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Pakistan has more Nukes than India.

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Two new reactors at Khushab are coming online for the military programme, and for the use of small, high yield plutonium nukes:)
This reaction by was very much expected but no where in my post did i say a nuclear war must happen. Unfortunately, Indian members see the entire situation in a narrow view that if Pakistan is making more, it will also use and use it first. Nukes act more as a deterrent to prevent war, not the other way around. If former was the case, the world would have been a history in cold war. We lack in civil nuclear technology because military field was always given first priority and this also happened because of neighbor's SMILING BUDDHA. It is a harsh fact but India started this phenomena in sub continent.
well knowing that pakistan can completely obliterate the hindu republic of india gives us peace of mind.

That's an impossible task , even if you wipe out the entirety of the mainland, which requires hundred of Nukes.

There are the India islands far away. Which PAk has never been able to reach.
That's an impossible task , even if you wipe out the entirety of the mainland, which requires hundred of Nukes.

There are the India islands far away. Which PAk has never been able to reach.

Why bother educating those who are reluctant to change!:)

Just cherish the fact that for the greater good of South Asia ,nuclear trigger isn't in the hands of ppl like Pakistani_regiment.:cheers:
For our nuclear deterrent to be effective, the necessary destruction of india as a civilisation becomes necessary, harsh but true - for reasons of deterrence.
For our nuclear deterrent to be effective, the necessary destruction of india as a civilisation becomes necessary, harsh but true - for reasons of deterrence.

I'm glad you find themo-nuclear war and hundreds of million people dead, funny, it's not something I would choose to laugh at, but then again, I'm not indian ;)
In vino veritas ;)
India will NEVER be destroyed until the end of the world. it's culture and people have existed for thousands of years will continue to survive with pride and dignity.

And to all people who wish to destroy India, I will say nothing to you. When the times times, you will realize your own mistakes. Indian history is full of enemies like you who came to destroy India, but were not successful.

So keep trying. Good bye for now.
I would be happy if the World and specially Pakistani's kept believing they have more nukes then India. I will be happier if the world feels they can use it to.
Mushy use to talk about nukes a lot and said it can be used in Kashmir conflict, later he said only a mad person will use nuke. Why this change of heart and why no Pakistani leader talks about nukes anymore? Why Indian leaders hardly did lose talks on nukes? I think our leader had common sense they always wanted to project India as sensible nuclear power, which they succeeded in, congrats to them. On the contrary Pakistan used nuclear bluff to get traction on Kashmir, end result created doubts on being sensible nuclear power. So keep doing it and world will always deal with you with caution.
What a waste of bandwith.
Secondly this thread reminds me of:
India shinning, india the great, india powerful, india wins, india the next super power poo poo and what not.

I would ask the thread starter to not follow the lines of specific "i" members.
It's mainly a few internet warrior indians that believe a nuclear war is winnable, they sound like Gen Ripper from Dr Stangelove.

I have heard policy makers in the NCA and the Navy Strategic Force Command use the word "obliterate" the entity to the east, as a homogeneous civilisation from the "face of the earth", it is terrible to think, but Pakistan in the doomsday scenario will use the Samson option, take down the enemy with you.
why are indians so jealous that pakistan has more nukes and when china gives pakistan nuclear reactor pakistan will start to make many many more plutonium nukes while india will have as silly stock pile of 50 nukes? :lol:
I would be happy if the World and specially Pakistani's kept believing they have more nukes then India. I will be happier if the world feels they can use it to.
Mushy use to talk about nukes a lot and said it can be used in Kashmir conflict, later he said only a mad person will use nuke. Why this change of heart and why no Pakistani leader talks about nukes anymore? Why Indian leaders hardly did lose talks on nukes? I think our leader had common sense they always wanted to project India as sensible nuclear power, which they succeeded in, congrats to them. On the contrary Pakistan used nuclear bluff to get traction on Kashmir, end result created doubts on being sensible nuclear power. So keep doing it and world will always deal with you with caution.

yes end result in kashmir kargil india chickened out lost the war and pakistan owns 4 strategic points that india could not regain.
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