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Pakistan Continues Short-Range Ballistic Missile Tests


Jan 21, 2013
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Feb. 18, 2013 - 05:15PM | By Usman Ansari

ISLAMABAD — Pakistan’s recent test of a short-range ballistic missile shows the military’s progress toward developing a response to India’s anti-ballistic missile (ABM) program, officials said.

The Feb. 15 firing of its Hatf-II/Vengeance-II Abdali missile was the latest test of its short-range ballistic missile arsenal, which can be armed with tactical nuclear warheads.

A press release by the military’s Inter Services Public Relations (ISPR) stated the test-firing was “part of the process of validation of land-based ballistic missile systems.” The 180-kilometer-range missile can carry nuclear or conventional warheads and has “varied maneuverability options” providing an “an operational level capability,” the statement said.

Mansoor Ahmed from Quaid-e-Azam University’s Department of Defence and Strategic Studies, who specializes in Pakistan’s national deterrent and delivery program, highlights this latter aspect as the reason for the test in response to arch-rival India’s ABM efforts.

“The recent test of Nasr and now Abdali— both short-range systems designed for counterforce targeting — have assumed added significance with the testing of maneuverable re-entry vehicle [warhead] technology aimed at defeating ballistic missile defenses against short- to medium-range missiles,” he said.

Abdali, and the remainder of Pakistan’s battlefield ballistic missiles, are primarily designed to counter surprise attacks and “forward-deployed forces as envisaged in India’s cold start doctrine and other military targets close to the border,” according to Ahmed.

These would include India’s integrated battle groups or air bases.

Linking the test with Pakistan’s tactical nuclear warhead program, Ahmed says it is “another demonstration of the development of sub-strategic nuclear warheads,” or what the ISPR statement refers to as an “operational level capability.”

He cautions, however, that “these tests should not be seen as a sign that Pakistan is going for a nuclear war-fighting strategy, but rather as a means of consolidating an all-aspect credible deterrent.”

Former Australian defense attaché to Islamabad, Brian Cloughley, is clear where use of tactical nuclear weapons would lead.

“It is the ultimate weapon of last resort. Use of tactical nuclear weapons would lead, without a shadow of doubt, to escalation and employment of longer-range missiles and air-delivered bombs, and probably quite quickly — hours rather than days”, he said.

Despite the efforts and resources being put into it, he does not think India’s ABM program would provide “airtight” protection and give Indian forces immunity from attack.

“The Indians do have a rudimentary ABM system, but it would be absolutely impossible for it to defend all vital points. Possession of tactical nuclear weapons is certainly a deterrent, but if the genie left the bottle, there would be nuclear devastation in the sub-continent,” he said.

Pakistan Continues Short-Range Ballistic Missile Tests | Defense News | defensenews.com
Don't worry the nuclear Genie will be in the bottle only. As long as the Jihadis keep killing your own people. One fine day ISI will understand that they should stop radicalizing Islam for strategic depth.

Just like we realized in case of LTTE so lets just wait for that day to come.

We have no interests in Pakistan, We only talk of war when the great Jihadis which ISI trained will kill innocent people.
One simple question just imagine how it wold be when Ur own family is killed in a bomb blast by the same Jihadis I bet even u would ask the govt to go to war! That is reality!

People in Pakistan are just being used as pawns in politics. Just sit down and think we don't have anything against u guys. We don't even want the Kashmir u have we are happy lets just settle for the LAC and be happy instead of u know what! Jihad is a medieval concept I guess God is capable of fighting for himself or Is he that weak that he needs human intervention?
Don't worry the nuclear Genie will be in the bottle only. As long as the Jihadis keep killing your own people. One fine day ISI will understand that they should stop radicalizing Islam for strategic depth.

Just like we realized in case of LTTE so lets just wait for that day to come.

We have no interests in Pakistan, We only talk of war when the great Jihadis which ISI trained will kill innocent people.
One simple question just imagine how it wold be when Ur own family is killed in a bomb blast by the same Jihadis I bet even u would ask the govt to go to war! That is reality!

People in Pakistan are just being used as pawns in politics. Just sit down and think we don't have anything against u guys. We don't even want the Kashmir u have we are happy lets just settle for the LAC and be happy instead of u know what! Jihad is a medieval concept I guess God is capable of fighting for himself or Is he that weak that he needs human intervention?

statements like these are the results of ignorance.. and simply the need to vent out emotions without knowing jack about the subject matter.
These short range nuclear missile tests seem like desperate acts from PA - are they anticipating any attacks like CSD on Pakistan from India? or are they preparing defenses against any retaliatory measure from India against one more terrorist incident or act of aggression from Pakistan?

I find the latter more apt - Pakistan most likely have lost control of the Jihaadi and extremist elements and one of them might score a major terrorist hit on India - which most likely would prompt a military response from India.
These short range nuclear missile tests seem like desperate acts from PA - are they anticipating any attacks like CSD on Pakistan from India? or are they preparing defenses against any retaliatory measure from India against one more terrorist incident or act of aggression from Pakistan?

I find the latter more apt - Pakistan most likely have lost control of the Jihaadi and extremist elements and one of them might score a major terrorist hit on India - which most likely would prompt a military response from India.

Quite true..
After all, some things cant be simply shut down.. or members told "You're Fired!".

The thing is, these measures are simply to act as deterrents to an overwhelming conventional disparity.
However, when push comes to shove.. I seriously doubt that anyone in the command structure of Pakistan will have the guts to step over the nuclear line. It may have been plausible ten years ago.. right now there is no-one prepared to be the tough decision maker.
@Oscar any detailed info on MRV's they mentioned for Abdali? Why are they always so vague? :blink:
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Quite true..
After all, some things cant be simply shut down.. or members told "You're Fired!".

The thing is, these measures are simply to act as deterrents to an overwhelming conventional disparity.
However, when push comes to shove.. I seriously doubt that anyone in the command structure of Pakistan will have the guts to step over the nuclear line. It may have been plausible ten years ago.. right now there is no-one prepared to be the tough decision maker.
This post will upset Nasr fanboys
Quite true..
After all, some things cant be simply shut down.. or members told "You're Fired!".

The thing is, these measures are simply to act as deterrents to an overwhelming conventional disparity.
However, when push comes to shove.. I seriously doubt that anyone in the command structure of Pakistan will have the guts to step over the nuclear line. It may have been plausible ten years ago.. right now there is no-one prepared to be the tough decision maker.

It's a perfect deterrent - I agree, it definitely has prevented flare ups from developing into something bigger. And, I hope the latter part is exactly as you said, but these constant tests and claiming it as a counter to India's ABM or CSD makes a lot of people take notice as to the reasons for it.

One could definitely like to see more effort in controlling or avoiding and removing the reasons for flare ups by both entities rather than pushing the nuclear envelope to a lesser nuclear threshold,

This would be a good place to start with, - will surely build a lot of trust.
Don't worry the nuclear Genie will be in the bottle only. As long as the Jihadis keep killing your own people. One fine day ISI will understand that they should stop radicalizing Islam for strategic depth.

Just like we realized in case of LTTE so lets just wait for that day to come.

We have no interests in Pakistan, We only talk of war when the great Jihadis which ISI trained will kill innocent people.
One simple question just imagine how it wold be when Ur own family is killed in a bomb blast by the same Jihadis I bet even u would ask the govt to go to war! That is reality!

People in Pakistan are just being used as pawns in politics. Just sit down and think we don't have anything against u guys. We don't even want the Kashmir u have we are happy lets just settle for the LAC and be happy instead of u know what! Jihad is a medieval concept I guess God is capable of fighting for himself or Is he that weak that he needs human intervention?

well said, even I guess Kashmir has become a liability than asset to India...if we do the calculation in terms of monetory benefits..and For Pak, it was and it is the worst!

Better, Pak keeps control over PxK, Indian Kash will continue to be an integral part of India...after 5 yrs of this deal, if there is no violence, will make transit between this two states visa free….

And 5 yrs after that, transit between India and Pak should be made Visa Free….

After that, no short or long range missile test would be required at least for PAK...bcoz we still have to deal with other bug NUT
These short range nuclear missile tests seem like desperate acts from PA - are they anticipating any attacks like CSD on Pakistan from India?

Routine Missile Validation Tests even though there is considerable evidence to support that new integrated technologies are being tested too - nothing more , so do not get your panties in a twist and cry " desperation " or " extremists " or the CSD " boogeyman " :azn: Cross the border if you are so certain of an undeniable victory and test our resolve - otherwise do not mobilize and back off which is a routine habit of your armed forces ...
Routine Missile Validation Tests even though there is considerable evidence to support that new integrated technologies are being tested too - nothing more , so do not get your panties in a twist and cry " desperation " or " extremists " or the CSD " boogeyman " :azn:

:rofl: Read the numerous threads started by your countrymen and written by your analysts including this one -

The CSD Killer - Nasr
The Indian ABM killer - Abdali
The second strike capability against India- The Raad

:azn: and tell me who's getting their panties soaking wet by dreaming?
The CSD Killer - Nasr

Just one thread exists as far as I have seen written by an analyst and posted by members , do not make things up by yourself ... Nobody's dreaming , since from Day 1 , Nasr has been declared as an answer to your suicidal doctrine by the defense analysts and armed forces ... It appears so too since its a BRBM with enhanced anti-ABM technologies ... Missile Tests will continue , why would we stop testing new technologies ? :azn:
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