I am convinced that Pakistan is at a crossroads. And in middle of that crossroads is law/order. I also think that the future of Pakistan lies in it's youth. Pakistan has huge youth bulge. Pakistan needs to use that bulge to address the law/order issue head on.
Establish a Jandarma. Strength at least 800,000. The Turkish Jandarma is
276,320 sworn members
1,475 Armored and utility vehicles
59 Helicopters
And it's duties are -
- Paramilitary law enforcement, counter insurgency, armed response to civil unrest, counter terrorism, special weapons operations.
Since Pakistan is about 2.5 times population of Turkey about 800,000 men would be needed. Good pay, good training, good kit must be esential. Young men from all over Pakistan could be recruited. Once tained and enthused the men must feel pride in uniformthey wear. They muust be posted at outside their home regions so they bring bias. Then this force must declare a law/order jihad. It should discipline the entire nation. Order, cleanliness, good civic behaviour, traffic order should be cornerstones. This is the jihad Pakistan needs. Make Pakistan a perfect ground for CPEC to flourish. People should look at Pakistan as the clean, law/order, safe, ordered country.