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Pakistan has more Nukes than India.

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India will NEVER be destroyed until the end of the world. it's culture and people have existed for thousands of years will continue to survive with pride and dignity.

And to all people who wish to destroy India, I will say nothing to you. When the times times, you will realize your own mistakes. Indian history is full of enemies like you who came to destroy India, but were not successful.

So keep trying. Good bye for now.

Till Pakistan gives india a good spaking with its bigger stockpile of nukes.
This reaction by was very much expected but no where in my post did i say a nuclear war must happen. Unfortunately, Indian members see the entire situation in a narrow view that if Pakistan is making more, it will also use and use it first. Nukes act more as a deterrent to prevent war, not the other way around. If former was the case, the world would have been a history in cold war. We lack in civil nuclear technology because military field was always given first priority and this also happened because of neighbor's SMILING BUDDHA. It is a harsh fact but India started this phenomena in sub continent.

India has a no-first-use policy when it comes to the nukes.

The Indian nukes are nuclear deterrents,and when Smiling Buddha was made it was not done keeping Pakistan in mind,so please don't flatter yourself.

The phenomenon was started by China,which went nuclear in 1964 and was a threat to India.
It's mainly a few internet warrior indians that believe a nuclear war is winnable, they sound like Gen Ripper from Dr Stangelove.

I have heard policy makers in the NCA and the Navy Strategic Force Command use the word "obliterate" the entity to the east, as a homogeneous civilisation from the "face of the earth", it is terrible to think, but Pakistan in the doomsday scenario will use the Samson option, take down the enemy with you.

Nobody will win anything from a Nuclear war.There will be nothing left to win.A Nuclear war mean Mutually Assured Destruction....MAD....thats what it is...
Wow this explains why There are so many suicide bombers freely available in pakistan.Many idiots think it doesn't matter even if pakistan is nuked as long as as they can give nice spanking to india with their nukes.
Wow this explains why There are so many suicide bombers freely available in pakistan.Many idiots think it doesn't matter even if pakistan is nuked as long as as they can give nice spanking to india with their nukes.

paranoid in general suicidal in particular.....
Well, Pakistan has more nukes than India......... So??? let it be??? Well we instead are Putting Our Enriching capability for the Civilian Use..... Now I suppose You all got it, why there is a huge fuss in Your Civil Nuke Deals, Because Pakistan Is Aggressively Increasing its Nuke Arsenal......

Now I dont think Anyone would Question If The world Objects to Such deals from and To Pakistan
Till Pakistan gives india a good spaking with its bigger stockpile of nukes.

We all know pakistan is no match to india in any field be it airforce,navy,army,space technology because we can clearly confirm what is each others capability.How can we claim of superior nukes since data is kept confidential?Get into your head that any nuclear war with us will be assured distruction for us(more intense for You because of less area/number of cities)Pray to god that it never happens to both of us.And about spanking india,you guys need to get out of such suicidal mentality.
We are sitting pretty with the required number of nuclear arsenal we need.
Being 4 times of more in geographical area Pakistan needs atleast 4 times the nuclear weapons that we have.. so a long way to go now..
Childish approach.

Well if it makes anyone feel any better - Pakistan has ten times the number of nukes India has'.
Childish approach.

Well if it makes anyone feel any better - Pakistan has ten times the number of nukes India has'.

I will agree for 1000 times if that makes them happy. Some people does not understand what is priority, they get satisfaction in stupid things. Personally I feel nukes have made us unsafe instead of safe. We all should abandon it. No one likes to be bullied by nuclear power that is was iran and others are after it.
The post to win the first prize(Two of them, it was difficult to decide the best one, so a draw)

Wow this explains why There are so many suicide bombers freely available in pakistan.Many idiots think it doesn't matter even if pakistan is nuked as long as as they can give nice spanking to india with their nukes. post #66 by humanfirst

paranoid in general suicidal in particular..... #67 nforce

Second prize-

I would be happy if the World and specially Pakistani's kept believing they have more nukes then India. I will be happier if the world feels they can use it to.
Mushy use to talk about nukes a lot and said it can be used in Kashmir conflict, later he said only a mad person will use nuke. Why this change of heart and why no Pakistani leader talks about nukes anymore? Why Indian leaders hardly did lose talks on nukes? I think our leader had common sense they always wanted to project India as sensible nuclear power, which they succeeded in, congrats to them. On the contrary Pakistan used nuclear bluff to get traction on Kashmir, end result created doubts on being sensible nuclear power. So keep doing it and world will always deal with you with caution.

# 56 by indianrabbit

Third prize-

India has a no-first-use policy when it comes to the nukes.

The Indian nukes are nuclear deterrents,and when Smiling Buddha was made it was not done keeping Pakistan in mind,so please don't flatter yourself.

The phenomenon was started by China,which went nuclear in 1964 and was a threat to India.
#63 by Nforce


I liked that phrase by Indianrabbit, The more you shout about your nuclear threat to others the less sensible nuclear power you are, but more of a rogue state. Now you know why I laugh my top off every time you say you wanna wipe India off the map.:azn:
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We all know pakistan is no match to india in any field be it airforce,navy,army,space technology because we can clearly confirm what is each others capability.How can we claim of superior nukes since data is kept confidential?Get into your head that any nuclear war with us will be assured distruction for us(more intense for You because of less area/number of cities)Pray to god that it never happens to both of us.And about spanking india,you guys need to get out of such suicidal mentality.
this makes me laugh ... yar itna jhoot sehat ke liay acha nahin"We all know pakistan is no match to india in any field be it airforce,navy,army,space technology because we can clearly confirm what is each others capability."..........hahaahahaha

injuns think they can win thermo-nuclear war LoL

Poor injun civilisation removed from face of earth :(
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