is same where is in 48 war borders actually changed which meant Pakistan won.
Reply to his argument, if India won then why the border is same where is in 48 war borders actually changed which meant Pakistan won.

How do we define a war ? Or what is a war? Or why do countries go to war ?

Countries go to war when one feels that the other's action, policies or interests clash with it or it sees that to fulfill its own interest or policies it needs to occupy other territory or there are some historical or political differences which have been there or invented and are blown to hingh aspirations that to fulfill those aspirations it goes to war.

Countries start or initiate a war with defined objectives and plans to be executed to achieve those objectives at minimum loss to itself while inflicting maximum damage to other.

Now let us do an analysis of all the wars which happened between India and Pakistan.

1947 : Pakistan invaded the state of Jammu & Kashmir

Objective :to conquer Srinagar and force the Maharaja to Sign accession with Pakistan.

What Happened : maharaja signed Accession with India and India intervened and send army into state and pushed the Pakistani army and its supported Tribals back.

When ceasefire was declared Pakistan was pushed back and just held a strip of land in Jammu division and even small strip in Kashmir division along with Gilgit and Baltistan.

Inference : Pakistan could not execute its plans and failed to achieve its Objective .

Final result : Pakistan lost the war.

1965 : Pakistan initiated operation Grandslam and Gibraltor to instigate locals Kashmiri to revolt against India.

Objective : to initiate revolt against India and forcibly occupy and merge the state of J & K with Pakistan.

What happened : Pakistan air dropped many soldiers behind Indian lines with aim to instigate locals to revolt but locals reported their presence and they were arrested and killed by Indian army.

To support this infiltration Pakistan launched army action in J & K sector in August 1965 and were putting intense pressure on India in Chamb- Jodian sector, and were on verge to cut Jammu- Pathankot highway to isolate the state from India.

To ease pressure India crossed IB in Lahore and Sialkot sector on 5 th September.

Within few days India army was on outskirts of Lahore and Sialkot towns.

To protect these major towns Pakistan has to withdraw its forces from J & K sector.

Inference : Pakistan could not execute its plan and fulfill its objective to capture the state of J & K.

Final result : Pakistan does not acknowledge operation Grandslam and Gibralter but describes the war from time when India crossed IB in Lahore and Silkot sector and describes it self winner as it defended Lahore and Sialkot.

Final Result : strategically and Militarily Pakistan lost the 1965 war. As it failed to achieve its defined objectives.

1971 : Pakistan attacked airbases in north India on 3 rd December 1971.and started the war.

Objective : to activate western border and put pressure on India to not to interfere in East Pakistan.

What Happened : Indian eastern command went into East Pakistan from Meghalaya, Tripura and West Bengal and reached capital Decca without engaging or bypassing heavily defended cantonements on the way.

Indian navy destroyed Karachi and Chittagong ports and executed complete blocade of sea ports of Pakistan.

Indian airforce achieved air superiority on both east and west Pakistan Skies , PAF withdrew its remaining aircrafts to Iran.

Inference : Pakistan could not execute its plans to activate western borders to deter India from operation in East Pakistan.

Final Result : Bangladesh was created, 93000 Pakistani soldiers surrendered to India.
Pakistan lost the war comprehensively .

1999: Pakistan initiated operation in Kargil by occupying vacant positions on peak tops in winter.

Objective : to cut Srinagar-Leh highway to isolate Laddhak and Siachin .

What happened : India won back all the peaks and Pakistan has to withdraw on the face of heavy human losses.

Final result : Pakistan could not achieve its objective and lost the war.

I hope I have explained that Pakistan has lost all the 4 wars which happened between India and Pakistan since 1947.
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in a way..Yes

Pakistan military is stronger than ever.. and can wipe out india in less than 15 min..

Now that kind of hyperbole weakens your credibility. Of course, we have plenty of our own that also think this way, that the adversary is stupid.

Let's only arm wrestle and not cause real bloodshed.
It is going to be a cactus for Indian throats, but as per Indian strategic and military expert Dr. Pravin Sawhney,
  • India never won against Pakistan on the western front. If India had won, it would have changed the geography of LOC, the territory it claims - True.
  • Militarily, Pakistan is not weak but pretends and benefits from this fabrication but India is militarily not strong yet pretends and suffers. - Feb 2019
  • In Ladakh, China has got what it was after; a power to negotiate hard demands which India wasn't previously ready to concede, expects this matter will settle diplomatically with face-saving for India but strategic gains for China.

Before anyone mentions 1971, that doesn't really count. In 1971, 100s of 1000s of bengali militants with the support of a 100 million bengali population fought tooth and nail against 50,000 Pakistani soldiers who were 2750 kms from their mainland. The indians simply reigned in on the bengali military achievements of 1971.

But YES, 1-on-1 without bengali help, the 7× larger indian military has never ever defeated the Pakistan Army. It most likely never will despite having the full backing of the West and Russia.

How do we define a war ? Or what is a war? Or why do countries go to war ?

Countries go to war when one feels that the other's action, policies or interests clash with it or it sees that to fulfill its own interest or policies it needs to occupy other territory or there are some historical or political differences which have been there or invented and are blown to hingh aspirations that to fulfill those aspirations it goes to war.

Countries start or initiate a war with defined objectives and plans to be executed to achieve those objectives at minimum loss to itself while inflicting maximum damage to other.

Now let us do an analysis of all the wars which happened between India and Pakistan.

1947 : Pakistan invaded the state of Jammu & Kashmir

Objective :to conquer Srinagar and force the Maharaja to Sign accession with Pakistan.

What Happened : maharaja signed Accession with India and India intervened and send army into state and pushed the Pakistani army and its supported Tribals back.

When ceasefire was declared Pakistan was pushed back and just held a strip of land in Jammu division and even small strip in Kashmir division along with Gilgit and Baltistan.

Inference : Pakistan could not execute its plans and failed to achieve its Objective .

Final result : Pakistan lost the war.

If what you say is true, could you provide a link to the evidence?
Here's a list of territorial changes of Pakistan going back to 1958:
  1. PM Muhammad Ali Bogra started four year long negotiations to purchase Gwadar from Oman, eventually acquired on 7th September 1958.
  2. General Ayub Khan surrendred Shaksgam Valley to China on 2nd March 1963.
  3. General Yahya Khan lost East Pakistan on 16th December 1971.
  4. General Zia-ul-Haq lost Siachin Glacier on 13th April 1984.
  5. Brigadier Pervez Musharraf lost Quaid Post on 26th June 1987.
  6. General Pervez Musharraf lost the Kargil War on 26th July 1999.
  7. General Pervez Musharraf lost Waziristan on 5th September 2006.
  8. PM Nawaz Sharif increased Pakistan's seabed territory by 50,000 sq km on 19th March 2015.
  9. PM Nawaz Sharif's Operation Zarb-e-Azb liberates and annexes Waziristan on 3rd June 2016.
  10. PM Imran Khan lost / allowed annexation of Kashmir on 5th August 2019.
If anyone has any information on the border settlement between Iran-Pakistan, I would appreciate it and also any information on Pakistani claim of the territory on Antartica would be a good read.
Looks like garden variety army critic.

Look at his twitter account. He has blocked many accounts of Indian ex-servicemen and only people who talk favorably with him are pakis. He has interests of everyone in mind, except for India.
Hes a retired indian colonel and founder of your force magazine.

Here is the real video:

Here's a list of territorial changes of Pakistan going back to 1958:
  1. PM Muhammad Ali Bogra started four year long negotiations to purchase Gwadar from Oman, eventually acquired on 7th September 1958.
  2. General Ayub Khan surrendred Shaksgam Valley to China on 2nd March 1963.
  3. General Yahya Khan lost East Pakistan on 16th December 1971.
  4. General Zia-ul-Haq lost Siachin Glacier on 13th April 1984.
  5. Brigadier Pervez Musharraf lost Quaid Post on 26th June 1987.
  6. General Pervez Musharraf lost the Kargil War on 26th July 1999.
  7. General Pervez Musharraf lost Waziristan on 5th September 2006.
  8. PM Nawaz Sharif increased Pakistan's seabed territory by 50,000 sq km on 19th March 2015.
  9. PM Nawaz Sharif's Operation Zarb-e-Azb liberates and annexes Waziristan on 3rd June 2016.
  10. PM Imran Khan lost / allowed annexation of Kashmir on 5th August 2019.
If anyone has any information on the border settlement between Iran-Pakistan, I would appreciate it and also any information on Pakistani claim of the territory on Antartica would be a good read.

Looks like garden variety army critic.

I must correct this specific user. Dr. Pravin Sawhney is a widely respected independent military strategist in India. Of course he has fallen out of favour since Narendra Modi became PM. The most obvious reason: BJP leaders are simply incapable of suffering criticism. Ministers like Rajnath Singh or Subrmanian Swamy are so deluded that they will even believe wild conspiracy theories, such as Gilgit-Baltistan people being desirous of joining India. It's one thing for Defence.pk Indian posters to believe that myth but for a senior BJP cabinet ministers to be utterly convinced of something like that is a whole level of stupid.

BJP leaders don't really consult with military strategists. Their preferred style of working is to arrange a durbar, where only "yes men" are invited, who guide them based on badly researched intelligence. The consequences are right before us: India took a massive beating on Feb 27, 2019 only because little consultation was done with the genuine experts who are aware of Pakistan's capabilities.

BJP will continue to cause more such embarrassments for India because their leaders are simply incapable of listening to the voice of reason.

Look at his twitter account. He has blocked many accounts of Indian ex-servicemen and only people who talk favorably with him are pakis. He has interests of everyone in mind, except for India.

Obviously he has blocked General Bakshi types - why blame him for that. Why only a military strategist, any rational human being will block lunatics like GD Bakshi or Arnab Goswami on their Twitter account, as in real life.
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