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Pakistan had the bomb since 1984

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ace slasher


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Apr 17, 2010
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Pakistan had the bomb since 1984: Qadeer

KARACHI, March 29: Pakistan had made the atomic bomb as early as 1984 but it continued to deny its existence till May 1998 when the testing of its nuclear device by India forced Pakistan to follow suit.

This was revealed by Dr A.Q. Khan, special adviser to the prime minister on strategic programmes, at the 11th anniversary of the Defence Residents' Society (DRS) on Friday night. Credited with building Pakistan's nuclear arsenal from scratch, Dr Khan said Pakistan had enough atomic bombs to destroy major Indian cities three times over. As the audience clapped enthusiastically, he added that Pakistan could take out Delhi and Bombay (now Mumbai) in five minutes.

"I have often been accused of making incendiary remarks regarding Pakistan's nuclear capability. The fact of the matter is that I am requested to make such statements. The late General Zia or deposed prime minister Nawaz Sharif could not say that Pakistan could target Indian cities. So they asked me to do that. I can say that Pakistan can destroy Delhi and Bombay in five minutes and get away with it," he explained.

When a questioner, with a voice cracking with emotion, asked him why Pakistan could not give a few bombs to Iraq, Dr Khan said such decisions were made by the government.

Dr Khan recalled he had gone to Germany for higher studies instead of Britain because "even forty years ago I hated England very much". He added that today he hated Britain even more. "I was in Berlin when East Pakistan broke away from West Pakistan. I saw pictures of our troops being incarcerated and humiliated by the Indians.

Incensed, I wrote a letter to the then prime minister, Zulfikar Ali Bhutto, urging him to do something. My wonderment knew no bounds when I actually received a reply from Mr Bhutto asking me to see him. In 1976, he and I agreed to initiate a programme aimed at making the atomic bomb. If then we had not started the programme, we would have been sitting in Bharat at the moment," he noted.

He recalled that he had informed General Zia in 1984 that Pakistan could detonate its nuclear device anytime. "I even urged the general to make it public that Pakistan had made the atomic bomb. But the foreign office dissuaded him on the plea that American aid to Pakistan would stop if the world learnt that the country had the atomic bomb in its nuclear arsenal."

He said that in May 1998 he had written to Nawaz Sharif telling him that if he did not detonate Pakistan's nuclear device, he would go down in history as a very cowardly prime minister. It came out later that former US president Clinton had promised to deposit $100 million in the personal bank accounts of Nawaz Sharif and his brother's in return for refraining from detonating Pakistan's nuclear device. India was at its wits end when Pakistan tested its missiles as well."

The administrator of the Defence Housing Authority, Brig Asif Ghazali, spoke about several ongoing development projects in Defence. The DRS president, Zafar Iqbal, delivered the welcome address and Masroor Akhtar, DRS senior vice president, presented the vote of thanks. The function was followed by a Mushaira.

this shows how incompetent the RAW and Mossad are
Not sure if the intention of this article was to prove that Dr Qadeer is an irresponsible person who likes to make boasts of nuking other cities. It is the first thing which comes to my mind.
28/05/1998 was a True Slap in the face of Indian aggression which echoed around the Globe.

Thanks to Dr:AQ Khan for Making it possible , he is our hero and we love him.
28/05/1998 was a True Slap in the face of Indian aggression which echoed around the Globe.

Thanks to Dr:AQ Khan for Making it possible , he is our hero and we love him.

You can also thank the same for giving your country the worst name as far as nuclear proliferation goes.....the disservice of blacklisting Pakistan as far as nuclear trade goes, let alone the side effects on other deals that came as part of this dowry....

But Pakistan's priorities have always been more about sticking it to India at the cost of its own development....hence not at all surprised at this statement....
You can also thank the same for giving your country the worst name as far as nuclear proliferation goes.....the disservice of blacklisting Pakistan as far as nuclear trade goes, let alone the side effects on other deals that came as part of this dowry....

But Pakistan's priorities have always been more about sticking it to India at the cost of its own development....hence not at all surprised at this statement....

You guys still worry about what gora sahibs thinks about you, we don't. Also Dr. AQ khan had very little to do with the Pakistan nuclear program. He was a red herring and was very effective in distracting peoples attention from the real program.
There are few angles to this story. At that time when India exploded the big bomb, Pakistan was left with no choice but to go for their explosions as well that otherwise Pakistan would have never gone for. So mainly it was to meet and reciprocate what India started.

What Dr AQ did later is very much questionable and he obviously he did not act alone. There were few other culprits as well from administration who swiftly escaped from the back alley and left Dr alone to take the heat. Then 9/11 happened, WOT started, Iraq/Afghanistan/Pakistan got involved and the trumpet of nuclear proliferation even hit the bigger notes. The capability that was considered saviour for Pakistan became its own nemesis.

No doubt that Dr AQ is still a hero and we can’t refute his services. It’s the Govt job for safe keeping of our nuclear capability and ensures all measures for its safety: only to be used in extreme case. I hope no one tells Zardari the codes because then we are in deeper trouble.
Yes PK has the bomb since 1984 but they wanted India to carry the test first. Otherwise we would be another North Korea today.
Yes PK has the bomb since 1984 but they wanted India to carry the test first. Otherwise we would be another North Korea today.

we DEVELOPED and exploded the bomb in 74
10 years before you had the bomb or not.

and in 1978 our prime minister Morarji Desai( Bharat Ratan and Nishan e Pakistan) had personally called up your president telling him that we have all information about your URANIUM enrichment program. Our prime minister did a big mistake just to improve the relation. He also odered RAW to terminate all its operation related to Pakistan's Nuclear Program.
we DEVELOPED and exploded the bomb in 74
10 years before you had the bomb or not.

and in 1978 our prime minister Morarji Desai( Bharat Ratan and Nishan e Pakistan) had personally called up your president telling him that we have all information about your URANIUM enrichment program. Our prime minister did a big mistake just to improve the relation. He also odered RAW to terminate all its operation related to Pakistan's Nuclear Program.

Alrite boy, thanks for letting us know this classified information, now please go back to school and start learning from abc this time insetad of jumping into conclusions as your name suggext Mr. xyz.
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