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Sep 30, 2016
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LAHORE: Pakistan has both the geopolitical location as well as huge potential to be able to enter the developed countries sooner than later, for which it should focus on educational and tax reforms, more business and investment-friendly laws to encourage better development of human resource capital as well as attract foreign investors.

TUV Austria Executive Director (for Bangladesh and Sri Lanka) David Embery expressed these views while addressing the Annual Budget Symposium for Asia Pacific Region for the year 2017 organized by TUV Austria Pakistan here Monday.

He also appreciated the TUV Austria Pakistan for organizing the event that brought together the chief executives from Asia and Central Europe. In his address, TUV Austria Pakistan Chief Executive Officer and Regional Director Asia Pacific Rashid Mehr said the economic situation of Pakistan was obviously improving and "we are moving forward in the right direction to achieve desired growth which Pakistan and its people rightly deserve."

Mehr added that such symposiums provided a platform to international entrepreneurs to see how progressive Pakistan economy was getting, over the past years and that was obviously due to the improved law and order situation which had now started encouraging foreigners to visit Pakistan freely and with a peace of mind.

"We are proud to host people from Australia, China, Thailand, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Singapore, Austria and Holland," he said.

While, International Executive Director (Industry and Energy Business) Dr Reinhard Preiss said it was a matter of satisfaction that Pakistan's economy was growing fast during recent years, and law and order situation had tremendously been improved since 2013.

International Executive Director (Life, Training and Certification) Rob Bekkers called upon the international companies and businesses to engage with Pakistan having great human resource capital, infrastructure and opportunity in the energy, oil and gas, infrastructure and service sector.

TUV Shanghai CEO said that Chinese people considered Pakistan as their second home. "We have deep rooted political, social and now economical relationship with Pakistan." :yahoo::china::pakistan::smitten::cheers::yay::dance3:

The Chinese companies, he added, had already been benefiting from CPEC investment portfolio and TUV Austria-Pakistan and TUV Austria-Shanghai were there to assist all the Chinese companies working in Pakistan with their quality assurance and quality control needs.


Copyright APP (Associated Press of Pakistan), 2016
Sure it does, But without Libraries, good schools, Vocational schools this is all but too distant reality
That great potential will start surfacing by 2020 during which time how knows what might happens.....
already all the foreigners who visit Pakistan are aw-stuck. I Know few Indian muslims who married into Pakistani families and then visited Pakistan...they cannot shut up talking about how developed Pakistan it, before they only knew Pakistan from their Indian Propaganda media.
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