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Pakistan has made impressive progress in reducing poverty:WB


Oct 21, 2009
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United Arab Emirates
ISLAMABAD - Pakistan has made impressive progress in reducing absolute poverty and improving shared prosperity, according to World Bank report.

“The percentage of the population below the national poverty rate has fallen from 34.7 percent in Financial year 2002 to an estimated 13.6 percent in Financial Year 2011,” according to Pakistan Country Programme Snapshot report publish by the bank.

The reports says, the country has already achieved the fist Millennium Development Goal (MDG) by more than having the proportion of people whose income is less than $1.25 a day between 1991 and 2011.
Furthermore, growth in the real per capital consumption of the bottom 40 percent was a respectable 3.1 percent between 2002 and 2011, it adds. Poverty reduction has been strongest in the traditionally poorer provinces of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and Sindh, where poverty rates are now indistinguishable from those in Punjab.

however, the report says, poverty remains much more prevalent in Balochistan, where a sizeable portion of residents are nomadic and live in remote and conflict-affected areas. According to the report, despite this progress, a large portion of the population remains vulnerable to falling back into poverty. “Although Pakistan’s recent gains in poverty were repaid, they remain fragile, in part because many households near the poverty line.” An estimated 23 million people or 13 percent of the population, live on an amount between $1.25 and $1.50 per day, meaning that small reductions in consumption can greatly increase poverty rates.

However, according to report the poverty measurement remains controversial in Pakistan and urges for future efforts are needed to improve poverty monitoring and policy evaluation.

It said, poverty measurement can be institutionalized, in part through more independent and regularized poverty assessments, linking poverty measurements to other human development indicator data base, and the establishment of a constructive partnership between official authorities, donors and academics to promote high-quality and timely measurement of poverty and shared prosperity, analysis, and program evaluation.

Additional data collected at the Moaza or Tehsil level can be used to generate more detailed estimates to help policy-makers better locate poor pockets within districts.

Finally, there is a great need to generate more evidence on the effectiveness of different interventions in reducing poverty, it adds.

Pakistan makes progress in poverty alleviation: WB
@INDIC weren't you the one who told me in Pakistan poverty is increasing?
good job pakistan. Indian govt should learn something from them. Not sure what though... any member want to shed light on specific govt program or economic activity that helped?
standard of poverty should be decresed for india and pak because both are cheap economies and agriculture states..
standard of poverty should be decresed for india and pak because both are cheap economies and agriculture states..
No, actually, they need to be increased. They're not cheap economies, Pakistan is a middle income economy, while India is a high income economy. Only by increasing the standards will Pakistan be able to pull itself out of the curse of poverty.
Awesome, great progress. :pakistan:

First Poverty down and then next target is Education.

ISLAMABAD - Pakistan has made impressive progress in reducing absolute poverty and improving shared prosperity, according to World Bank report.

“The percentage of the population below the national poverty rate has fallen from 34.7 percent in Financial year 2002 to an estimated 13.6 percent in Financial Year 2011,” according to Pakistan Country Programme Snapshot report publish by the bank.

The reports says, the country has already achieved the fist Millennium Development Goal (MDG) by more than having the proportion of people whose income is less than $1.25 a day between 1991 and 2011.
Furthermore, growth in the real per capital consumption of the bottom 40 percent was a respectable 3.1 percent between 2002 and 2011, it adds. Poverty reduction has been strongest in the traditionally poorer provinces of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and Sindh, where poverty rates are now indistinguishable from those in Punjab.

however, the report says, poverty remains much more prevalent in Balochistan, where a sizeable portion of residents are nomadic and live in remote and conflict-affected areas. According to the report, despite this progress, a large portion of the population remains vulnerable to falling back into poverty. “Although Pakistan’s recent gains in poverty were repaid, they remain fragile, in part because many households near the poverty line.” An estimated 23 million people or 13 percent of the population, live on an amount between $1.25 and $1.50 per day, meaning that small reductions in consumption can greatly increase poverty rates.

However, according to report the poverty measurement remains controversial in Pakistan and urges for future efforts are needed to improve poverty monitoring and policy evaluation.

It said, poverty measurement can be institutionalized, in part through more independent and regularized poverty assessments, linking poverty measurements to other human development indicator data base, and the establishment of a constructive partnership between official authorities, donors and academics to promote high-quality and timely measurement of poverty and shared prosperity, analysis, and program evaluation.

Additional data collected at the Moaza or Tehsil level can be used to generate more detailed estimates to help policy-makers better locate poor pockets within districts.

Finally, there is a great need to generate more evidence on the effectiveness of different interventions in reducing poverty, it adds.

Pakistan makes progress in poverty alleviation: WB
No, actually, they need to be increased. They're not cheap economies, Pakistan is a middle income economy, while India is a high income economy. Only by increasing the standards will Pakistan be able to pull itself out of the curse of poverty.

Both India and Pakistan are middle income countries, India tilting more towards upper middle income.

High income is $ 12,000 GDP per capita.
Political Stability along with good economics reforms in next few years will help great deal in reducing the gap.
The Nation also claim what the report said:

*23Million below poverty line
*13.6% in 2011 under poverty
*more than 34% Under poverty in 2002

The report also adds the context in which these figures are to be placed, and says a lot about many other important aspects, which are better for discussion. This is just a cherry-picked excerpt.
Thanks for that, but with anything like these articles I go straight to the original source. Some good news, mixed with a whole deal of improvement to be done.

Real GDP growth, at 3.6 percent in FY13 :undecided:

I think, internal terrorism is likely affecting our economic growth. Hopefully we will come out better soon next two - three years.
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